I Regret Falling in Love With You Quotes

When you’re in love, there’s nothing that can bring you down. You feel like you’re on top of the world and nothing can stop you from being happy. Falling in love with the wrong person can be painful. It’s having your expectations and dreams forever shattered, especially after finally allowing yourself to be completely vulnerable. 

But a lot of times, people end up making mistakes when they’re in love that they regret later on. They may have not been ready for a relationship or their partner might have turned out to be abusive or unfaithful. If this is something that has happened to you, don’t beat yourself up because it’ll only make things worse. Instead, learn from your mistakes and move on with your life.

The worst is having to begin the process of finding safety and familiarity all over again. You’ll question yourself and experience doubts about ‘happy ever afters,’ and if you’ll ever find that special someone for you.

Hence, the reason the I regret falling in love with you quotes below. They’ll reaffirm that you aren’t alone in your hurt and will even help you express your hurt and anger without a loss of dignity. 

If this is how true love ends, then I’m never falling in love again. Even though I loved you with all my heart and gave you my best, you still broke my heart. I regret falling in love with you.

1. If anyone had told me we wouldn’t be together now, I’d have called them a liar. I regret falling in love with you for this pain I’m feeling.

2. Since our breakup, my heart has been on fire. Even though I’m grateful for the times we shared, I regret falling in love with you.

3. You swore you wouldn’t hurt me and promised me forever by your side. How is it that you ended up breaking my heart eventually? I regret falling in love with you.

4. Everything was smooth and perfect with us. But I suppose we were too good to last forever. I regret falling in love with you, though.

5. I should have paid attention to the red flags you showed me. However, I stayed and got my heart broken in return. I regret falling in love with you!

6. Now, I believe that the first heartbreak is always the worst because I never want to experience the pain I’m currently feeling again. I regret falling in love with you.

7. I want to believe that I’ll overcome this hurt and confusion because I don’t understand how you ended up hurting me this way. I regret falling in love with you.

8. Your love took me to the highest mountains but made my heart crash into a million pieces without any thought or consideration. I regret falling in love with you.

9. Our supposed perfection fooled even me because I never saw our breakup coming up. I want you to know that I regret falling in love with you.

10. I guess love is never enough because I don’t understand how you went from just professing love to me to breaking up with me. I regret falling in love with you.

11. With one statement, you succeeded in shattering my heart and dreams for us. Heartbreak wasn’t what you promised me, and I regret falling in love with you.

12. Of course, everyone else saw the red flags except me. Not only do I feel stupid, but I also regret falling in love with you too.

13. I can’t believe that while I was busy looking for how to make us work, you were making plans to shatter my heart. I regret falling in love with you.

14. I can’t believe that you brought me this far to still hurt me. I regret falling in love with you and the lingering memories of us.

15. I’m mostly angry at my intuition because you’ve broken me in more ways than I can explain. I swore that you were legit and out to spend forever with me. I was wrong, and I regret falling in love with you.

16. Our breakup still feels like a bad dream I’m praying to wake up from. Because this can’t happen to the love I thought would last forever. I regret falling in love with you.

17. I keep asking myself if I was wrong to love you with all my heart and to fight for us as I did. I regret falling in love with you.

18. Falling in love with you has put me through a lot, and I don’t see myself forgiving you soon. I regret falling in love with you.

19. The life you promised me is vastly different from what you’re offering me now. This one hurts, and I don’t know if I’ll ever be fine again. I regret falling in love with you.

20. For the first time in a long time, I was excited about life again. But you had to break my heart by claiming you weren’t sure of me. So that you know, I regret falling in love with you.

21. It feels like a truck hit me. I don’t know if I’ll ever be fine again, and I regret falling in love with you.

22. I loved you so much, and I still don’t get why you had to hurt me this way. Heartbreak was certainly not what I signed up for, and I regret falling in love with you.

23. You turned out not to be the person I thought you were, and I got my heart broken. So that you know, I regret falling in love with you.

24. Thinking about it now, I was stupid to think that forever would be by your side. I regret falling in love with you.

25. I don’t feel as special anymore. You not only broke my heart, but you also took a large chunk of my esteem and validation with me. I regret falling in love with you.

26. If you knew forever wouldn’t be with me, you shouldn’t have gotten together with me. I regret falling in love with you.

27. Yesterday was supposed to be our anniversary, but you’ve turned me into the ex that cries at every opportunity. I regret falling in love with you.

28. I thought we would be together for the long haul, but I lived in a dreamland by myself. I regret falling in love with you.

29. Even if I wanted to, I still don’t see myself forgiving you for the hurt you’re putting me through. I regret falling in love with you.

30. Now that our memories have refused to vanish, I regret meeting you and falling in love with you. If given a chance, I’ll undo everything.

31. No amount of sorry you say will be enough to make up for the hurt you’ve caused me this period. With all my heart, I regret falling in love with you.

32. Ours was the best relationship I’d had, and I can’t believe it’s over. You hurt me so bad that I wish I had never met you or fallen in love with you.

33. I know you’ve apologized and said you didn’t mean to hurt me. But you hurt me, and I regret falling in love with you.

34. You’ve hurt me so much and let me down in more ways than I can fully explain. Heartbreak wasn’t what I signed up for, and I regret falling in love with you.

35. At this point, I wish I could take back everything between us. I’m hurting so bad, and I regret falling in love with you.

36. I know I’ll eventually forgive you and move forward with my life. But for now, I wish I could undo the moment we met.

37. The pain I’m feeling is unbearable, and I don’t know if I’ll ever take love seriously again. I regret meeting you and especially falling for you.

38. I’m going to take this pain as life’s way of making me strong and fearless. But I’ll be lying if I don’t say that I regret meeting and falling in love with you.

39. I trust life to always come with lessons, but I didn’t think you or our love would be a part of it. I regret many things right now, especially allowing myself to get vulnerable with you.

40. I hope that you feel at least half the pain I’m feeling now because it is the only way I’ll get some compensation for falling in love with you.

41. The painful part was hoping you’d take me back after I kept begging. I regret falling in love with you and allowing myself to be vulnerable.

42. Of all the heartbreaks I’ve suffered, this is the worst. While I hope to pull out of this situation soon, I want you to know that I regret falling for you.

43. Since our breakup, I’ve been a bundle of nerves, and I’ve just been wondering what I did wrong to deserve this pain. I regret meeting and falling for you.

44. Months later, I still can’t get you out of my mind. I don’t deserve this hurt, and I certainly regret falling in love with you.

45. I thought our bond would be strong enough to fight off the storms life would throw at us. However, I was wrong, and now I regret meeting you.

46. This ranks as the most painful thing I’ve experienced, especially as I don’t know how to begin the process of unravelling with another person again. I regret falling for you!

47. You told me that our connection was more special than anyone you’d had in the past. It’s why I don’t understand how you still hurt me afterwards.

48. I’m banking on time to heal my heart because you’ve completely shattered it. Lord knows I regret falling in love with you.

49. I’m choosing to believe that there’ll be sunshine after the amount of pain I’ve had to endure because of you. In the meantime, know that I want nothing to do with you again.

50. I promised myself I wouldn’t fall in love with someone who didn’t see a future with me. Even with my level of carefulness, I still somehow ended up with you!

51. Maybe if you tell me what I did wrong to you, I can find the closure I need to move on. You’ve hurt me so much that I regret ever meeting you.

52. It’s wicked that you brought me this far to still hurt me. How am I supposed to move on like you didn’t break my heart and dreams?

53. I’m choosing to believe that I’ll come out of this stronger because if the pain of this heartbreak doesn’t kill me, then nothing else can.

54. You should have taken the memories with you because they’re still hunting me till now. I regret falling in love with you!

55. I went from feeling safe to feeling alone and insecure. I’m hurting bad, and I regret many things with you right now.

56. Even though I regret meeting and falling in love with you, I know that the sun will still shine for me. Thank you for hurting me!

57. I saw forever with you, and I thought you saw the same with me. This heartbreak hurts more than I can explain, and I regret falling in love with you.

58. Friends and family surround me, so I know I’ll pull through this. Even though my heart hurts and I wonder why I had to meet you at all.

59. I thought you said you’d always be here for me. So, how have you broken my heart and left me to pick the pieces alone? I regret the day that I met you.

60. What hurts the most is that you shattered my heart into pieces but acted as if nothing happened. I regret falling in love with you.

61. I don’t know why it’s me who has to get her heartbroken all the time. I regret knowing you and creating all these painful memories with you.

62. You didn’t only break my heart; you took my dignity with you. You shouldn’t have come close when you had the intention to hurt me all along.

63. You should have come up with a manual on how to get over you. What you did to my hurts, and I regret falling for you.

64. You’ve broken me in more ways than I can say, and I don’t know that I’ll be fine again. Thank you for turning out to be my worst nightmare.

65. I must have looked stupid to you because I was busy planning forever by your side. Thank you for hurting me this much.

66. I should have known the sudden coldness and distance was the beginning of a heartbreak. You were not fair to me at all.

67. I’m angry and hurt, and I don’t understand why you would do this to me. Sometimes, I wonder if you even understand the depth of pain you’ve caused me.

68. I thought you cared about me and that our bond would last forever. But I was wrong because you’ve hurt me more than anyone else has.

69. What hurts more is the calm way you ended things between us. You acted like I didn’t mean anything to you and like we didn’t share many moments.

70. Like it wasn’t enough that you broke my heart; you also had to throw all those mean words at me. I regret falling in love with you.

71. I hope I never meet your kind in my life again. You’ve become my worst nightmare, and I regret falling in love with you.

72. Thinking about it now, you led me on for a long time. You knew you weren’t sure of me, but you continued to feed my feelings for you. I regret knowing and falling for you.

73. Thank you for suddenly becoming honest with me after leading me on for years. I want you to know that I regret meeting you.

74. I could have sworn that you were the one for me. But I was wrong, and you hurt me. I regret falling in love with you.

75. I don’t think that you’re a good person. I think that you deliberately set out to hurt me, and this is something I won’t be forgiving you for in a long time.

76. I’m sure I’ll appreciate this breakup in a few weeks because you were not the one for me. In the meantime, I regret falling in love with you.

77. Was it something I did that made you hurt me this much? I don’t deserve this hurt because all I ever did was love and care for you.

78. Loving you came easy for me, and I swore you were my final destination. But look who broke my heart into a million pieces!

79. Even if I hurt you, you hurt me more with the breakup. Sadly, I still love you, and I regret meeting and falling for you.

80. Loving you changed my life, but it’s also hurt me more than I can describe. With the hurt I feel, I regret falling in love with you.

81. At this rate, I’ll need help because I don’t know how I can get over you. Honestly, I regret meeting and falling in love with you.

82. With the way you hurt me, I hate that I still care for you. I know that I won’t be forgiving you any time soon and that I also regret falling for you.

83. Everything about our love was beautiful, and I thought it would end well. However, I was wrong, and you hurt me badly.

84. The hardest thing I’ve done recently is saying goodbye to a relationship I gave my all. You shouldn’t have hurt me this way, though.

85. I wish I could yank off my memories of us because they’ve caused me nothing but pain and heartbreak.

86. I thought our bond was unique and would last forever. The pain I’m feeling is proof that I was wrong about us.

87. How am I supposed to form a strong connection with someone else? You’ve hurt me so much that I don’t know how to get past it.

88. You’ve said you never meant to hurt me, but you did. I’m in so much pain that I regret falling in love with you.

89. If there’s anything you’ve taught me, it is never to fully give my heart to anyone. Thank you for hurting me!

90. I’ve been through all the motions with you. I don’t understand how someone who’s supposed to be my safe space will hurt me like this. I do regret falling for you.

91. How I stupidly allowed myself to fall in love with you should be studied. Thank you for breaking my heart and teaching me lessons.

92. This heartbreak ranks as the most painful thing that’s happened to me, and I’ve seen a lot in my lifetime. So that you know, I regret falling in love with you.

93. I’m sitting here wondering what I ever saw in you and how I was foolish enough to imagine a life with you. I regret falling for you!

94. Honestly, I’m not doing fine. I wasn’t expecting this breakup or the hurt afterwards, and I regret many things right now.

95. Did you even love me? Because if you did, I don’t understand how you’re able to hurt me without a thought of my happiness.

96. You’ve managed to take all the warmth and joy I felt, and I hate you. I hope I never find someone like you again.

97. If given another chance, I wouldn’t meet or fall in love with you. You’ve hurt me too much, and I can’t seem to move past it.

98. I can’t believe that I still got hurt after being careful with my heart. I lost again, and I don’t feel very good about it.

99. Someone has to give me a certain number for how many times I must get hurt before finding the real person. I regret meeting you, and you can bet that I regret falling for you!

100. If I’d listened to my gut feeling, I wouldn’t be here nursing a broken heart. Thank you for leading me on and getting me hurt.

Sadly, the people we love don’t always turn out to be what we expect sometimes. I hope these I regret falling in love with you quotes resonated well with you. Kindly share this post with others. Thank you for reading. 

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