I Miss You My Sister Messages and Quotes

The relationship between siblings is a unique and beautiful one. This is because you don’t get to choose who is your brother or sister; you just find them in your life and then, you get to love them even when and when they don’t deserve it.

The bond between siblings is strong that when one of your siblings is away for any reason, somewhere there, you get to feel the vacuum and miss them, especially when you’ve had moments together.

However, what do you do when you miss your sibling(s)? You’d want to express it and make them know how much they mean to you. One amazing and effective way to do that is to send them some touching missing you messages.

Your dear sister is away now, you miss her and want to express it. Whether she is away on holiday or has returned to school, you will find the right words here to express your feelings. If she is away for the sake of marriage, you’d want to reach her with some miss you messages for a married sister. What about if she has gone to heaven? The perfect messages and quotes are right here for you.

Kindly go through the best and touching I miss you my sister messages below and choose the suitable message for your darling sister.

It’s been months since I’ve seen you. You may not know it, but I miss you so much! Your laugh, your smile, your warmth. The way you hug me, the way you care. I just really miss you, my dear sister.

1. I miss you, dear sister. My love for you has not faded nor diminished in any way. In fact, it is stronger than it has ever been. I hope that wherever you are, you’re smiling and happy because I love you very much and always will.

2. To my big sister, I wish we could hang out more and talk, but we both know we can’t. Our love for each other is too strong and our time together was too short. You were always there for me and I will always love and miss you with all my heart.

3. I miss you. I love you. Every day I go about my life and I try to live it as if it’s a tribute to your memory. Each time I laugh, smile or face a new challenge, I’m doing it for you – because of my love for you – because you are my sister – the greatest gift ever given – the most precious gift – the purest beauty – a perfect angel – a shining star – a beloved child – a devoted sister – a loving mother.

4. There are no words to express my deep love for you. I miss and love you so much and every day it just gets harder. I am so glad we had the time we had, but I am so sad that we lost you. My heart is broken. Never in a million years did I think my baby sister would die, but I’ve accepted it and know that you are with God.

5. You are the sister I never had. The person that I look up to. I can talk to you about anything and everything, and you would always be there for me. You are the best friend I have, and you always will be. I love and miss you right now.

6. I miss you so much. I feel like such a jerk for not calling or visiting you. I think about you every day and hope that you are safe and happy. Your memories never leave me and will forever be in my heart.

7. Dear sister, I miss you so much. I don’t feel right without you here. I wish I could talk to you over lunch, tell you all my stories, vent, laugh and joke around with you 24/7.

8. I miss you so much, my rainbow. We were so close before you passed and I wish every day that I could have been there for you. It still hurts so much, but I know I will see you again one day. I love you to the moon and back again!

9. Your name lights up my eyes and sparkles in the stars above. You shine like a billion diamonds and I’m sure that all our loved ones know how you shine brighter than any star in the sky. I miss you, sis.

10. You have always been there for me, a shoulder to cry on and a friend. I feel very lucky that you were there for me during a very difficult time in my life. You gave up a lot of your own dreams for me and I will love you always for that. I miss you so much.

11. My sister, I miss you every day. Our love for each other was pure and unconditional, it brought me so much joy. You are always in my heart. You are with me wherever I go, I wish you were here next to me to see how happy I am.

12. Happy Valentines Day, Sis! I just wish you were still here with me! I miss your hugs, kisses, giggles, jokes & laughter. Every day is a challenge without you here…I love you SO much!!! ”

13. I miss my sister. I wish she was here to share my time with me, to live life with me. I wish she could see how her son is growing up to be a fine young man, but most of all, I wish she was still here.

14. I miss you, my love. You were too precious for God to keep here with us. Your wings were ready, and there was an angel waiting to welcome you home. We all love you so much, sis! I will see you again very soon! Until then, I will stay strong for you and be an amazing person that makes you proud!

15. I know it seems like only yesterday that I could hug you, spend time with you and just be with you. I miss your voice, your hugs, telling me everything is going to be ok. I love you so much I miss you every day!

16. We were never typical sisters growing up, but looking back, I would have chosen a lifetime of you over a lifetime of typicalness. We had our issues, but I’ll always remember your smile and the way you could always make me laugh. My heart is with you every minute of every day, you are in my thoughts. I miss you!

17. I miss you like crazy. I wish you were here with me to do fun things that we always did together. I’m so proud of the person you are, and I miss my best friend and my sister.

18. I miss you. I remember the days that we would laugh until our faces hurt, then laugh some more. I miss your smile and the good times we had together. Life wasn’t always easy, but it was never boring with you around. I love you, sis.

19. I love you so much. God, you have no idea how much I miss you right now. The world just seems so empty without you here. It’s hard to believe a year has gone by since without seeing you. I really miss you, dear sister.

20. I am missing you like crazy, I wish I could hug you and kiss you. I miss our talks, walks on the beach, cooking together, listening to music together. I love you, sis!

I miss you so much, my sister. I wish I could be there to hug you, laugh with you, fluster you, and hound you to make cookies. I love you more than you will ever know. Do enjoy happiness over there always.

21. Dear sister, your life was far too short, and I wish every day that you were still here with me as we grew up into who we were always supposed to be. I love you always and miss you more than words can say.

22. The days and nights never seem to pass fast enough. I keep looking at the clock and it’s only been ten minutes. Now it’s been an hour and I still can’t believe you are gone. Both my heart and soul ache every single day without you here. I miss you so much. See you soon!

23. I miss your laugh, I miss your smile, I miss your bubbly personality, I miss you looking back at me with your beautiful eyes, I miss running my fingers through your hair, I miss hearing you sing while driving down the road, I miss going to sleep on a cold winter night hearing heavy breathing of a warm body next to me knowing that my sister was there protecting me.

24. The wind whispers your name and my heart cries out for you. For one moment I let myself think you will come again…but the moment passes and I feel the pain of your absence all over again. My sister, my friend, my confidante, my love. I miss you so much!

25. I miss you. I miss our long talks about everything. I miss your laugh and how you used to ask me if I was keeping my hair from getting greasy by the end of the day. I miss watching movies curled up with you at night, and sleeping in late with you on Sunday mornings. I’m happy that we could make things right before you passed, and that we both were able to apologize and mean it.

26. I miss you. I love you. Your happy, smiling face keeps me going through my days. You are beautiful inside and out, and I hope that you are always happy. I know that means that the two of us can’t be in the same room… but know that I will love you forever. Enjoy yourself, sis.

27. I was there for your birth, especially at the very end, I still hear you crying. I was there to catch you when mom wasn’t ready. I was the first one to hold you, kiss you, tell you everything would be ok. You were my first best friend, my sister! It hurts me deeply to not have you here with me today, but I know this is all just a little blip in time. I love you more than say now and I miss you.

28. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! You are my very best friend and I miss you like crazy. Please come home soon and bring me some tacos, I’m starving! I love you more than anything in this world!

29. You may be miles and miles away but I can still feel your love and pain. She is my heart and the one I trust most in this world. We may be different, but we complete each other. You keep me alive, baby girl!

30. My dearest love, my most amazing friend – you are the love of my life. Something magical happens every time we share a special moment together. I can’t stop thinking about our recent moments. I miss you, my sister and I love you with all my heart and soul!

31. Today is the day you were born. Today is the day you went to heaven. Today is a day I cry for missing my sister. I miss you more today than I ever have. You are not gone, you are here with me every breath that I take and every word that I say, every smile that I smile and every tear that one may find.

32. You were my best friend and I think I am going to miss you forever and a day. No one else can ever take your place in my heart no matter how long I live. I will always love you and keep that light of yours burning bright. Love always, sister.

33. I miss your smile and your wonderful spirit. I miss who you were, who you could have been. I want you to know that when I think about you, no matter how much time has passed, I feel the same way I did the day you were born. I wish you the best over there.

34. I miss you and love you so much. I hope you can find love and happiness as we had for those few years. I think of you every day and pray that God will take care of you.

35. I promise that I will do everything in my power to make you proud. You are everything to me. You changed the course of my life and stood by me while I found myself. Your unconditional love and belief in me is something I will carry with me always. I love you and miss you, big sister.

36. I am remembering that today is the 15th anniversary of your leaving. I hope life is still treating you well over there. You were always there for me and I will love you no matter what. I still miss you!

37. My eyes still burn when I think of you. I miss your smile, that dimple that would appear with just one look. You never knew what you did to me. I thought I was so strong so unbreakable, but you changed me forever. For your smile, for your pain, I will be forever changed.

38. You are always in my heart. You are in my breath, in my mind. You are in my soul. I love you and I miss you, dear sister.

39. I miss you, my sweet sister. I can’t recall a time when I didn’t love you, and it hurts so much to know that I’ll not see your beautiful face again for some time. I love you so much and wish you were here with me.

40. I miss you so much. I wish you were here to share in the good times and all the moments in between. I miss talking to you every day and hearing your voice. I will love you always…your sister.

I wish I had more time to tell you how much I truly care for you. But when we talk on the phone, I feel so close to you and it’s like we haven’t been apart at all. Having you in my life means more than you could ever know. I miss you, my little amazing sister.

41. I will always love you. You have been a huge part of who I am. I miss your eyes and how they looked at me with love and joy, your voice full of laughter and excitement, your beautiful hands with a touch so soft that it could change the whole world. I really miss you, dear sister.

42. I wanted to tell you today that you are on my mind and in my heart. I miss you and I love you. I wish we didn’t live on opposite sides of the country. I wish to see you soon!

43. It doesn’t feel like it has been three years since we first met and I will never forget those moments we shared together. You are still as beautiful as you ever were, inside and out. I am so proud to call you my sister and be your big brother.

44. Even though we were only together for the first 25 years of your life, I miss you so much. You are always with me in my heart though. You will always be my little sister and I will always love you.

45. Today is the day that you would have been 25 years old. I miss you more than I can say. You are always in my thoughts, miss your laugh, miss your smile, miss your eyes so much. I know you are always around me, but it hurts so much to know that you are not here with me. Love you so much, little sis.

46. You were my best friend and confidante, my hero and hero worshiper all in one. I miss your laugh and the way you would tell me everything was going to be okay. I wish you the best over there.

47. Maybe things would have been different if I had been the older sister you deserved. I miss you so much it hurts to breathe as I wake up each day without you.

48. I miss you so very much. The hole in my heart won’t go away. I wish I could hug you and hear your voice one more time. I will always love you and keep the light of your spirit alive forever.

49. You are my best friend, my partner in crime, my partner in life. I feel so close to you even though it’s been so long since I have heard your voice. I really miss you!

50. I wish every day that I could see your gorgeous face, your kind eyes and your infectious smile. You are truly one of a kind, You are loved by so many people, each day I miss you more and more. I hope life treats you better over there, sis.

I know you are in a better place, but I miss you. You are not here to give advice when I need it most or to laugh at my stupid jokes. I still hate that I had to say goodbye. I hope life treats you better there. I will always love you and cherish our memories together, big sister.

51. It’s been five years since you travelled, but I still feel so empty. I wish you were here so I could tell you about my new job, or get your advice on what to get mom for her birthday. I miss you so much, big sister!

52. I just wish I could have one more day with you. I miss you so much! I can’t imagine my life without you in it, but I know you put me here for a reason. I will make sure to make you proud. You will forever be loved, never forgotten.

53. I am so proud of you, you are the most amazing person I have ever met. You are my rock, my best friend. Helping you get through these past 6 months has been hard, but I know you will make it. I love you to the moon and back and miss you!

54. I wish I could hear your voice. I miss you, my sister. I love you.

55. I miss you so much, my beautiful big sister. I wish you were home, hugging me, laughing with each other. Love you, big sis.

56. I miss you every second of every day. I think about you all the time. You are an AMAZING person. You are my big sister and I love you so much. I wish I could trade places with you and come back as a bird to sit on your shoulder and talk to you every day.

57. Love you forever and always, even though we may not always speak, I’m there at every move you make! Missing you, sis.

58. I’ve always admired how smart you are, your endless amount of knowledge, the way you listen & never judge, no matter who does the talking. We were so close but things change so fast. I miss you so much, my sister.

59. I wish I could see you again. I miss the carefree days when all we did was laugh, love and have fun. You made me so happy, my dear sister, please know that wherever you are, I am thinking of you every day, hoping one day God will see fit to bring us back together.

60. Every day I am reminded of how much I miss you. I was lucky to have you in my life, for so short a time. I love you so much. Rest in peace, my sister.

There are no words to describe what you mean to me. Missing you is an understatement. I feel lost whenever you’re gone. I got your message that you miss me and I want you to know that I miss you too. I love you, dear sister.

61. You are my sister, best friend, confidant, guru & maid of honour. I wish I could hold you tightly in my arms and never let go…you are everything to me. I know you miss me right now and I miss you too.

62. I miss you so much. More than I can say in words. I know we will meet again someday and when we do, it won’t change a thing. I love you!

63. I’ve never been a particularly emotional person, but my eyes keep brimming with tears whenever I think about how much it hurts knowing that you’re not here to share my happiness and sadness with me anymore. I wish you know how much I love and miss you.

64. Having you as a sister made me feel special. You would always understand me and believe in me, no matter what. I want you to know that I will forever be grateful for having such an amazing sister like you by my side. Missing me already? I miss you even more.

65. I love you with all my heart. I miss you every day. I wish we could talk and giggle as we used to. You are missed more than you know. You are loved more than you realize.

66. I miss you so much, but I know your love is watching over us. I pray every day that I will meet you again soon. I love you, sister.

67. It doesn’t feel like it has been 5 years without you. You were my best friend and I miss you so much. I love and miss you more than anything, even more than you miss me.

68. My best friend, I miss you so much. But I know your heart is with me always. I wish I could be there to heal your heart, to kiss away your tears. Don’t miss me too much, sis.

69. Sending you love and best wishes for the future. I miss you so much, but I hold onto the good memories and know that we will meet again very soon.

70. You are so beautiful on the outside and so beautiful on the inside. I know you miss me right now and I do miss you too. I miss your laugh, your smile, your eyes. I love you.

I miss you so much, twin sister. I miss being able to talk with you about anything, I miss your laughter, I miss our fun sisterly times. It has been over a month now that you travelled and nothing will ever change how much I miss you.

71. I miss you so much. I wish we lived closer and were able to hang out again. I really want to be able to see your smiling face and hear about everything that’s going on with you, especially the cute boy you’re seeing! I love you twin and I always will.

72. It has been 9 months since you left the house. I miss you so much, my one and only twin sister.

73. I miss you so much. I love how my girls are just like you, your personality is just shining through. Every time I think about you, I just wish that I could be with you one to see the smile on your face, the twinkle in your eye, and to feel the warmth of your hug.

74. You are my twin sister. I’ve always looked up to you. You were my first friend and the first person to tell me that she loved me, and I will never forget it. Every time we see each other, we have a new memory to share. You have been there for me through thick and thin and I can never express how much that means to me. I miss you.

75. I don’t think I could ever tell you how much you mean to me. I’m really sad that we live on separate ends of the country, I wish we could hang out together more often. I hope you know that I would do anything for you and that I would always be there for you if anyone hurts you. You are my twin sister and always will be. Thank you for being such a wonderful sister and friend…

76. I’ll never forget the way you made me feel when we were kids. The way you always protected me and took such good care of me. I miss you so much and I never will be able to replace what we had.

77. I hope you know that I miss you more than anyone in this world could ever miss another person. You were the one person who knew me better than anyone, and I know that no matter what, you will always love and protect our family.

78. There are a million things I want to say, but couldn’t find the words. The truth is, I miss you more than anyone I’ve ever missed in my life. I love you, dear twin sister.

79. I would take away all your pain if possible, but it seems it won’t let go of you… I’m there to hold your hand and wipe your tears away. You’re a beautiful person who deserves the world. So please smile again, I miss that.

80. We never got to spend enough time together. I’ve always felt so close to you. I miss my best friend. Being your sister was my most important job in life.

As time goes on, I don’t think I miss you any less since you got married. If anything, it has gotten worse. I am happy that you are happy but sad that I can’t be with you to experience new adventures or try new things. I hope your husband is fine. Most importantly, I love you dearly, my sister!

81. Today is your birthday. I know you are happy with your husband. I know you miss us, but most of all I know how much you love us. We all love you so very much and miss your smile, laughter, cooking, sense of humour and infectious attitude! We will see you again someday!

82. I remember all those nights that we would share a bed and I would listen to you talk for hours. All those talks prepared me for what was coming next. I think of all those times, I cherish them as if they happened yesterday. I know you are happy where you are but if you could see me now, I do believe you would be very proud.

83. I would give all the gold in the world for one more hug. . I miss you, my sister.

84. I do, and I miss you. You’re the best sister I could ever ask for and I love you to death. Even though we see each other every day I still miss you like crazy!

85. I will never forget you, I miss you sooo much! Love your, baby sister. Extend my greetings to your husband.

86. Sometimes I wish my sister was still here with me. She is my best friend and always made me smile. I know she is in a better place, married to her heartthrob but I still miss her more than words could say. I love you, baby sister!

87. My dear sister got married and I miss her so much! She calls, we talk and we laugh. I am happy that we have found a new connection and that we both feel better because of it. I love you and hope to see you soon.

88. You are my sister…but you are so much more. You’re every hope, dream, and prayer come true. You are my best friend, my confidant, my heart. I wouldn’t change anything about you except the hours in the day. I miss you.

89. I miss you more than words, but I know your heart is with me every day. I’m trying to be strong. I love you so much and will see you again soon, with your husband and baby.

90. My sister got married and I miss her so much. She was the only one who truly knew me. She knew all my secrets, my hobbies, and who I was meant to be. I wish nothing but happiness for you in life. I’ve never met a kinder person, and your smile brightens up everything around you.

I wish I could call you just to hear your voice. I miss how we used to spend every chance we had together laughing and having fun. I miss you so much, dear sister and I’m thinking of you always.

91. It’s hard to believe that after all these years you are gone. I often wonder if there was something I could have done to change our lives and bring you back. Some days it is so hard for me to understand why I can’t hug you one more time. I’m thinking of you, sis.

92. It’s been 6 months since you have left the state yet it feels like yesterday, I miss you so much it consumes my thoughts every day.

93. I miss your laughter, sarcasm and childish ways. We spent so many nights lying in bed talking about everything, sharing life experiences one after another. I will cherish all of our memories forever and hope that they will comfort me in my time of need.

94. You are my best friend, I miss you, my sister. I am who I am today because of you. Love you always and can’t stop thinking of you.

95. I miss you so much. I wish you were here to see how wonderful your children have become, and to take care of mom. I love you and you will always be in my thoughts.

96. I miss you every day, every hour, every minute. That’s because I love you with all my heart. Thinking of you always, sis.

97. I think that, as sisters, we have a very telepathic relationship. We know what the other person is thinking without saying a word. But even though it seems like we don’t need words to communicate I still want you to know how much I appreciate you and love you. You are my best friend and my sister!

98. You are my best friend, my shoulder to lean on when times are difficult, my giver of wisdom when I know I need guidance. I miss you more than I can say in words. Thinking of you always, sister.

99. There are times in my daily life that I find myself thinking of you fondly and wishing you were here with me. I love your smile, your laugh, your face. You may be gone physically but in my heart, you will always be near to me.

100. I miss you and I know you feel like you can never be loved. You can and I love you with all my heart and we will get through this together. Just know you are in my thoughts, dear sister.

It’s quite unbelievable how much one can miss a sister! At times, you wouldn’t know how much you can miss your sister until she is away. This kind of makes it true when people say, ‘you wouldn’t know the value of what you have until you lose it’.

Good heavens! You know the value of who you have as a sister. Whether your kid sister or your big sister, go ahead and express how much she means to you with the I miss you messages up there.

You can make me know which of the messages ticks the box for you, right in the comments section. Also, don’t hesitate to share this post, someone might want to reach their sister too. Thanks.

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