I Miss You Safe Journey Quotes for My Love (2022)

We won’t talk about money or romance but some awe-inspiring journey quotes fro that special person in your life. It’s just the right thing to do because I can guess that you care so much. So what about some I miss you safe journey quotes for your lover?

Read on for the copy and paste safe journey wishes and quotes for him or her.

Sweetest I miss you safe journey quotes for husband, wife, boyfriend of girlfriend.

I count my days in seconds,
And it summed up to 86400
It only means I miss you 86400 times a day!
I am really dying to set my eyes on you.

Stop asking me how I am doing,
When you already know I can’t be fine.
You not here is like forever,
Please come back to me love.
I Miss You Safe Journey Quotes for My Love

How long do you want to keep doing this!
Why don’t you keep to promise for once.
A plan to make me miss you, isn’t it?
Bravo! It is really working.

Take it easy dear.
The traffic jam will soon be over.
Just take heart, okay?
Will be here waiting for you.

Just here alone by myself,
Thinking of the one I love.
She is the love of my life.
And she is no one else but you.
Please be back home on time.

It feels so terrible missing you here.
And staying without you this long is killing.
I wish you could be here immediately.
Just don’t stay any longer.

It’s easy for me to feel happy as you are approaching.
The joy it brings to me is more than I can describe.
I have really longed for this for days,
I will be so glad to see your face once again.

It has not been easy
Staying without you this long.
It’s like I am alone in the world.
Please come back home soon.

My heart is pounding,
It’s telling how much I want you to be here
I can’t wait any longer to set my eyes on you.
Please be here on time for I’m really missing you.

I could feel the some sense of royalty energize my spine,
I could feel a touch of love all over me.
I have been waiting for a moment like this,
And how glad to see it’s happening very soon.
No more missing you, be back home safely.

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