I Wish I Could Hold the Time Quotes

Nothing is more precious than time. No matter how hard you wish, you can never turn back time. I believe there are times when we wish we could freeze time. We want to stop the clock so that the happy moments would last forever.

But it’s impossible to do that, isn’t it? But what if it’s possible? What if you had control over your life and you can stop time whenever you want? We can stay up late watching movies and talking. We can spend the entire day on the lake and not worry about what time it is because those memories are worth so much more than the sleep we’re missing out on.

You soon start to realize that life is really short and that you can’t stop caring about things that don’t matter anymore. You can’t afford to waste time on things that make you unhappy. And if they do make you happy, they probably won’t last forever so enjoy it while it lasts, because once it’s gone, there’s no going back.

We’ve all wished at one point or another that we could hold the time, but time cannot be held and our wishes remain wishes. These quotes are on I wish I can hold the time which shows us that time cannot be held.

If I could have just one wish, I would hold the time and stop it from passing faster, but I can’t. Life is moving fast, my time with you is also going fast. These quotes are for you to know my wish on holding the time.

1. The time keeps running fast, I wish I could do something, to hold the time or slow it down.

2. If I could hold the time, I would hold or stop it. I would stop the world from spinning around.

3. I wish I could hold the time or slow it back to the nighttime. I wish I could slow the daytime and the seasons. I wish I could stop time.

4. I wish I could hold the time and stop myself from going crazy, because it’s way too fast, and I don’t know what I’m doing.

5. I wish to hold the time, and then just look back on my life, and see it change.

6. Time keeps running away, I wish I could hold the time and all it represents. I wish I could hold the time from running fast.

7. Time keeps running, so fast and it keeps drifting just like the wind, I just wish I could hold the time.

8. Everything is moving fast. I wish I could hold down the time, I wish I could be in a place where my life is calm and quiet.

9. I’m running down, getting older and getting tired. I wish I could hold time, but it keeps running fast.

10. I wish to hold the time, I wish I had the power to pause the time and make things be as they were before.

11. The time keeps running fast, it keeps speeding on, only if I could find a way, I would hold the time.

12. Your life is moving so fast. I just wish I could do something to hold the time down and make you move gently.

13. I wish to hold the time to slow down, to stop, and to stay for a while, I wish I can hold the time to be in time.

14. I wish I could hold the time, and make it slow down, just for me and you so we can be together.

15. I wish to hold the time down so that I can savour every day and be with my love, by my side.

16. I wish to hold the time, like a special object, to hold and play, forever.

17. I wish I could hold the time, and stop it from speeding fast so everything can go at my pace.

18. I wish I could do something to hold the time and keep it still and make things move at my desire.

19. Everything is moving fast and fast. Too fast and I can’t catch my breath, if only I could slow down the time.

20. The time keeps moving fast, like a rocket ride out into space, I just wish I can hold onto the time,

21. Time is moving fast and moving forward. I wish I had the power to hold the time.

22. I know I’ll never get it back, I wish I could hold the time, the time keeps running fast.

23. The time keeps running and moving so fast, I wish I could do something to hold it. But, I can’t do anything.

24. I wish I could hold the time, I wish I could stop it and make it stay, and not ever run out on me.

25. I wish I could hold the time and at least play an instrument, learn to swim, or do other things I couldn’t do when I should.

26. I wish I could hold the time, and then write a book, keep my hands busy or do something.

27. I wish to hold the time so that I can catch up on all the things I can do now that I’m an adult and I’m finally able to do them.

28. I wish to hold the time, to stop the clocks, and stop it from slipping off my hands so I can do and be something better.

29. I wish to hold the time, to seize the day and to catch a glimpse of what the future holds for me.

30. I wish to hold the time, so I can pick myself up when I fall, and stay away from all the trouble that’s happening out of sight.

31. I wish to hold the time, to know what my future holds, to see my dreams come true, and for my future to be bright!

32. I wish I could hold the time and stop it from moving too quickly, stop it from flying so I can be with you all day.

33. I wish I could hold the time and do whatever I could to see and make you happy, make you smile and full of life.

34. I wish I could hold the time in my hand, but the frustrating thing is that I can never hold the time. It keeps sliding away from me.

35. If only I could hold the time, stop or rewind it, then I feel life will be better and easier.

36. I wish I could hold the time or stop it from moving too quickly, go to the past and correct a wrong decision.

37. I wish I could hold the time from going. The time keeps moving, and it goes very fast. I can never get enough of it.

38. Sometimes, I wish I could hold the time but it’s so sad to know I can’t. If only I could at least recover lost opportunities.

39. I wish I could hold the time and stop it from moving fast just to spend every beautiful moment with you forever.

40. I wish I could hold the time and stop it from going fast, so I can make an impact and create my future.

41. On this day, I wish I could stop time from passing fast but nothing seems to be working. I hope I can make things work again.

42. Time keeps going too fast. I wish I could hold the time and do all I needed to do.

43. Time flies fast and it is quite sad especially when there are things that should be done. If only I have the power to stop time and make things work.

44. I wish I could hold the time. It is so hard to do and obtain something with the rate time moves fast.

45. I wish I could hold the time but I can’t. I guess I will have to focus on the future.

46. I have so much to do and accomplish, if only I can hold the time, be better and do things better.

47. I wish I could hold the time down for a while just so I can rest and enjoy the moment.

48. Time is the one thing we can never possess, it can never be held or stopped. Sometimes I wish I could hold the time.

49. I wish I could hold the time, to control it as I want, to decide when the day should start or end. I wish I could make the time go fast or slow to my own desire.

50. I wish I could hold the time but it is just so sad that I cannot. I will just stay to watch how everything comes out and unfolds.

Time cannot be held, we are only left with wishes and a reminder to do whatever it is to do new at the right time and moment.

It will be a great pleasure for me to have you share this I wish I could hold time post with others. Thank you.

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