I Want to Be a Soldier Quotes

A soldier is a person who is hired to fight for and defend the rights and interests of his country, state, or overlord. This person has been trained in combat and strategic manoeuvres. A soldier presents certain words which make him a man of courage and valour. The word ‘soldier’ itself is laudable. Every nation in the world has its army to defend its independence.

The country can take vital decisions for itself only when it enjoys complete freedom from foreign interference. An army reflects the dignity and glory of a country and, thus, of its people.

Actually, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be a soldier. There are several reasons why a person may want to be a soldier. Someone can become a soldier to serve his or her country selflessly. In fact, it’s a thoughtful and great occupation because you get to fight for your country and help people regain freedom and enjoy what they have worked for. It’s natural to be attracted to a job that involves more variety and danger than other jobs, and that’s one big reason why people want to be soldiers.

If you desire to fight for your country and you love to be a soldier, then you need to see these I want to be a soldier quotes below.

I want to be a soldier because I want to fight for my country’s freedom. I want to learn the art of war, and I am prepared to risk my life on the battlefield. I am convinced that the arms of the soldiers alone can save our nation from extinction.

1. I want to be a soldier. I will always stand up for my beliefs, country, and friends. I would do anything to keep the peace. I would die for them, and nothing will stop me from being a soldier.

2. I will always stand up for my beliefs, country, and friends. I would do anything to keep the peace. I would die for them, and nothing will stop me from being a soldier.

3. I want to be a soldier. I will always stand up for my beliefs, country, and friends. And I will never stop fighting for them.

4. I want to be a soldier. I will always stand up for my beliefs, country, and friends. Nothing will stop me from being a soldier.

5. I want to be a soldier. I will always stand up for what I believe in. My country is important to me, and I believe in peace.

6. I want to be a soldier. I will do anything for my country and my beliefs. I am strong, courageous, and resilient. And there is nothing that will stop me from being a soldier.

7. I want to be a soldier. I would die to keep the peace. I am willing to give my life for my country and my friend, no matter what it takes.

8. I want to be a soldier. I want to defend my country. I want to bring peace. I want to protect my loved ones. Nothing will stop me from being a soldier.

9. I belong in the military. I will always fight for my friends, my country, and myself. Nothing will keep me from being a soldier or exiting the military. I want to be a soldier.

10. I want to be the bravest soldier I can be. I will stand up for my loved ones and fight with every fibre of my being. I will keep fighting for as long as I am able until we win.

11. In the service of my country, I will fight. I will conquer. I will never surrender.

12. I want to be a soldier because I want to help people and make a difference in the world.

13. I want to be a soldier because I want to protect the innocent and be able to do something good with my life.

14. I want to be a soldier because I’m not afraid of what others think of me.

15. I want to be a soldier because I love helping people and impacting their lives.

16. I want to be a soldier because it is an honourable profession that serves our country.

17. I want to be a soldier because it is an exciting career path that allows me to meet new people daily.

18. I want to be a soldier because I have a great love for my country, and I want to defend it.

19. I want to be a soldier because it is one of the noblest professions in the world.

20. I want to be a soldier because I will get an opportunity to serve my country and protect it from enemies.

21. I want to be a soldier because it is a noble profession and will allow me to serve humanity at large.

22. I want to be a soldier because I can fight for peace and justice in this world.

23. I want to be a soldier because I want to protect my country and my family.

24. My father was a soldier, and he was killed in the war. I want to be like him.

25. I want to be a soldier because I think it is an honourable profession, and it will help me find my place in life.

26. I want to be a soldier because I am passionate about protecting people’s rights and freedoms.

27. I want to be a soldier because it will allow me to travel worldwide and see different cultures.

28. I want to be a soldier because I’m tired of killing people, but at the same time, I want to protect innocent people from getting killed.

29. I want to be a soldier because it’s like being a superhero. You get to save lives and make a difference in the world.

30. There is nothing nobler than being a soldier and fighting for your country, and protecting your fellow citizens.

31. I have always wanted to be a soldier since I was young because they are heroes who risk their lives every day so we can live safe lives here at home.

32. I want to be a soldier because it is my country’s need for me. I want to be a soldier because it answers my heart’s longing.

33. I want to be a soldier because it allows me to serve my country and humanity at large.

34. I want to be a soldier because I want to fight for my country and make a difference in the world.

35. I want to be a soldier because I want my life to have meaning and purpose.

36. I want to be a soldier because I want freedom, equality, and justice for all people.

37. I want to be a soldier because I can never stand by while others are oppressed or wronged.

38. I want to be a soldier because I know that peace is not possible without justice first being served.

39. I want to be a soldier because there is no more incredible honour than serving one’s country.

40. I want to be a soldier not because I am brave but because I am scared.

41. I want to be a soldier because there is no more incredible honour than to defend your country and the ones you love.

42. I want to be a soldier; because I believe in my country, freedom, and liberty.

43. I want to be a soldier; because I believe in God and what he has done for my family and me.

44. I want to be a soldier; because I am proud of who I am and where I come from.

45. I want to be a soldier; so that one day when my children ask me what I did during this time of war, they can look me in the eye with pride in knowing that their father served his country well.

46. I want to be a soldier. I want to protect my country. I want to serve in the army.

47. To be a soldier isn’t about the uniform; it’s about the heart.

48. I want to be the soldier who never gets used to being a soldier —always wants to be better because that’s how we’re made.

49. Soldiers are drawn to excellence, and I don’t believe I can ever get used to being a soldier.

50. My goal is to be a soldier who continues to improve—that’s what makes us the best at what we do.

51. We are created to be better. We are never done becoming soldiers. We want this because that’s who we are and what we choose.

52. I want to keep improving because that’s what it means to be a soldier.

53. I want to be a soldier, and I will train hard, respect orders, and strive to keep my standards high.

54. The military is a world of honour, discipline, and sacrifice. It’s a world of sacrifice and loss but also pride and teamwork.

55. So, you think it takes courage to be a soldier? That’s nothing. It takes far more courage to stand there when everyone else is running and to show your true self.

56. I want to be a soldier. I will lead my soldiers with integrity. I will never leave a fallen comrade. I will never surrender my unit while I have the breath to fight and the blood to bleed.

57. If you want to be a soldier, there are no shortcuts. You will have to work hard. To achieve high standards, you’ll have to prepare yourself with the best training and equipment.

58. The most potent spirit is the spirit that says I’ll fight for what I want. I have always wanted to be a soldier.

59. I have always wanted to be a soldier – to serve my country and to do my part.

60. I want to be a soldier. I was raised by a military family, and my dream has always been to serve my country.

61. I’ve been inspired by the military since I was young. It is my only goal to be a soldier in the United States Military. I will follow all orders and give everything I have to my job.

62. I have always wanted to serve my country. I am a soldier. I was born to join the army.

63. I took the time to learn about how the Marines work. I learned about their values, the way they work, and their mission.

64. I have always known that I wanted to share in the pride of serving our country.

65. I wasn’t just born to be a soldier – I was made for it.

66. I will believe in myself because I am the only one who can do it. I want to be the soldier of my dreams without any fear.

67. I want to be a soldier. I will defend my country with the last drop of my blood.

68. I want to be a soldier because I will stand up for what I believe in, fight for what I love, and protect those who cannot protect themselves.

69. I want to become a soldier because it would give me the courage to say I stood up for what I believed in, the willingness to fight for what I love, and the protection of those who cannot protect themselves.

70. I want to be a soldier. My mission is clear. Together we must stand up for what we believe in, fight for what we love, and protect those who cannot protect themselves.

71. I want to be a soldier. I will fight to protect what is right, those I love, and those who cannot defend themselves.

72. I want to be a soldier because I want to give back to my country. To defend it and protect what’s important. Join me in the armed services.

73. By being a soldier, I will stand up for my beliefs. I will fight for what I love. I will protect those who cannot protect themselves.

74. I want to be a soldier because I will stand up for what I believe in.

75. I will protect you and be a strong defender of our nation. I want to be a soldier.

76. I want to be a soldier because I want to stand up for what I believe in, fight for what I love, and protect those who cannot protect themselves.

77. For those who have a dream and those who will fight for it. I want to be a soldier to fight for my country.

78. I want to fight for my country. I need to be a soldier.

79. I want to be a soldier because I want to be fearless, brave, and selfless.

80. I sign up for the army. It’s my duty as a citizen of this country to protect it against its enemies.

81. I want to be a soldier, so I can fight for the people I love.

82. The army is a career for people who want to rise to the occasion no matter what. It’s for those who truly want something more.

83. I want to be a soldier. I fight for my country.

84. I want to be a soldier. I stand up for others. I defend the innocent. I will serve with honour and integrity.

85. I want to be a soldier in the Army, protecting our country’s freedom.

86. I choose to be a soldier to fight for my country.

87. I want to be a soldier and a hero for America.

88. I want to be a soldier, so I can face fear head-on and take on any challenge.

89. Is it not to defend those who cannot defend themselves? If it is, then with all my heart, I am for it.

90. I wish I could be the perfect soldier, but I am only me.

91. I want to be a soldier of where I’m from.

92. I will ride the rapids of this river buried deep in my soul. For I am a soldier of life.

93. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be a soldier.

94. I want to be a soldier; it’s one way to never run from anything.

94. I want to be a soldier because I want to know the meaning of life. I want to learn how to be responsible and never run from anything.

95. I want to be a soldier. I’ll never run away. I aim to be a soldier, so I can fight without running away.

96. I want to be a soldier, not to run away but to stand and face my enemies.

97. I love being a soldier. It’s how I learn from the tough stuff in life. Soldiers don’t run.

98. Being a soldier means I’m never afraid. My father was the most courageous man I’ve ever known, and he raised me to be the same.

99. I will make my country proud. Everything is dangerous. I would instead choose one dangerous thing to handle than let more dangerous things find their way.

100. There are no half-measures. I’m all in, or I’m out. If I want something, I’ll do whatever it takes to achieve my goal.

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