I Only Answer to God Quotes

When you only answer to God, you never have to worry about making a fool of yourself. You can do whatever you want and say whatever you feel because when you only answer to God, there’s no one else to please.

There is nothing stopping you from finding true happiness in this life when the only person you are answerable to is God. You can enjoy the peace that passes all understanding when you know that no matter what happens in this world, your eternal future is secure because of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.

When you only answer to God, you don’t have to worry about being judged by others. You are free to be yourself and live your life as you choose. Use any of these I only answer to God quotes and let people know you stand strong in faith.

I only answer to God. So many people come into our lives and we allow them to judge us, predict our future, and tell us where we are going, but in reality, no one can tell us what will happen. The Lord knows the end from the beginning.

1. I only answer to God. You don’t have to do anything for me, because I have everything I need which is God because He is my all in all.

2. I only answer to God. He is my all in all so whatever I do, it is because of Him and for Him.

3. I only answer to God. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

4. I only answer to God because I know when everything is said and done, He will make it right.

5. I only answer to God because He is my almighty, All in all.

6. I only answer to God because He is my everything, so I can’t listen to what others say.

7. Answer only to God because He is in control of everything about your life, including your mate and spouse.

8. We never have to worry or doubt if someone is right for us or not because we only have one life to live and the decision to make is who we are. So answer only to God.

9. I only answer to God. All other answers are insufficient.

10. I only answer to God. He knows my plans and how I feel. He is the one who gives me the strength to move on.

11. I only answer to God because it is He who gives me the ability to see a task through to completion.

12. I only answer to God because He is the reason for my existence!!

13. I only answer to God. I have a God-shaped hole in my heart that needs to be filled by Him.

14. I only answer to God because God answers everything.

15. I only answer to God, because He is the only one that can take away my fears and give me peace of mind.

16. He’s the answer, you can trust him, he does it all. I only answer to God.

17. I’ll never forget that day. I was walking down the street when I heard God speaking to me. “I am your all in all,” He said to me. When everything around you crumbles, I will be with you and never leave your side.

18. I only answer to God because He is my all in all. I obey my leader, I believe what He says, I trust His judgment and I lean on Him to see me through.

19. Out of all things, I only answer to God because he is my all in all. -Psalm 73:25

20. I only answer to God because He is my Captain, my Savior and my friend. I put my trust in Him.

21. I only answer to God, no man should point his finger at me.

22. I only answer to God. He is my rock, my salvation, and my shield. I put complete trust in Him. He is the only one I will ever need!

23. I only answer to God because only He can give me strength than this world has ever known

24. I answer to God, only. He is the only power that controls my life.

25. When I become vexed, I only answer to God: in Him is all help and strength.

26. I pray that I will trust you enough to answer only to you when I’m put in a situation where I don’t know what to do.

27. I only answer to God because He is the only one who would help me, understand me, and comfort me in every situation

28. I only answer to God. It is He who has shown me the way, and I am grateful for His guidance.

29. I only answer to God. No matter the circumstances you may be facing, there is always a way out of every situation.

30. I only answer to God for I know that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

31. I only answer to God because He’s the only one I’ll give an answer for.

32. He’s not there to help you, He is there to help those who cannot help themselves. I only answer to God.

33. Don’t be afraid to try something new! Just say yes, and give it all you got. I only answer to God.

34. What does God think about my problems? Don’t be afraid to try something new! Just say yes, and give it all you got. I only answer to God.

35. I only answer to God because there is nothing to hide nor fear because he knows all and sees all, I only answer to God because he gives the best reward for every situation we are in and there is no one like him and he will never leave nor forsake us.

36. Every time I hear someone speak, I only hope that they will bring glory to God. I only hope that they will take away something positive from their lives and share it with a group of people; even just one group. God bless you always.

37. I am the friend of God, His messenger on earth. The one who doesn’t fear God is not my friend and I am dead against this kind of attitude because I always answer to God.

38. I have been preaching the Word of God to you people and I also want you to pray to God because He is the one who answers all your prayers.

39. The Lord will never put you in a place you can’t handle. Don’t be afraid to try something new. Just say yes, and give it all you got.

40. Don’t hesitate. We don’t do anything by half. Give it everything you’ve got. It’s all in the hands of God, so don’t worry about it

41. Don’t be afraid to try something new. If God is willing, good things can happen.

42. When God calls you to do something, it’s hard. You can choose to say no, or you can face the challenge and prove to God that you care about what He calls you to do.

43. God called you to it, He will carry you through it.

44. Trust me, you won’t regret it. After all, the Lord will protect you!

45. The Lord heard my prayer and answered me. Ask and you shall receive. Just have faith, and it will all work out in the end.

46. With God all things are possible. He will always make a way for you, just believe in Him and be patient.

47. Dear God, as I face a new challenge and walk into the unknown, give me the courage to do my best and trust in your unfailing love.

48. Lots of people feel that they only answer to God, yet they live immoral lives. This is the reason why the world is in panic and chaos. The Bible however says that Psalm 25:4-5. “Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer.

49. In every situation and at all times, we must always answer to God as he is our ‘all in all’.

50. You can always put your trust in God to help you and save you at all times. This is what I have been doing and I won’t stop now.

I’m very sure you enjoyed reading these I only answer to god quotes. We must always answer to God. No matter how difficult or impossible the task or situation may seem, we are to always answer to God because He is our all in all.

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