I Miss You My Sister Status

Missing someone is completely a normal thing especially when you have a strong connection with that person. In actual fact, it is only those you have a strong connection with that you actually miss. The pain you feel could be special because sometimes, it is a privilege to miss someone special in your life.

For someone like a sister, it becomes more aching to miss her because the bond that joins siblings together is unbreakable. So, how would you feel if you don’t have the right words to express how you really feel about missing this special person? It could add to the pain. So, that’s why I have collected here several I miss you my sister status for your use.

There are several reasons to miss people; it could be as a result of long-distance or even death. Whatever may be, these special messages to express how you miss someone would suit well for your sister.

I could change my status for your sake many times today to express how much I miss you, my dear sister. You make my life glow and I will never forget that. I hope your day is great.

1. Missing you isn’t something I planned for but the reality hits like early morning cold. Dear sister, I miss you so much.

2. How much do I miss my beloved sister? Like the depth and length of the ocean. Dear sister, I miss you.

3. My lovely sister, I hope you miss me as much as I miss you because right here, I miss you plenty.

4. My dearest sister, I hope you’re not doing great over there. This is to let you know that I miss you so much.

5. Beloved sister, out of sight is not out of mind. You are always in my mind. I miss you so much.

6. I miss everything concerning you and I never thought I could miss you like this. Dear sister, I miss you.

7. My lovely sister, your presence always gives me smiles; I didn’t realize that until I discovered that since you left, I’ve not been smiling like before.

8. We may be miles apart, but your image is right here in my heart. My sister, I miss you.

9. Dearest sister, did you drop ‘miss’ in the house before you left? Because I have been missing you since then.

10. Thanks for social media and the records of all our previous chats. I miss you so much that I go back to our previous conversations for consolations.

11. No matter the distance, no matter the time of the day, I will always have a special place reserved for you in my mind. Dear sister I miss you.

12. You left the house but your scent remained in the room, so whenever I perceive it, I remember you. It brings a bittersweet experience because it makes me miss you, dear sister.

13. Dear sister, you know how I always boast that I am so independent. I was just bluffing because right now, I miss you so much.

14. With this room loaded with clothes and other furniture, it feels empty without you. I miss you so much, my dear sister.

15. Missing you creates a hollow in my heart. Only your presence again can fill it. I hope to see you soon. I miss you, my dear sister.

16. I would own a beautiful garden of your picture if I had a flower for every time, I miss you. dear sister, I miss you.

17. After all the years we’ve been together and getting used to each other, I can’t believe that I still miss you. Dear sister, I miss you.

18. Should I relish in the fact that you also have me on your mind or I should just endure the aching pain of missing you, my dear sister. I leave you to answer it.

19. Dear sister, I have decided to tell you how much I miss you but on one condition: you would have to come physically to hear me recount them all.

20. I used to pretend that you didn’t have so much influence on me. Well, now you know that I was pretending because right now, I miss you so much, my sister.

21. We used to quarrel a lot but now I realize that it only made us closer because right now, I can’t stop missing you. I miss you, my dear sister.

22. I know that I love you because I miss you. Dear sister, I miss you.

23. Dear sister, I am used to seeing you around me, I guess that’s why I didn’t know how much I would miss you. Now I know better. I miss you so much.

24. You remember when we used to sing that morning song: “The day is bright, it’s bright and fair…” Now, I know you are the reason the day is bright. I miss you.

25. My fabulous sister, I don’t know how to miss people, but you succeeded in teaching me even you know that I am fast learned. Congratulation!

26. I find myself missing you too much, my precious sister. Yet, there is little I can do about it. I miss you.

27. I’ve spent a few days without you but I cannot do it alone without you. My sister, I miss you a lot.

28. In the morning, I miss you. In the noon I miss you. As if that’s not enough, I still miss you at night, dear sister. I wish that we could always be together.

29. Though you are not here, yet your presence is felt even in your absence because I cannot do those things you do perfectly. Dear sister, I miss you plenty.

30. Dear sister, now read this: I will stop missing you when we are together again.

Missing your sister is one thing. Making it your social media status is another level. With these I miss you my sister status, you can take your feelings to another level and build a stronger bond with your sister. Your friends would love to do the same too, please share with them.

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