I Want to Be Pretty Quotes

Being pretty means your appearance is pleasant, your attractiveness is eye-catching, and you are well-spoken. However, not every woman is pretty.
Many girls believe that being pretty is something only a handful of individuals can achieve.

We all want to be pretty, but for some of us, it’s hard. We keep searching for the magic potion or a list of famous people for being ugly. That won’t happen. In this world, it’s not enough to be pretty, and you must be really pretty.

These I want to be pretty quotes below will help you get your mojo back and remind you of why you decided to be pretty in the first place.

1. I want to be pretty. I want to be stylish. Could you tell me that I look good? But most of all, I want to feel beautiful inside out because beauty is an inside job!

2. I want to be pretty. I want to be beautiful and graceful, and my mind should always be elegant and graceful. But sometimes beauty is painful, and sometimes the best thing about me is what hurts other people the most.

3. I want to be pretty, but I don’t want to compromise for it.

4. We all want to be pretty. We want to look good. We want to feel confident. We want to radiate beauty. That’s fine, but for that beauty to shine, we must first feel pretty within ourselves.

5. Being pretty is not about your outer appearance but your inner beauty. Let go of your insecurities and embrace your inner beauty #bepretty

6. I want to be pretty. I want to be loved. And I want to be happy.

7. I have always wanted to be pretty. It’s not that I’m ungrateful for the way God made me; I want to be more beautiful than I am.

8. Trying to be pretty and you’re not is a lot of work. But when you are pretty, and you try to be yourself, it’s a huge relief.

9. The best thing about being pretty is always looking like a million bucks.

10. If you want to be beautiful, don’t compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday and who you will be tomorrow.

11. I want to be pretty. I want to know how to wear a headband, do my hair like it is done on TV and wear cute little outfits.

12. Pretty can be found in the eyes of a man; pretty is not only for women. If you have this feeling of being pretty and confident, it is OK to be pretty forever!

13. Being pretty is about being confident, not perfect.

14. Pretty is a state of mind. It’s not something that you have, and it’s something that you become.

15. Be pretty, and people will come after you. Be smart, and they’ll come to you.

16. I want to be pretty. I want you to see me. I don’t just want you to know me, and I want you to love me.

17. I want to be pretty. I want to wear pretty clothes and drink pretty cocktails. I want my friends to think I’m not just pretty but good-looking.

18. I want to be pretty, and I want to be loved. I do not want to be just pretty but complete.

19. I want to be pretty, but I’m not sure if it’s the kind of pretty that is always beautiful.

20. I want to be pretty. Not only pretty but special and unique. I want my personality to shine through every day – no matter what I wear or look at.

21. I don’t feel pretty, but I look pretty. I’m not ugly, but I am not attractive either.

22. Being pretty is an art; it isn’t just a matter of looking good. It’s having an appropriate attitude towards yourself and your appearance.

23. Being pretty is all in mind. Your mood, what you’re thinking about and how you feel about yourself determine if you are beautiful or not.

24. You have to be pretty to be one of the guys, but you can be one without being pretty.

25. I want to be pretty. I want the world to see how beautiful I am and tell me they love it.

26. I want to be pretty. I want to look good when I wake up in the morning. I want to feel pretty on my own.

27. I want to be pretty. I want to be a flirty girl with a smile that lights up the room. Every day I wake up and tell myself, “I look good today”, and I mean it.

28. I want to be pretty. I want the world to know that I am wonderfully made.

29. I want to be pretty. I want to wear make-up, high heels, and pencil skirts, and I want my life to be like that on the outside. But I’m not like that on the inside. And I don’t think anyone else is either.

30. I want to be pretty. It’s a simple but powerful thing. I hope that in the next decade, there will be a time when every woman can say, “I’m beautiful.”

31. The only thing that matters is how you feel. And if you allow yourself to be pretty, you can be anything you want.

32. I want to be pretty so that I can feel pretty. If you spend your life pretty, make it worth it.

33. I want to be pretty, but I don’t think that’s what God wants. I want to be brave and smart, wise and strong, but I don’t think that’s what God wants, either. God wants me to keep his best interests in mind, a very difficult task!

34. I want to be pretty. I don’t care how. I want to look nice!

35. I want to be pretty, not just pretty enough. I want to be more than that—beautiful. And when I am, everyone will know it.

36. I want to be pretty. I want to be special. I want to be desired. I want to feel good about myself. I want to feel beautiful, desired and special. I want to be the girl that every guy wants to date.

37. I want to be pretty. I want to be popular. I want everyone to like me and think highly of me. But most of all, I want to feel good about myself.

38. I want to be pretty, but I don’t want the world to know.

39. I want to be pretty forever. I want to make all the rules and still be the one who wears the crown.

40. I want to be pretty. I’m not sure how or when, but it’s my goal.

41. I want to be pretty, I want to be strong, and I want to be all of these things, but most of all, I want to be.

42. You want to be pretty, strong, and all these things, but most importantly, you want to be.

43. I want to be pretty, I want to be strong, and I want to be everything I never was.

44. I hope I’m a pretty girl who’s strong and puts up with those who are stupid.

45. I like this remake because it’s a playful twist on the original. It targets the same message while adding a personal touch.

46. I want to be pretty. It’s the most important thing in the world, I think. If you’re not pretty, people don’t care about you. If you’re pretty, they do.

47. I want to be pretty. I want to look like a model. I want a perfect life, and although I know it’s impossible, I still feel like losing weight is the only way to achieve that.

48. I want to be pretty. I want to wear a pretty dress and feel pretty in it. I want to hear compliments and feel good about myself. I want to feel beautiful and feminine, not because of what I am but because of who I am.

49. To be pretty, you have to be pretty. If you want to be smart, you have to be smart. If you want to be funny, And if you want to be all things pretty, then get a hold of yourself and get out there.

50. To be pretty, you have to be pretty. If you don’t want to be pretty, that’s OK too.

Being beautiful is something that everyone wants, but not everybody is blessed with. So I hope you enjoyed these I want to be pretty quotes written to uplift your spirit or describe your personality. These quotes aim to improve your self-confidence and make yourself glow inside.

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