I Need a Hug Quotes

Life can be hard, and what helps us through that is the warmth and support of a loved one. We so desperately want a hug or go to another human being for that contact, and we’re denied it.

We want to be hugged by our loved ones during hard times in life. This can help us feel better in our difficult times. It’s easier for us if we’re given some love from our loved ones during this stressful period. But some can’t receive a hug from their family or friends when they need it. Sometimes it’s because they don’t like you or they don’t want to be bothered.

Hugs are a great way to show your loved ones that you care about them. Hugging someone should not just be reserved for special occasions. If someone in your life could use a hug, then you should give one to them today.

I need a hug. I need to be held and loved. I’ve been through a lot lately and I’m so tired of feeling alone all the time. I could use a friend right now. And if you see me, please just stop and say hello and tell me everything is okay.

1. I love you so much. Whenever I look into your eyes, I feel like I’m at home; my heart feels safe, it’s happy and full. You are so much fun to be with; I enjoy every second I spend with you, holding your hand in the movies and holding you close.

2. I am sending all my love to give me a big hug. If our arms were never long enough, this message could make up for it. I would send you one, but you’re too far. I love you, darling.

3. I don’t hug you every day. I miss you. I do need a hug. Can you come over and just hold me?

4. I wish we could share a real hug. It’s been so long since I’ve felt your warmth and comfort.

5. I love you. I just want to hold you tight and give you the biggest hug ever. I know so many people in your life want to take care of you and give you the best, but I would do anything for you if you’d let me.

6. You are my favourite person in the universe, and taking care of you comes from a special place deep in my heart. I need a hug from you, baby.

7. I just want to tell you how beautiful you are inside and out. You give me a reason to live, and I can’t say how thankful I am to have someone like you in my life. I need a hug.

8. You love me unconditionally, and there isn’t anything that will change that. Right now, all I need is a hug from you. I love you now and always.

9. I need a hug from you. Come over as soon as you can. I need to be held.

10. Baby, I just want to say that you are my world are the love of my life. Plus, I need a hug. I love you so much.

11. I don’t know if I can make it through without you; I just need to hold you one more time. I would catch a grenade for you. Let me know what it takes to show you that you are all that matters to me.

12. My heart aches for you. I want to hold you in my arms and kiss your beautiful lips. I miss you so much, my dear. I love you.

13. You’re mine; I don’t care where you’ve been or if I have to hug you all up. That right there is my job, and I will do it better than the last man. Hug?

14. I don’t have many friends. I’m far too busy loving you to have any time for anyone else. You are always on my mind and in my heart. You are all that matters to me. I need you to hug me right now.

15. My love for you grows with every passing day, and I hope it never ends. I just need a hug.

16. I’m so lucky to have met you, have you in my corner and call you mine. I am unashamedly and unwaveringly in love with you. All I need is a hug.

17. You are the best girlfriend ever. I love you so much from the bottom of my heart. Can I get a hug?

18. Everyone needs hugs. Hang with me today, and I’ll let you know how much I care about you. I just want to be around this morning to give you a great big hug. So, how about it?

19. I miss your hugs—Miss your touch. I want to see you so badly. You are my everything, and I am lost without you. Please come back to me soon; my heart can’t take this distance between us.

20. You know what I need and where I need it most. Just hug me, and I will be fine. Please, come back to me soon.

21. I just want to hug you, kiss you, and never let go. I miss you. I love you so much.

22. You are always there for me when I need you, which makes me feel safe and loved. You make my life fuller, brighter, happier and more adventurous. MY HEART MISSES A BEAT when I think about you, and I just want to be with you forever.

23. I love you, my dear. I know from day one we’ve been together; we have had ups and downs but have always been through it together. You never fail to make me laugh, especially when I don’t want to laugh. I miss those warm hugs.

24. You make me smile even when I’m hurting because of something we went through deep down. I just can’t picture my life without you in it because you are everything to me. Hug me.

25. I never seem to show you how much I love and care for you, but I promise that I will do my best to make you feel special from now on. I love you. I am sending you virtual hugs and kisses.

I need a hug, but not just any kind. I need the kind of hug that makes me feel warm and safe like nothing else in the world could hurt me. I need someone to tell me I’m okay, that they’re proud of me and I miss them.

26. You’ve grown so much in the past years, and I am so proud of the amazing man you are today. You will always have my love and happiness, no matter what happens. I’m sending you big hugs.

27. I know that things between us have been a bit rough. I just want you to know how much I love you, how beautiful and amazing you are. How precious even the smallest moments we share can be. I am sending you hugs and kisses, babe.

28. So I write this hoping that when you read it, you’ll remember how much I love you, how you mean everything to me, and that we can work through our differences together. Hugs and kisses, baby.

29. My heart beats for you; my soul belongs to you. I love you so much. Your kindness, sweetness and love have made me a better person. You take my breath away every time I see you. My heart is yours to hold as long as we are together.

30. I missed you today. I wish I could have held you close, enjoyed your smile and seen the sparkle in your eyes. I love you with all my heart.

31. I just want to tell you that I care very much and appreciate your friendship. I value your love and support. It is great to know I can count on you when I have a tough time. You are a truly rare find indeed, and my life is better because of you. Hugs.

32. I want to hold you in my arms. I want to feel your heartbeat next to mine. I want to kiss the lips that speak only the truth from a heart so sincere. I want you to know that something inside me has opened a door for me, and I can’t close it. I need you here with me.

33. I’m so happy that you are in my life. You are everything to me, and I wouldn’t be here without you. I love everything about you. I just need a hug.

34. I just need a hug. You don’t have to say a word, just wrap your arms around me tight and hold me. I’m so frustrated, angry and sad. I need you.

35. I know that times are hard for us now, but I will always be here for you. I don’t want to lose our relationship. I love you too much. Anytime you need a hug or just to talk, I am here. I love you.

36. I love you so much and want to tell you. Your words, your heart, your smile; you complete me. Every part of my life is better because of the tiny piece you have forever changed. I will be here for you until the end of time.

37. I want to cuddle with you right now. I don’t care if it’s not Valentine; I just want to feel you. I want to hear your heartbeat as it beats in time with mine. I feel like we’ve been apart so long, and I am just dying for another hug. Please, give me one?

38. Sometimes, we are so caught up in our own lives and drama that we don’t even realize how lucky we are to have each other. I want you to know you mean the world to me, and I can’t imagine life without you. I love you so much.

39. You have made my life complete. Before I met you, I was missing something in my heart and soul. You bring out the love in me that somehow I didn’t even know there. Thank you for making my life better.

40. I’m so lucky to have someone like you to share my life with. Now, I need a hug. I love you.

41. You can come over; I’ve got to hug you anytime. Hugs make all things better.

42. There’s nothing better than cuddling with you in the winter. While it’s snowing and cold, I like to rest my head on your chest and listen to your heartbeat. There is no joy greater than the simple pleasure of sleeping with you in the night.

43. I love you so much that sometimes it hurts. I love you too much not to say anything because I’m too afraid of losing you. I want to hold you forever, but know that I can’t. Love is crazy like that.

44. I was in dire need of a hug, but you were too busy to notice me. My love, I needed a hug because someone said something hurtful, and you are my number one great listener. I love you.

45. You keep me warm and safe when I lie beside you at night. Always answer my texts when I need you. Now, I need to hug you.

46. I love you so much. It can only get better. If you need a hug or just want to talk, I’m here for you. I would do anything for you. I will be there to hold your hand as we face life’s challenges together.

47. I’m sorry that I haven’t been the best boyfriend, but I promise to try harder. I love you so much, and if you ever need a hug or a listening ear, I’m here for you. Just remember, I am your biggest fan.

48. I know you have a hard time when we are apart. You’re my everything, and I miss you so much. Your love is what keeps me happy in our long-distance relationship. I can’t wait to hold you again. I love you.

49. I love you so much. I just can’t stop. Every moment we’re together, I fall even harder for you. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.

50. You came into my life looking for someone to care for you, and you found someone who wants to be there for you. You are strong, gentle, and kind, a person I can share with. The love we have is something that I never knew before. Each day with you is better than the one before.

I need a hug because I’m so cold. I need you in my arms, to warm me. I bet you’d be warm too if you were here, as I hold you tight and tight. I need a hug, but the sad thing is that I don’t know you to give it to me.

51. I’d give anything in the world to be with you. No distance or obstacle could keep me from you. It kills me every time we have to be apart. I can’t express how much I love you. I just want to hold you tight and never let go—big hugs.

52. I understand you have your mind and reasons, but I think you should be more understanding. All I want is for us to hug and tell each other we love one another.

53. Darling, life is short. Greet the day with a hug, and your heart will be full of joy.

54. Here’s a big hug and kiss for you. You always turn my sad day around just with one sweet message. I have never been lucky enough to have anyone who loves me as much as you do.

55. If there were ever a perfect person out there, I would say it’s you. You make me feel amazing every day, and I love you so much. Sending you a virtual hug and kiss.

56. You are my everything. I don’t know what I would do without you. You are so caring and thoughtful, kind and loving. I appreciate all you do for me, even though it isn’t much. Your kisses warm my heart, and your hugs make me feel safe. I love you with all my heart.

57. I need a hug. Come over tonight and give me the biggest, tightest hug you can. I will love you forever.

58. A hug means friendship and comfort, but it means so much more in your case. When I hug you, it’s like the rest of the world fades away, and all that’s left is you and me.

59. Every time I feel alone or sad or scared, I just need a hug from you, and everything feels okay again. No matter what happens in life, I know I have a true friend and love that will always be there for me. Thank you for always being there for me.

60. I love you, not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you. There’s no feeling in this world that compares to the comforting warmth of your caress on my cheek, the sweet and delicious taste of your kiss, or the feel of your body close to mine. I love you.

61. I love you because you make me a better person, and you help me enjoy every beautiful part of my life. I am sending you warm hugs.

62. I think about you all the time. I love you so much. I can’t stop thinking about how awesome you are. I’m so in love with you, more than any word could ever express.

63. Every day, my love for you grows. I wish I could have met you sooner. You are perfect in every way, and I adore every detail about you. Come and hug me.

64. I’m here if you need anything. Sometimes, life just makes you feel lonely. I wish you could feel my arms wrapped around you and me as I tell you how much I love you.

65. Every inch of my body is covered with your love. I can’t stop thinking about you and the amazing night we spent together. You are the one, you are the best, and I am so lucky to have found you.

66. Why is it so easy for you to bring a smile to my face? You are always there when I need you and even when I don’t. I’ve never met anyone like you and probably never will. I love spending time with you, but I just can’t stop thinking about you when we’re apart. You make me feel whole.

67. I can’t count the times I have told you that I love you, but the older we get, the more I realize how true that is. Without you to share my life with, everything else would be empty. Send me hugs, baby.

68. You are there for me when I need you, and you are always making sure that my world is full of happiness. Thank you for being my best friend and loving me for me.

69. I am so in love with you. I am so happy that I found you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Sometimes, I go overboard and tell everyone how much I love you, but don’t worry. You will be my last love.

70. All I want is to hold you close, to feel your heartbeat against mine while I play in your hair. To kiss away all of your tears and whisper how much I love you in your ear.

71. All I want is to keep you warm when the nights get chilly, wake up next to you every day, and work side by side with you for the rest of my life. All I want is to tell you how much I love you every day for the rest of my life.

72. I need hugs, and I think you are the only one that can satisfy my need. I always want to hug you and kiss you everywhere. You are my desire and my passion, my love. And I miss your sweet kisses.

73. My feelings toward you are so powerful that they simply overwhelm me at times. I love you forever. Kindly send some sweet hugs. Thank you.

74. I need a hug, a kiss and a cuddle, please. I love you to pieces and can’t wait to see you.

75. I am always here for you. I will take the good with the bad and all the mess with you because I love you. Please find me if you need a hug with tissues and chocolate.

I need a hug. I don’t mean to be clingy but when my brain is filled with anxiety and worries, sometimes an embrace just soothes me. I’m having a rough day and need a hug. So, let me know when you’re free to give me one.

76. I can’t get you out of my head, so I told you right away that I miss you and love you like crazy. Whenever you hug me, it’s like the whole world disappears. I just feel so safe in your arms.

77. I love you and miss you more than words can say. I miss hugging and kissing you all the time. I hope this note finds you well and brings a smile to your face. I love hearing your voice and hope to talk with you soon.

78. There are no words that could express my love for you. You have given me so much happiness in our relationship I don’t know what else to give you except my heart, which you already own. I can’t imagine my life without you, and I don’t want to try. Right now, I need a hug.

79. I’m so sorry I haven’t been there for you lately. You are on my mind every second of the day, and I just want to give you a big hug. Be patient with me and keep being strong. I will be there for you when you need me most, just like always.

80. When we’re apart, I feel incomplete, like a puzzle without any connecting pieces. I need to hold you in my arms; feel your heartbeat with mine. When you kiss me, all my troubles melt away, and the world is perfect just for us.

81. It doesn’t matter if I have to wait an eternity for you; as long as you are at my side forever, I wouldn’t mind. By the way, thank you for warming my heart and keeping me company. Big hugs, baby.

82. You are such an amazing woman, and I am so grateful to have your love. Every time I see you walking my way, it smiles on my face. I like seeing the world through your eyes because it is so brighter. I love you.

83. I just need a hug from you. You are my sunshine in the rain, my sweet angel. I need you right now.

84. I wish you were here so I could give you a big hug and kiss those beautiful ruby red lips. You are the love of my life, the one that I have wanted since we have been apart. My heart aches every day because I miss you and our time together.

85. I need us to snuggle right now and spend the night in each other’s arms. We are so lucky to have each other. I love you.

86. I just want to hold you tight and caress your cheek. I want to embrace you in a warm hug and feel how close you are to me. I need you by my side to dry my tears when I cry, to make me smile because of your silly jokes. I miss you so much and can’t wait till you’re back in my arms again.

87. I’m always here for you. I’m here if you ever need a hug or a shoulder to cry on.

88. I wish I could tell you that missing you doesn’t hurt anymore, but it still does. I wish I could tell you how much your smile brightens my day, but you already know that. Remember that I love you, and it will all fall into place.

89. I love you more than I ever thought was possible. You are a great friend, an amazing lover and my best buddy. Thanks for being you. Now hug me because I need it.

90. I love you as crazy as a subway, hot like summer in New York. I love all the things you are and all you can be. I can’t promise you that everything will be perfect because nothing ever is, but I will love you in the good times and bad. Now, hug me.

91. I would walk to the end of the world for you to find a better place to stand. You’re my best friend; nothing will ever change that. I need a hug.

92. My life would be empty without you. You know that I love you and don’t ever let go.

93. There have been days I have wanted to give up and stop trying, but then I think of you and remember why I can’t. You are worth fighting for, worth living for. Come here, baby.

94. My feelings for you are the best I have ever felt, and they keep growing. Every second we are together is a gift, not a given right. I love you.

95. I love you, my sweetheart. I’m so happy to be here with you, to feel your warm hands embracing me. I adore you and need you. I need to be in your arms where I have found true happiness. Love and kisses

96. If I could give you one thing in this world, it would be a big hug. Hugging you is like the feeling I get when I jump in a pile of leaves, go to the beach, or eat my favourite cake. Hugs feel so good, and I love being able to share them with you.

97. I love it when you hug me; it makes me feel happy and warm. I love it when you hold me close and tight; it makes me feel safe and Loved. I love you.

98. I need a hug when I’m feeling blue. I need a hug when I’ve had too much to drink. I need a hug when I’m happy or if I cry. I love you.

99. You are my best friend, the man that I love. You are the one that holds me tight and makes all of my worries drift away. No matter what happens in the future, you will always be my baby.

100. I love you more than you can imagine, especially when we cuddle. I need a hug right now. Can I get one, please?

Hey there. After sending one of those “I need a hug” quotes up there to your loved one, I hope you get a big hug. You can as well let me know how you feel about them by dropping your comments. Thank you.

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