I Will Always Be There for My Daughter Quotes

There is something special about the bond between a parent and their child and it can transcend centuries and civilisations. The parent-daughter relationship is the relationship that brings with it nothing but purest love and joy. And it is the one thing that will undoubtedly shape the type of person your daughter becomes.

Being a parent is one of the most difficult and challenging tasks, but also very important work one can undertake. All children need love, guidance and reassurance to grow up with self-confidence, safe in the knowledge that their parents will always be there for them.

Parenting isn’t always about giving the right advice. Sometimes, it involves simply being there for your daughter during the tough times. When she has a problem, be there to listen. Every child needs to know you are always there for them. We may not always be able to fix things for our children, but being there for them lets them know that you care.

If you’re looking for endearing and loving quotes about parents being there for and supporting their daughter, then you’ve come to the right place. I have compiled an amazing list of I will always be there for my daughter quotes below.

I will always be there for my daughter. Even if I have to chase her around the house until she gets old enough to run back and give me a hug. No matter where she goes, no matter what she does. I’ll always be there.

1. I will always be there for my daughter no matter what time it is, or where I am. I love you to the moon and back.

2. Sweeter than your favourite sugar cookie, more beautiful than even a sunset at the beach with you, you’ll always be my little girl and I will always be there for my daughter.

3. I will always be there for my daughter. I love you so much that I can’t even put it into words. Seeing you smile is the best feeling in the world.

4. I will always be there for my daughter in every step of her life. I will always be the shoulder you can lean on and the best friend you can have.

5. I will always be there for my daughter. I promise to guide her on a path of truth and show her what is right and what is wrong.

6. There are no words. There is nothing I can say that will make you feel better, but know that I am here and I will always be there for you, my daughter.

7. I am her foundation. I am her safe haven. I am her shelter from the storm. She knows I will always be there for her, and she believes in herself because of me. I will always be there for my daughter.

8. I always thought that the day I became a parent was the day I’d be able to let go of my daughter. But now, I know that my job as her father is to be there for her no matter what.

9. I am my daughter’s mother and her strength, I am her weakness she knows me as only a child knows a parent. She knows that even when I cannot understand or help I will always be there.

10. I never knew the meaning of true love until my daughter was born. Now I know exactly what it means to be in love with someone. I promise that I will always be there for my daughter.

11. My daughter will always be my little girl, but I’m looking forward to growing old with her.

12. My love for you will never end. You are the biggest part of my life, and I hope to always be by your side and do all I can to protect you, my daughter.

13. You’re my best friend, but also the love of my life. You make me laugh and smile. I can’t imagine not having you in my life.

14. I can’t go another day without you. Forget everything else that has ever happened, you are my one true love.

15. I’m my daughter’s safe place, her reason to smile and laugh, her favourite dance partner and her all around best friend. I will always be there for my daughter.

16. A mother’s love is the greatest love of all. And I will always be there for my daughter.

17. No matter where you go, what you do, or how much time passes, my heart will always be there for you, my daughter.

18. I am my daughter’s mother and her strength, I am her weakness she knows me as only a child knows a parent. She is me and I am her too.

19. I will always be there for my daughter.  No matter how old she gets, I will always be here when she needs me.

20. I work hard so my daughter can have the best of everything. But in the end, I realized what mattered most is that I’m there for her.

21. I stand for everything my daughter believes in. I am not just a mother, but an advocate for my little girl. She has always known that through thick and thin her mother will stick by her side.

22. I promise to always be there for my daughter, no matter what happens. I won’t leave her side because her presence and her love mean the world to me.

23. I’ve always been really close with my daughter. She’s a true best friend. She can tell me anything and I’m very protective of her.

24. The greatest gift I’ve ever received came from my daughter. She’ll always be my little girl and I’ll always be there for her.

25. My daughter is the love of my life, my best friend, and my role model. I will always be there for her when she needs me.

26. A daughter is someone very special in your life who you can trust and always look up to. She will always be there for you when you need her, and she’ll love you unconditionally.

27. I’m always here for my daughter when she needs me the most. She will never be alone.

28. I will always be there for my daughter. I think that’s what having kids is all about.

29. There is no mountain too high, there is no river too wide. You can always count on me to be there for you because I will always be there for you.

30. I will always be there for my daughter, even if I have to go to jail for it.

31. My daughter taught me the meaning of true love and it can’t be learned in a classroom. I will always be there for her.

32. My daughter has taught me to be a better person, she has given my life true meaning. I love her with all my heart and soul and I will always be there for her.

33. My baby girl taught me what true love is. She’s been my light, my motivation, and my world, ever since the day she was born and I promise to always be there for her.

34. I promise to always be there for you. I will always be the person who lifts you up, picks you up when you’re down and encourages you when the world has knocked you down.

35. I will always be there for you! You can count on me. No matter what obstacles lie ahead, I’m going to be there beside you the whole way.

36. Only since I had my daughter did I realize what true love really is. Love is priceless, and I found this out the moment I saw my daughter.

37. Having my daughter was one of the happiest days of my life and I promise to always be there for her.

38. I love my baby girl so much. The moment I held her in my arms for the first time, I knew my life would never be the same again.

39. The world became this brand new, bright beautiful place the moment I laid eyes on my daughter.

40. The first time I held my daughter in my arms, I knew there was no greater joy than being a loving parent.

41. As a daughter, you’re my greatest pride and joy. I’m always watching over you and I’m so proud of what you’ve become. When I look into my daughter’s eyes, I know that it is a love that can never be replicated.

42. Our love grows stronger every day as we watch our daughter grow up. I never knew a greater joy than watching her learn and grow.

43. My daughter has taught me more about life than anyone else. She’s a constant reminder of the impermanence of life and how we must cherish each day.

44. My daughter is my best friend. We love to learn from each other and play together. She’s the one person I can talk to about absolutely anything.

45. I never really knew the kind of love that was possible until I entered the world of parenthood. It is the most intense, beautiful, and self-sacrificing love I have ever felt for my daughter.

46. As she grows, my heart grows bigger. Love you to the moon and back.

47. A father is always making his daughter’s dreams come true, not realizing that her greatest dreams are to come true through him.

48. There is a motherly bond that no one can place. I will always be there for my daughter.

49. Daughter, I will always be there for you. I promise to respect you, encourage you, and support you unconditionally through all stages of your life.

50. Just like the sun always rises in the east, I will always be there for my daughter.

51. I will always be there for you in happiness and in pain, in health and in sickness. I will always be your father.

52. I will always be there for my daughter. I will hold on tight to the memories that we make. I will always be there for my family.

53. I may not always be there in person to help my daughter, but my spirit, dreams, stories, and values will always support her.

54. I’m not just her mother. I’m a woman who’s filled with pride, joy and love for my daughter.

55. To my daughter, I will always be there for you. I will teach you to hold yourself accountable. I will show you what it means to work hard and love harder.

56. I’m not just your father. I am also your closest friend, a person who wants to spend time with you in all kinds of situations. I will always have your back. I love you

57. My daughter is the best friend I could ever ask for. My little girl will always be there to understand and support me, through thick and thin.

58. No matter what, I will always be there for my daughter. That’s what a father does; that’s who a father is.

59. Never stop believing that you can achieve the life of your dreams. You deserve it, and I’ll be there to help you every step of the way.

60. You are an inspiration to those around you. You are strong. You are amazing. I will always be there for my daughter.

61. I will always be there for my daughter because she gives me meaning and purpose in a way that no job or hobby ever has.

62. When she is a teenager, she might not need me as much. But, I will be there for her through my words, actions and love.

63. My daughter, you are the human version of a heart. I love you so much. No matter what happens in this crazy world, I’ll always be there for you.

64. laughter, tickles and tears make up our relationship. It’s the best part of me and the love that I feel for my daughter has no boundaries.

65. Believe that the time will come for us to be together. Do not give up when hurdles seem too hard to tackle because I’ll always be there for you.

66. I will always fight for you. I will never give up on you. When everyone else lets you down, I will still be there.

67. Nothing compares to the feeling of giving my daughter a hug. She’s the absolute best part of me.

68. I will always be there for my daughter because when she grows up, I want her to know that she can depend on me no matter what.

69. I will always be there for you, my darling daughter. I’ll hold your hand when you’re afraid and wipe away your tears when you are sad.

70. The most important thing I can teach my daughter is that she doesn’t need to be afraid. I will always be there for her.

71. I’m going to be the kind of parent my child deserves. I’m going to be there for her, no matter what. That’s a promise.

72. You should never feel like there’s no one there for you. No matter where life takes you, I’ll be here to catch you. Believe in yourself.

73. I love you I will always have your back. And even when life gets tough, I will make sure that you’re still happy and healthy, just like now. I will always be there for you.

74. The greatest gift I ever had is my daughter, and the greatest thing I can do for her is to be there every day.

75. If I could give you anything in this world, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Always know that no matter what, I will always be there for you.

76. My mother always said, “You can’t choose your family. But you can choose to be there for them.” I will always be there for my daughter.

77. When I look at you, I see strength a woman who no longer needs me to hold her hand. What you do with your future is up to you, but for today take my hand. I’ll always be there for you.

78. I will always be there for my daughter. I will swim oceans and walk through fire to bring you back. I will keep on fighting until the day I die. But when all is said and done, I will always be there for my daughters once again.

79. No matter where I am, and no matter what I’m doing, my daughter will always come first to me.

80. I will always be there for my daughter. Whether she needs me to hold her hair back while she’s puking, or a shoulder to cry on.

81. In hard times, I will be there for my daughter. I will always stand up for her to protect her from terrible things.

82. I will always be there for my daughter. I will never do anything that would make her feel like I don’t love her, or that I wouldn’t take care of her.

83. I am my daughter’s first teacher, her first love, and her lifelong friend. I will always be there for her.

84. I believe that I can help you. I can truly understand how you feel and know what you are going through. I will be there for you, listen, and support you.

85. I have never held back from showing my daughters my love. I tell them every day how much I love them, and that I’m proud of everything they do. They have helped me become a better person.

86. Laughter is the best medicine, so give your daughter a reason to laugh every day by making her breakfast in bed.

87. You’re my daughter, I’ll follow you until the day I die. I’ll keep climbing mountains and fighting dragons until my last breath for you.

88. Your words energize me, your love empowers me, and your support inspires me. You excite and motivate me to love you. And I will always be there for you.

89. One day my daughter will learn to walk and talk, but until then I will be there for her in every way. To love and to protect. Always.

90. When the going gets tough and it seems like everyone has forgotten her, I will always be there for her.

91. If I could give you one thing in life, I’d give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me.

92. Took some time to create a bond with my daughter. I want her to know that no matter what, I’ll always be there for her.

93. My daughter is my greatest teacher and motivating force. She’s the reason why I always give it my all, not just at work, but in everything I do.

94. The best I can be for my daughter is to be a role model, to set an example, to treat her with respect, and always to give her reason to smile.

95. As a father, you have to be there and listen to your daughter. It’s the best thing in the world to be available for her and have her know that you are always on her side.

95. You are not alone. I will do everything in my power to make sure you come out on top. I am here for you, and I will always be here for you.

96. Don’t you worry, I’ve got your back. You’ll be ready for anything that throws at you.

97. When I look at you, I see the second half of my heart. I will always be there for you to provide confidence and comfort.

98. My daughter is the light of my life. I will begin my day by letting her know that I’m there for her if she needs me.

99. Our goal is to make you feel alive and excited about what’s to come. I will always be there for you.

100. I will always be there for my daughter, no matter what. I promise to love her and support her every step of the way, no matter how hard things might get.

Parents are bound together by their unconditional love for their children and will always be there for them no matter what. As you can see, the above I will always be there for my daughter quotes are very touching and will surely help you express your love for your girl. If you enjoyed these quotes please, share them with your friends and families. Thanks for reading.

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