Identification and evaluation of Leadership activities of Principals in staff Personnel ,Administration in Nsukka education zone.

Identification and evaluation of Leadership activities of Principals in staff Personnel ,Administration in Nsukka education zone.

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The purpose of this study was to ldentiiy must evaluate the 1e;~tlership activities of principals .i.n !;taff personnel administration. The study was carried out in the five local Govern~ren-t Areas that make up Nsukku Educ:ation Zone.

The sample of the study included 456 teachers i~nd 39 principals drawn from 39 out of 78 Secondary Sclioc~ls in Nsukka Education Zone.
The main ins-trurnent of the study was qucsL.iorin;iire. Two sets of questionnaires were used, One se-t was a two-part questioriair’e designed to obtain resporlscs from principals and the other set was designed -to ottajn responses from teachers.

Valid returns from Lcachers and principals were analysed and the results ol’ 1.h~~ an:ilyses were repolted.


Background of the Study

The resaarchcrwas motivated to undertake lkiis sQUdy because of the current eriplhhsis on the is~provcrllcnt of education in Anarnbrii State, , &uucit~ion is the process of transn~itting wt~a-t iS worthwhile to both adults and children. 1iccortl.ini: to Mgbodile (ed. 1986;173)

Education is the process of transmitting what isworthwhile in economics, politics, religiori, culture, awsthetics, moral and norms 01′ the local community, among other things, to children and adults.

To be able to achieve the broad aims of secordary school education which include: (i) Preparation for useful living within the society and (ii) Preparation for higher education as listed by the National policy on Education 41977: 10). there nlusl; be good staff personnel administration in Secondary Schools.

The teacher is one Of the Chief agents of this transmission of what is worthwhile to the students, Accordinl: to Taylor (1974: 20) whatever nlerits of curriculum.

The degree of success that will be obtained wj.l.1 depend upon the quality of the teachers, their knowledge, skill arid commitment,. the continuing support they receive, the resources available to them and their pupils for teaching and learning, and the degree of security and career prospects they enjoy.


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