I Wish Someone Would Understand Me Quotes

If you are lonely and feel like you are not understood, you are not alone. It is a problem for most people at some point in their lives. Everyone wants to be understood – it is as vital as food and water to us humans.

A lot of people get to the point where they feel ready to share their feelings with others. Some people keep them inside and get quiet, but I believe that each person has the right to say what they have going on with their heart.

So many relationships start off on a rocky note because you and your partner have a hard time understanding each other. You say what you mean, but he or she doesn’t see it that way. You’re feeling overwhelmed trying to work things out, and you don’t know what to do.

When it comes to what you would like someone to understand about you, things can get difficult sometimes. You want the people in your life to know the little details about you and things that matter to you. There is nothing wrong with wanting that, only if those around you care enough to do so.

When you find yourself in this situation, you’d wish someone could understand you, just the way it is in your heart. You wish you’d wish they could just see things from your perspective. The best step you’d want to take in a time like this is to express yourself in the best manner ever and make them know how much you wish they could understand you.

If you are here to get the right words to express how much you want someone to understand you, then, you need to see the following I wish someone would understand me quotes.

I wish you could listen when I express myself and understand all the things I am going through. I wish I knew of a way that would get my message through. I wish the one who does not understand would understand.

1. I wish you could understand me. I’m not always happy but I am always true. I smile to hide the pain but I feel the same pain inside.

2. I’m always thinking but, I’m always alone. I wish I wish you could realize I’m always thinking about the things that I wish I could say.

3. I wish that you could understand me, I wish you could see me as I see me. I wish that you could see me through your eyes, that you could see me for what I am.

4. I wish in this life, someone could see what I see, a soul who would understand how my heart beats and how my mind runs. I wish you would understand.

5. I wish you could listen and believe me. I wish I could show you without a doubt and that you could see me as I really am.

6. I wish someone would understand me when I express my inner feelings but I’m the only one that’s lost in my world.

7. I’ll always feel this way, I wish I could understand. I wish I could find someone to help me, but I don’t think they understand me.

8. I wish someone would understand me on my way to the place I want to be. I wish someone would understand that I can only do it myself.

9. I wish you could understand the way it hurts when I’m alone, the way it feels to be in love with you and the way it hurts to lose you.

10. I wish people would just understand that if I don’t reply within 5 seconds it’s because I want to talk to them in real life.

11. Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me and understand me.

12. I wish you could understand me because I don’t understand myself yet.

13. I wish you could understand me with a less complicated mind.

14. I wish you could read my mind, and see the things that I have said to you a thousand times but never spoke.

15. I wish you could understand me instead of trying to change me into what you want me to be.

16. I may not be the best, but I know that I’m not like the rest. I wish you could understand me.

17. I’m proud of who I am. But I have to admit there are times when my heart hurts as much as it heals and it breaks as much as it grows. I wish someone could understand me.

18. I wish you could understand me without me having to explain myself to you.

19. I wish you could understand me as I understand myself. Some people have a hard time doing that.

20. Sometimes I wish you could see what I see so that you could understand why I do the things that I do.

21. If only you could understand how much I love you, maybe then you’d understand me.

22. It hurts when you think that people would understand you, but they don’t. I wish you could understand me.

23. I wish you could understand me because no one else does.

24. I wish someone could understand me and see the funny side of me.

25. I wish someone could understand me and see what I see when I look at you.

26. I wish you could understand me the same way I try to understand you.

27. I wish you could understand how much you mean to me, without me having to say it out loud.

28. I wish you could understand that being with you is what I want and need.

29. I wish you could understand how hard it is for me to be who I am and still be trapped in the body of who I was.

30. I wish you had a glimpse of what it was like to be me, so you could stop judging me for being so weak.

31. I wish someone could understand my silence, my loneliness and my need for a friend.

32. I wish you could understand me without me having to explain myself.

33. I wish you could understand me and know how much you mean to me.

34. I wish you could understand me. I’m not like anyone else.

35. I wish you could understand me the way I am, not the way you want me to be.

36. Wish you could hear my thoughts, so you’d know where I was coming from.

37. I wish you could understand how much you mean to me.

38. I wish you could understand me, without knowing my words or my thoughts, only by my presence.

39. I wish you could understand me better and see how much I have grown and how great a person I’m becoming.

40. I wish people could understand that no matter how strong you are, there’s always someone who has it tougher.

41. I wish people could understand that there’s something about you that makes life better.

42. I wish people could understand me and value the time I spend with them.

43. I wish you could understand me the way I understand you. You are so beautiful.

44. I wish you people could understand me. I’m not whom you think I am.

45. I wish you could understand how I feel and how much I need you right now.

46. Sometimes I wish people could and know that When you are positive, life is full of sunshine.

47. I wish someone would understand my reason behind the silence.

48. I wish someone would understand I am just trying to protect my heart from getting hurt

49. I wish you could understand how much I love my family.

50. I wish someone understood how lonely it is, to be surrounded by people you love but still feel like no one gets you

I wish someone would understand me the way I am. I wish one day someone could understand the things that go through my mind and the things that make me feel awkward. I wish some would know how I feel inside.

51. I wish someone understood that not everything I do is to get attention. Sometimes it’s just me being me.

52. I wish someone would understand me and see that not all wounds show and not all pain is physical.

53. I wish someone would understand how lost I feel sometimes.

54. I wish someone would understand me and see my feelings and my pain, I wish someone would understand how I feel inside.

55. I wish someone would understand me without me trying to change who I am.

56. I wish someone would understand how tired I am of being strong.

57. I wish someone could understand what my silence is about.

58. I wish someone would understand me, even when I’m a mess.

59. I just wish someone would understand me and sometimes gets a hug from the right person.

60. I wish someone would understand even when I even don’t understand myself.

61. I wish someone would understand me when I express myself, so that my heart will be happy and my soul will be at ease, and I would feel the warmth of the light that shines from within.

62. I wish someone understood how much it hurts to hold on to my feelings by myself.

63. I wish someone would understand that I’m not asking for the world, I’m asking to be a priority at least once.

64. Sometimes you wish someone would understand how much you’ve been through, why you’re acting out of character, but people just assume that it’s another problem.

65. I wish someone could understand me and see the real me.

66. I wish someone would understand me and never judge me.

67. I wish someone would understand me today. I’m just tired and stressed and need a break from my life.

68. Sometimes I just wish someone would understand me.

69. I wish that someone got me the way I get them. That my words made them feel the same as theirs do to me.

70. I wish someone would understand me and see the beauty I see in all my flaws.

71. I wish someone understood why the person I am cannot be whom the world wants me to be.

72. I just wish someone would understand me and know that conversation is the best way to open up an opportunity for empathy

73. Sometimes, I wish someone would understand me and let me know that everything’s going to be all right.

74. I wish someone would understand me as well as my dog understands me.

75. I wish someone understood how hard and terrifying it is to be the first one to reach out.

76. I wish someone would understand me and look at me like a person.

77. I wish you could understand me and understand how much you mean to me.

78. I wish someone understood me as I understand them.”

79. I wish someone would understand me as my books understand me.

80. I wish someone would understand how tired I feel most of the time and not take it personally.

81. I wish someone would truly understand how it feels to be me.

82. I wish someone would understand me. I wish someone can accept all of my flaws, mistakes, and silliness.

83. I wish someone would understand me the way I understand them.

84. I just wish someone would understand me. Someone would know how my mind works, be in there and see the real me

85. I wish you could understand me when I say things are better left unsaid.

86. I wish someone would understand me because I wish to know what others feel, I wish I were more clear, I wish they get me.

87. I wish someone would understand me, when I’m lying in bed at night, it’s not about how I’m feeling, it’s more about how I’m camouflaging.

88. I wish someone would understand how I feel and how much I care.

89. I wish someone would understand me, I wish someone would see me, I want them to know me, I want them to care for me.

90. I wish someone would understand me the way I understand them.

91. I wish some would understand how I feel, how I live an era how I survive.

92. I wish someone would understand that I’m not as tough as I pretend to be. I need my handheld so I don’t fall.

93. I wish someone would understand me like I understand others.

94. I wish someone would understand me when I express myself. It’s a matter of staring at me and seeing me, not just hearing me.

95. I wish someone would understand me, where I’m going, where I’ve been. I just wish someone would understand me.

96. I wish someone would understand why I do what I do, and why I do it all the way I do it.

97. I wish someone could understand how I feel whenever there is no one to lean on.

98. This feeling inside is like no other, it gets stronger every day. I wish just wish that someone would understand me.

99. I wish someone would understand me, so when I write, they’ll read it all right, I wish someone would understand me, I hope they see that I am worth it all.

100. I wish someone would understand me when I express myself and know my gratitude as well as they know my pain.

A lot of people are feeling lonely these days. They live their lives week in and week out, day after day, the high points and low points broken down into small portions of a whole.

Sometimes there can be profound loneliness that comes from the fact that we spend most of our time merely in contact with others, but rarely being understood. Hence the relevance of the I wish someone would understand me quotes up there. You can always use them to express yourself.


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