I Wish I Had a Girlfriend Quotes

Finding a girlfriend is important for every man. Quite a number of men dream about finding love but are too shy and scared to even attempt on doing it or can’t even find the right one for them.

Love is a beautiful and simple thing and yet confusing to some men. They find it hard to tell if someone likes them. However, most single men wish they have someone to love them.

Are you in a situation when you wish you could just have someone to call a girlfriend, someone who would love you and stand by you, someone whom you can pour your heart and love upon? Do you want to express your feelings in words?

Using I wish I had a girlfriend quotes are one of the best ways to express longing. That’s why I decided to compile this list of best I wish I had a girlfriend quotes so that you can just copy and paste it in your profile whenever you want.

True love is not in getting a perfect person but in learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. I wish I could have a girlfriend to love me even in my imperfections, one to stand by me and show me what true love feels like.

1. A pretty face gets old, a nice body will change, but a good woman will always be a good woman. I wish I could have a girlfriend in my life to love.

2. I wish I had a girlfriend. Someone to hug every morning, someone to hug and love every night.

3. I wish I had a girlfriend so I could hold her on my arm and tell everyone that she’s mine, just like I see people do.

4. I wish I had a girlfriend who would understand me and support me. One who would love me the most in this world.

5. I wish I had a girlfriend to share all my feelings with; a girlfriend to tell me that it’s all going to be alright.

6. I wish there was a girl who could see the pain in my eyes, the one who could feel the tears in my soul and the one who could hold me tight at night just to tell me everything is gonna be okay. I’m tired of being alone.

7. The best thing you can do is follow your heart and be with the person who makes you happiest. I need someone to make me happy. I wish I could have a girlfriend.

8. I’m on a journey of self-discovery and I’d appreciate it if I have a woman by my side. I wish I could have a girlfriend.

9. I wish I had a girlfriend to call my own, a girl who cared about my goals, dreams, and aspirations like I do.

10. If I don’t have a girlfriend, it’s not because I don’t deserve one, it’s because I haven’t found the right girl yet. I really wish I could find her.

11. It is so hard to find a truly loving girl these days. I wish to find my own and be her best friend. I want to grow old with her and always hold her hand.

12. It’s one thing to fall in love. It’s another to feel someone else fall in love with you and to feel a responsibility toward that love. I wish I could have a girlfriend who would love me sincerely.

13. I can conquer the world with just one hand as long as I have my woman holding the other. I wish I could have a lover to conquer with me.

14. I would love to have a girlfriend and be in love with her. A sweet relationship is one of the most beautiful things that can happen to us.

15. Love is a language spoken by everyone but understood only by a heart. I wish I could have a girlfriend to interpret the rhythm of my heart.

16. Love is a better teacher than duty. I wish I could have a girlfriend to love and cherish me forever.

17. I wish I could find a girlfriend to show me the true meaning of love. Love is true when it comes from the heart, not from the mouth.

18. We do not remember days, we remember moments. I wish I could have a girlfriend to share moments with.

19. I just wanted to feel important to someone again. I wish I could have a girlfriend to make me feel this way.

20. I like to be alone. But I would rather be alone with a girlfriend.

21. I wish I had a girlfriend, to fall asleep in my arms and wake up next to me.

22. I wish my brain had a map to tell me where my heart should go to find the girl of my dreams.

23. I wish I could have a girlfriend, someone who looks at me the way I look at chocolate cake.

24. All relationships go through hell, real relationships get through it. I wish I could have a girlfriend to make me know what being in a true relationship feels like.

25. I wish I could have a girlfriend to never want to stop making memories with.

26. I wish I could have a girlfriend to start fires with what I feel.

27. I wish I could have a girlfriend, I would have told her that she’s my today and all of my tomorrows.

28. I wish I have a girlfriend, I know she would have been pretty and amazing.

29. I wish I had a girlfriend who would be the biggest reason for my happiness and pains.

30. I wish I had a girlfriend who would give me a hug, listen to my problems and love me no matter what.

31. I wish I had a girlfriend who would hold my hand and tell me everything will be fine. I miss that feeling so much, but I don’t have it because I am alone.

32. I wish I had a girlfriend who would love me wholeheartedly

33. I wish I had a girlfriend whose smile will light up the room like a candle in the darkness.

34. I wish I had a girlfriend I could just talk to, wander off into the sunset with, and never have to say goodbye to.

35. I wish I had a girlfriend who would put her arms around me and say “Everything will be okay, I’m here for you.

36. Sometimes, I wish I had a girlfriend to cuddle and spend time with.

37. I am still waiting for a girl who would know my worth and make me feel special.

38. I wish I had a girlfriend who I would call my best friend.

39. I wish I had a girlfriend who would call me my other half.

40. I wish I have a girlfriend to tell I love you every day

41. I wish I had a girlfriend who could sit next to me and hold my hand.

42. I wish I had a girlfriend that will always be there beside me.

43. If only I had a girlfriend that will love me.

44. I don’t want a perfect girlfriend. I just want someone to act silly with, someone who treats me well and loves being with me more than anything.

45. I wish I had a girlfriend, so she could love me back as much as I love her.

46. I Wish I had a girlfriend, but it’s OK. She’s probably looking at my Instagram right now.

47. I wish I had a girlfriend to wake up next to you every day, to fall asleep staring into your eyes.

48. I wish I had a girlfriend to be the reason why I smile every morning

49. I wish I had a girlfriend as beautiful, funny and kind as you.

50. I wish I had a girlfriend I could say goodnight to.

I wish I had a girlfriend, the one who would love me for who I am, who would care for my problems, who would listen to me, who would care if I can’t sleep, who would be my conscience, who would love me for who I am and not who I am not.

51. I wish I had a girlfriend to be with me no matter what. I’d be so happy if she was here, and no matter what she’d do, I’d be so happy and be blessed.

52. I wish I had a girlfriend, someone to love, someone to care for me, someone that would hold my hand, be there for me, and share my pains with me.

53. I wish I had a girlfriend to make me smile, one to make me feel happy and make me feel like I’m a man.

54. I wish I have a girlfriend who will never give up on me, no matter what happens.

55. I wish I had a girlfriend to care for me, to not leave me in pain, to be my friend, to be the one who cares for me. I wish I had a girl who would love me for who I am.

56. I wish I had a girlfriend to share all my cute selfies with, a girlfriend that loved to travel as much as I do.

57. I wish I had a girlfriend who would make my day brighter and happier.

58. You are everything that a man requires from their partner. I wish I had a girlfriend to say these words to.

59. I wish I had a girlfriend. I would love her unconditionally, give her everything I have and I wouldn’t have to question why.

60. I wish I had a girlfriend to love me for who I am and to help me be a better person.

61. I wish I had a girlfriend, who would always be there beside me and hold my hand when I need someone to hold my hand.

62. I wish I had a girlfriend who would do all these cute things with me so I could screenshot it and send it to everyone.

63. I wish I had a girlfriend like you to love and hold. I know we’ll be friends forever because we’re too lazy to find new friends.

64. I wish I had a girlfriend, a girlfriend that I could call my own, cherish, and then take to the dance, because a man needs a woman in his life.

65. I wish I had a girlfriend I wish that I could be with someone that I could love so I wouldn’t wish for anything more.

66. I wish I had a girlfriend, I wish that I didn’t feel alone.

67. I wish I had a girlfriend, a woman to hold and kiss.

68. I wish I had a girlfriend with whom I could share all my secrets; One who would keep me warm in all my happiness; And one who would keep me warm in all my misery.

69. I wish I could have a girlfriend. A person who would understand my pain, a person who would be there for me, and show me the love I so deeply desire.

70. I wish I had a girlfriend to love me for who I am, care for me and share my pains with me.

71. I wish I had a girlfriend I’d treat her like a princess she’d dress me up like a prince and I’d fall in love with her again and again.

72. I wish I had a girlfriend who would love me for who I am care for me, my pains and hurts and spend the night with me in my bed.

73. I wish I had a girlfriend, I wish I could spend every day with her, I wish I could make her happy, I wish I could give her all my love.

74. I wish I had a girlfriend who would share my pains and joys with me.

75. I wish I had a girlfriend who would wipe my tears and comfort me.

76. I wish I had a girlfriend to love me for who I am, to care for my well being, to be my best friend, to show me the way, to lead me by the hand.

77. I wish I had a girlfriend, I’d give her my heart and cherish her, and she would cherish me just as I do her, and we would be as one and all would know.

78. I wish I had a girlfriend, to love me for who I am, cars, clothes, and all my money, and never, not for a minute, forget me, forget me.

79. I wish I had a girlfriend, to hold my hand, to kiss me and hold me, to tell me I’m beautiful and bright.

80. I wish I had a girlfriend to kiss me every night and hold me tight I wish I had a girlfriend to kiss my tears and wipe away all of my tears

81. I wish I could have a girlfriend, one that loves me the way I love her, one that stays by me day and night, I wish I had a girlfriend.

82. I wish I had a girlfriend to share all my struggles, to help me when I’m down, bring me comfort when I’m blue.

83. I wish I had a girlfriend she would always be my friend. She would always be my girl.

84. I wish I had a girlfriend who would love me unconditionally who would care and never leave, who would share my pains and joys with me who would share my tears and laughter with me, who would change my life and

85. I wish I had a girlfriend who would share my pains but who would love me for the way I am, not the way I can be.

86. I wish I had a girlfriend that would say to me “I love you”.

87. I wish I had a girlfriend who was always there to listen to me and remind me that I have a heart and a soul to be cherished and cherished.

88. I wish I had a girlfriend, a girl who cared for me, someone to spend time with, not just on the phone, and someone to share my pains with.

89. I wished I had a girlfriend, a girlfriend who would do it always be on my mind, a girlfriend who would love and hold me tight, a girlfriend who’d help me with my problems and be there for me.

90. I wish I could have a girlfriend to love me for who I am, care for me and share my pains with me.

91. I wish I had a girlfriend to share my pains with me to care for me to love me

92. I wish I had a girlfriend, a girl to hold and smile, a girl who would kiss me and say: I love you, my love.

93. I wish I had a girlfriend, with arms that would hold me tight, who would make me feel special, and kiss me on my forehead.

94. I wish I had a girlfriend If I had a girlfriend, I would never ever say goodbye she would share my dreams and make me feel like a star.

95. I wish I had a girlfriend who would make my day brighter and happier.

96. I wish I had a girlfriend, someone to care for me, someone to love me and to share my pains.

97. I wish I had a girlfriend who would sing me to sleep.

98. I wish I had a girlfriend to be with me now, to not leave me alone and to be my everything.

99. I wish I had a girlfriend, one who would bring warmth to my soul. She would be intelligent and beautiful and would not bore me with her silly chatter.

100. I wish I had a girlfriend and she would care for me and talk to me the way that I really need to be talked to.

There’s nothing quite like the love of a woman. It can make you feel like you’re on top of the world, and that things could never get better. Some women bring out the best in men, whether it’s simply with a smile or when you’re really lucky, with a family.

If you’re still looking for that special someone to share your love with, then, the, I wish I had a girlfriend quotes above will always come in handy for you. I hope you found the ones that capture your thought better.


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