The stakeholders of SIWES

Brief history of the farm

Organizational structure of Ebsu teaching and research farm
Aims and objectives of Ebsu teaching and research farm
Major activities carried out in poultry unit
Brooding period of day old chick
Material needed for brooding
Subsequent of inspection of birds
Grows composition of broiler starter mash
Gross composition of broiler finisher mash
Orderly vaccination of birds
Types of rabbit housing of Ebsu teaching and research farm
Rabbit reproduction method
Factors affecting maturity of rabbit
Feeding and supplying of water
Sanitation and disease control
Prevention of coccidiosis
Nutritional disease of rabbit
Major activities carried out in cattle unit
Taking the cattle out for grazing in the field
Factors affecting the quality of forage
Alternative material to poultry littre in silage making
Breeds of pigs at Ebsu teaching and research farm
Structure in piggery unit
Major activities carried out in piggery unit
Feeding and provision of water
Feed ingredient use for formulation of feed in piggery unit——————-
CHAPTER FOUR (4)                                                     
Minor activities carried out in different unit
Performance assessment and evolution
Staff control and discipline

The word SIWES means, Student Industrial work experience scheme. It is an accepted skill training programme in the national ,university commission (NUC) guideline for undergraduate professions of agriculture, engineering and technology. Sciences, management and other educational professions in the Nigeria institutions.
This STWES was started in the year 1974 in order to help the students to know their areas of specialization before going into labour market. It is funded by the federal government and jointly coordinated by industrial training fund (ITF) as the super history body. Their aims is to bridge the gap between theory and practical of the academic professions in the Nigeria institutions. It is also the process of exposing the student to handle the machine and equipment used in their working areas and how to deal with workers in their different field of work.
1. (TJ.F) – industrial training fund.
2.  (N.C.C.E) National commission for collages of education.
3.  (N.B.T.E) National body for technical education.
4.  (N.U.C) National University commission.
5.  (F.G.N) Federal government of Nigeria
6.  Employers of labour. OBJECTIVES OF SIWES
1It  prepares   students   for  industrial   situation   to  meet  after  their graduation.
2.  Exposing student the method and technology of handling machines.
3.  It provides the students for the work situation they are going to face in the future.
4.  It provides a tertiary students an avenue to acquire industrial skills and technology.
1.  It gave me the knowledge to actually carry ant the vaccination programme that we have been discussing theoretically in the class.
2.  It provide me with a practical knowledge on how to feed ruminant animal/broilers.
3.  It also gave me the practical knowledge of how the productivity of a farm can be improved through proper management practices.
Faculty of agriculture was established at Abakaliki campus of the defunct Anambra state university of science and technology in the year 1987/88 academic, in accordance with the old Anambra state Government Edict of
1985. This faculty was set up the following Departments:
Agriculture Economic and Extension, Animal Production and aquaculture, food Science and technology, Kc culture and plant protection, soil science and soil survey.
After creating these Departments, Lectures started in November 1987 with 55 students and 15 academic staff, including 14 students from Dept. of Hortaiiiture and plant protection that were transfer from A wka campus to AJbuLali  campus. As at 1997/95 academic year, the staff and students were increased up to 467.                                                              
In en in 1989/90 session, the Department of Horticulture and plant protection were renamed as crop science and production, and .animal production and aquaojituie were also renamed as Animal science and fisheries respectively.
C academic year, the first batch of students were graduated from these programmes.
On creation of more state on 1st October, 1996, Abakaliki became the capital of the new iSbcxwi state, with the faculties of Agriculture and     medicine located in if.
In Ausrust 200?, the senate of Ebonyi state University approved the char ire the name of the faculty of Agriculture and natural resources mar?. This was followed by the review of the curriculum of the faculty in order to satisfy the needs and aspirations of Nigeria students and society.


To help the graduate farmers to know their functional skill, who will be willing to practice it through the establishment of their own farming.
1. To produce the knowledge that necessary for engaging in economic and sustainable agricultural production and environmental resources management.

2.  To engage in production and research designed to provide solution to agricultural and rural development problem of the state in particular and in Nigeria in general.

The following are the minor activities I participated in carrying out at the institution.
Monthly Environmental Sanitation
Fetching of water: I participated in fetching clean water in the poultry unit, ruminant unit and micro livestock unit.
Refuse disposal: I participated in packing and disposing in all the units I worked throughout my LT period.
Removal of Cobwebs: I participated in removing the cobwebs in all the ruminant unit, poultry unit/ apicultural unit and Piggery unit.
Feed Mixing : I helped in mixing feed in the piggery unit.
Cutting of Grass: I participated in harvesting forages for small ruminant feed supplement.


Reading and surfing the net for more information on livestock production and marketing. These is done after coming out of the unit, till closing time, which is 2pm.
High case of day-old chick, (because it is the student that provided the birds that was use at the poultry unit, although the institution was not in section due to ASUU strike which may be the reason why birds were not provided to us by the Institution Farm Authority).
Lack of finance to sustain the industrial training students throughout the period since no dine was paid. (Feeding and Transport).
This is the process of engaging, scheduling job, training and controlling new personnel in the institute. The institute controls their staff and directs them on what to do. The institute has over 80% staff, which includes the research officers, and administrative staff.
The institute recruits new personnel when the need arise first. They will advertise in the mass media so that the interested persons will apply, for the vacant post(s) according to the procedures and requirements in the advert. When the period of time given for applications elapsed the institute set up a committee that will process the applications and publish the name of the successful ones they are normally invited for a written interview or examination to be supervised and marked instantly by some senior staff from ministry of Agriculture Abuja. After this if the number of people who are successful exceeds. The stipulated number, they are invited for oral interview after which appointment letter will be given to the successful ones.
The institute has outstanding disciplinary committee who make sure ‘that an earring staff is disciplined approximately. If the offence committee’ is mild. They person will be warned oral by the senior personnel’s or will be query, but if not, the person will be suspended the disciplinary committee
Ebsu teaching and research farm Ebonyi State is really trying in providing the required structures for rearing of farm animal. And also farm animal with proven quality are also produced by the institute. But we believe that more is needed for effective production and research findings and that was why the governing board of the institute recently embarked on changing the cattle ranch from a local one to a west African standard type of cattle ranch.
FINANCIAL ASPECT                 
The funding of the research institute both for research salaries, etc is been carried out by the federal government of Nigeria. The fund release by the federal government is utilized adequately for renovation works, expansion of research scope of the institute and in production of agricultural products, extension to farmers in urban and rural areas of the country and the farmer’s standard of living.
It is inevitable to have an establishment running without any setback. It
has occurred at Ebsu teaching and research, that some factors are making them not work fully to a satisfactory standard, which has been the dream of the farm managements. These areas include:
a. Finance: In the area of funding to researches, modern farming tools . to replace the old and worn out once, the establishments, still need some help to that area.



Animal products are the major source of dietary protein which is the component of any standard diets to every human life. So, animal science production remains a relevant human practice for life sustainability and improvement.
SIWES is a way of applying the acquired theoretical knowledge into practice through experience.
I appreciated the student industry based supervisor of EBSU teaching and research farm but the following recommendation will help to  improved the farm more better.
1. Trained workers should be employed because this will encourage specialization.                    
2. Improve the method of feed formulation into more sophisticated

Method  so as to enhance feed production efficiency.


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