I Miss You My Brother Quotes and Messages

Our loved ones are so dear to our hearts and seeing them regularly keeps us within the loop of our love to them. So, when they are away or we are far away from them, it becomes natural that we long to see them, touch them or be with them.

However, our hearts emote more than our mouth can express so it is not surprising if we find it very difficult to get the best messages to say I miss you to a beloved person. Remember, no matter how beautiful your intentions are, if it is not matched up with action, then it may not be considered significant.

That is why, to express how much you miss your brother, I have these I miss you my brother quotes and messages here for you. Beautiful and heartfelt messages showing how you miss someone is a way to close the gap between the people involved. Use the fascinating messages in this section to give your brother that special brother feeling, stating how much you miss him.

My lovely brother, your impact on my life cannot be overemphasized. Your messages of comfort and encouragement ring in my head. To say I miss you is an understatement. Wishing you well.

1. Missing someone is a sign of being human. Dear brother, I miss you so much.

2. Though it hurts to miss you, yet, I would rejoice in the fact that you remember me always and that you are always in my heart. I miss you, my brother.

3. For each passing day that I miss you, my heart beats twice faster. Dear brother I miss you more than ever.

4. Brother, in the morning, you are in my prayers. At noontime, I close my eyes and there you are. In the night, I dream about you because I miss you so much.

5. I didn’t realize how much I can miss someone until your name keeps repeating on my lips. Dear brother, I miss you.

6. My lovely brother, I miss you a little too much, a little too often, and a little more each and every day. That makes it a big deal.

7. My fabulous brother, I can’t begin to tell you how important you are to me. I know that I love you because of how much I miss you today.

8. Dearest brother, I know you miss me as much as I miss you but I just want you to know that I miss you a million times.

9. My brother, there are many things I miss about you: your voice. I miss your touch. I miss your face. I miss you.

10. To the one and special brother that I miss so much- I thought that I am now a big boy but now I realize that age has nothing to do with missing someone special. I miss you.

11. My precious brother, missing you is something that I don’t like but it is also something I cannot escape because you are so precious to me. Today, your absence is coming like a tornado. I miss you.

12. Every day I see and do something that is the exact semblance of what you would have said or done. Dear brother, I miss you so much.

13. Dear brother, the whole essence of this message is to tell you that I miss you to the haven back and forth.

14. When brothers are living in peace and unity, the absence of one is like a piece of a puzzle taken away. My brother, you are that puzzle that is absent to complete the pixie. I miss you a lot.

15. There is nothing as beautiful as a home filled with lovely siblings. When you are away, everywhere looks empty. Dear brother, you occupy a special place in my heart. I miss you.

16. My brother, if missing someone were to be a prize, I would win the Pulitzer for missing you most times in a day.

17. Dearest brother, in spite of our daily messages and calls, I still miss you.

18. Missing you comes with a type of pain but the antidote is this message I am sending to check on you. I miss you, dear brother.

19. Dear brother, should I tell you how much I miss you, then you will have to come right now because it’s as longs as an epistle; this message cannot bear it all.

20. I am so used to seeing you around that I can’t believe I will have to miss you as I do right now. Dear brother, I miss you.

21. I can’t help that I miss you. I see you in everything I do and it brings back the memory of your good influence on my life. I miss you, dear brother.

22. Now I know how much I love you and how much you mean to me because I miss you so dearly. Glad to have you in my life, dear brother.

23. Dear brother, the more I think about you, the more I miss you dearly. I don’t even know which one is better. I miss you so much.

24. As far as I am concerned, a day without you in my arena is an empty day. I have come to learn so much from you that I cannot do without you, dear brother. I miss you.

25. Dear brother, I don’t know if the first man ever misses the rib removed from his ribcage but I miss you as my beloved brother.

26. Dear brother, I hope missing you is not a sickness because I am sick of missing you.

27. Dear brother, since you have been away, I have felt so lonely and alone. I miss you so so much.

28. When I sleep, then I realize how much of you I have grown to know, my dear brother. It’s a privilege having you as a brother. I miss you.

29. I am happy that even though you may not always be here at my side, but you are always right here in my heart. I miss you.

30. I don’t have any plan to stop missing you until you come back again. I miss you, my dear brother.

Dear brother, the images in my head of you are those of a helper and a mentor. I miss those special moments we have together. With love from me, I say have a pleasant day.

I Miss You My Brother
I Miss You My Brother

31. You may not be a thousand miles from me, yet, I still miss your impact on my life. My dear brother, I miss you dearly.

I Miss You My Brother
I Miss You My Brother

32. My dear brother, what more can I say other than I miss you more than I thought I would ever miss you and you are not even up to a month away now.

I Miss You My Brother
I Miss You My Brother

33. I pay more attention to the lyrics of music more than its rhythm ever since you left; that’s the effect of missing you, my dear brother.

I Miss You My Brother
I Miss You My Brother

34. Every single moment seems to have you play a role. So, whenever I think about the role, I think about you. I miss you so much, dear brother.

I Miss You My Brother
I Miss You My Brother

35. My lovely brother, sometimes I believe one should be away for a while just as you are because it makes you know your importance. I miss you so much.

I Miss You My Brother
I Miss You My Brother

36. Hello brother, I thought that I could handle being alone but little did I know that I have become so attached to you like never before. I miss you.

I Miss You My Brother
I Miss You My Brother

37. Dear brother, I miss you but unfortunately, I can’t do anything about it. Maybe you can.

I Miss You My Brother
I Miss You My Brother

38. I am tempted to say it’s good to miss you because it is my heart’s way of reminding me that I love you but it hurts too. I miss you, dear brother.

I Miss You My Brother
I Miss You My Brother

39. Dear brother, missing you is not an easy thing to do, yet I still miss you plenty.

I Miss You My Brother
I Miss You My Brother

40. My spectacular brother, thanks for being such a brother to me. Who would have believed I would start to miss you immediately. I miss you.

41. Dear brother, the only thing I can concede to now is that missing you is better than losing you. I miss you so much.

42. My brother, I miss everything about you. Even the things I didn’t like you to do, I miss them now.

43. To my fantastic brother full of energy and vigour. There are not enough words in the dictionary to describe how much I miss you and long for you, except this four-letter word. MISS.

44. You have left a void in me that can only be closed or filled by yourself. I must really confess that I miss you, dear brother.

45. My brother, I have been counting the things that I miss about you and I have found out that they are so numerous. I really miss you in your entirety.

46. My comfort is that no matter how far you go, you will still return to the house, but right now, I miss you badly dear brother.

47. I miss you so much at this very moment. If I could fly, I would do that quickly just to see your face, my dear brother. Be well.

48. Missing you is an important aspect of my existence for now because it shows how much of an impact you have made in my life. I miss you, brother.

49. My lovely brother, to say you are the best is an understatement because I miss you so much. I only miss special people to me, so you are special, you know.

50. Do you want me to write to you about how much I have missed you? Then be ready to read it in series, dear brother. I miss you so much.

Little brother, now that you are away, who will bombard me with those questions? I really miss you. Like the sayings of old times, life is a beautiful quote in the eyes of those with purpose. My brother, you are loved.

51. It is only in the comfort of our conversations and in the hugs that we share that we relish when distance separates us. I miss you, my dear brother.

52. Little brother, I miss you. You have become to me like a team member. I miss our collaborations.

53. To miss someone is sweet until you are helpless and can’t do anything about it. I miss you so much, my dear little brother.

54. My little brother, though you are little, your tomorrow will be great. I miss you a lot.

55. My little brother, you may be out of sight, but you are never out of my mind.

56. My lovely little brother, I cherish you more than before because it is mixed with a feeling of missing you. And truly, I do miss you.

57. My fabulous little brother, I miss the way you could bring me to smile with little or no stress. Thanks for always easing away from my fatigue and stress. I miss you.

58. Little bro, I don’t care about the distance separating us, I only care about the fact that you are okay over there because I miss you from my own end here.

59. The distance means nothing when love leads, but the physical absence still tells even on the strongest of me. I miss you, little brother.

60. Sometimes I think that I will forget and move on, but when I remember the things you do, I know that I just have to miss you even if it is against my personal principles.

61. My lovely brother, there are many things that I want to tell you but top on that list is the fact that I miss you.

62. Thank God for giving you to me as a brother because I don’t know how I would have explained how much I missed you to another person.

63. I don’t think I have ever missed someone in my life as I miss you, my fabulous brother; it points to the fact that you occupy a special place in my heart.

64. Dear brother, the pain of missing someone is a bittersweet experience. I would love the latter part alone but I can’t the reality of the former.

65. Dear brother, my mind is full of thoughts of you, not just because you are away but because you have made more impact in my life. I miss you dearly.

66. If I only miss you when I am awake, it would have been good. But I noticed that I even miss you in my dreams, dear brother!

67. A large chunk of me longs for your words; even those ones that sting- I miss them today. Dear brother, you are so special to me.

68. Sometimes, I feel sad knowing that I will miss you more than I can withstand but I am comforted that you also think about me. I miss you, dear brother.

69. Little brother, I have to admit that I miss you more than I imagined. You are really special to me.

70. The good thing about you, little brother is that even though you are no longer around, I know that our hearts are still together. I miss you.

Dear brother, you have remained to be a big influence and with you, I can speak with nuggets and quotes because your words reverberate in my head. I miss you a lot.

71. My lovely big brother, though I am short of words to describe you because there are many things that I want to tell you but I will never forget your beautiful words of encouragement. I miss you dearly.

72. M big brother, I promised that I would never miss you but look at me; I am already missing you in less than a week. I love you.

73. Brother, though your words sometimes sting me because you scold me with the intention of correcting me. But guess what- I miss you, big bro.

74. Dear brother, I am bewildered that I could miss you like this. With our continuous altercations and quarrels, I still miss you so much. It shows that you loved me and I loved you too.

75. Dear big brother, I have plenty of thoughts about you today butt hr best that comes to the fore is you wishing me well even many others had given up on me. I miss you so dearly.

76. Big brother, today your worth doubled in my heart because you have been in my thoughts all day, and I miss you so much. I will never forget your love and support for me.

77. A quick glance at your picture brought back many lovely memories. I miss you. Dear brother, you are so special to me.

78. Sometimes, I wish life could give us all we have in one piece but I know that life happens and we move ahead to become better in life. Big brother, I miss you.

79. My brother, I have to admit that I miss you more than I ever thought I would; this is not far from the fact that you are the commander of the house ad I thought that is all I would only miss, but now I miss everything about you.

80. Big brother, I miss you like the stars miss the earth on a cloudy day.

With a beautiful quote, a brother like you is celebrated and remembered. Today, I want you to know that I miss you and you are worth more than gold to me.

81. To miss someone is to have emotions. To have emotions is to be human. Brother, I miss you dearly.

82. I miss you, my brother, not just because you are my brother but because you have made an imprint in my life.

83. Every day of our lives, we meet people who touched us in ways we may never have imagined. Dear brother, you are a gift of my own blood. Thanks for your positive touch in my life.

84. Brother, no matter the weather, no matter the storm, you will always be in my heart. I miss you.

85. Thanksgiving will always be rendered to the Lord on your behalf because you are a man of good standing. And to know that you are brother is an added advantage. I miss you.

86. My heart was not taught to miss anyone but it learned to miss special people. Dear brother, you are special to me. I miss you a lot.

87. My fabulous brother, the beauty of the butterfly is never spoken of in the presence of the butterfly but for you, I must confess that I miss you.

88. Dearest brother, missing you has two sides; one for the importance of who you are. Second, for the void, you left. I miss you so much. Hope to see you soon.

89. My brother, you are the epitome of love and care and no wonder I miss you daily.

90. Special people have special effects on the hearts and minds of others. Dear brother, your special effect on my heart has resulted in me missing you more than I imagined. Have a great day.

A brother is another life given to every lucky person. Dear brother, with such a quote, I cherish your presence in my life and now, I will definitely miss you; your smile, words and all. You are precious to me always.

91. Dear brother, I know your journey is for the greater good of all our lives but know that I will miss you.

92. My brother, from your eyes to your voice and even to your scent, I miss everything about you. I will miss them all the more.

93. I have a wonderful brother in you. I would have done everything within my powers to make sure that you stay but I know that I just have to live with the fact that I will miss you.

94. My lovely brother, how are you doing? There is nothing as sweet as having someone like you who cares so much. I will miss you so much.

95. Brother, I am so delighted to have been with you all these years. Your kindness and caring heart have both rubbed off on me. I will miss you.

96. Dearest brother, life comes to us in several packages; you are a pleasant package to me. I don’t know how I will cope in your absence. I will miss you.

97. I will miss you so much at this very moment, I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a punishment that you are away but one thing I know is I will get used to missing you onwards.

98. When you have a loving brother, every day is like Christmas; the absence of a sweet person is not just felt by the eyes, the heart also feels it more. Dearest brother, I will miss you.

99. No one does it better than the person used to do it. My brother, every day I try to do that which you are known to do but I find out that no matter how hard I try, t cannot compete. I will miss you even more,

100. Don’t bother telling me you are going again because I know I will miss you ad it hurts. Dear brother, I will miss you so much.

Missing someone is natural but letting the missed person know how important they are is something of a special virtue in people. By sending any of these I miss you my brother quotes and messages, you would be doing exactly just that. Don’t hesitate any longer. Please share with your friends too.

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