If I Give You My Attention Quotes

Attention is the currency of love. It is a powerful force and one of the most important things you can give to your friends, family and other important people. Attentiveness is a key element in every relationship. It is a simple but powerful way to show someone that you care and want to spend time with them.

Giving another person your attention means that you are giving a part of yourself to them. You are simply telling them that they are important. The more time and energy you devote to a person, the closer and more connected you feel to that individual. Attention is a gift. It is costly; something worth working for and preserving.

In the busy world we live in, it’s easy to feel like you’re always competing for your loved ones’ attention, but being in a relationship should be a special time. So, it’s important to remember that your partner needs your time and attention just as much as your love. Give them something they can always keep: the gift of your attention.

When you give someone your attention, you are giving them a gift. You are telling them that they are worth spending time with. Attention is a very special thing and sometimes, we give it freely, other times, we guard it closely. Don’t miss any of these if I give you my attention quotes.

If I give you my attention, know that I have sacrificed a lot to be with you. Blow my mind with your speech, treat me like a king that I am and don’t take my love for granted. Then, I will give you more of my attention.

1. If I give you my attention, it means that I want to be focused on you and what you are saying. It’s my way of letting you know that I care about what you have to say.

2. My attention is a rare commodity. If I give it to you, I expect you to use it wisely and tell me what’s happening in your life on a regular basis.

3. If I give you my attention, don’t take my love for granted. Live in truth, be faithful to me and I will give you more of my attention.

4. I love you so much and if I give you my attention, it’s because you have something to share and I’m ready to listen.

5. If I give you my attention, don’t take it for granted. Give me good advice and I will listen. Don’t keep giving me the same advice over and over again, or else I will ignore you.

6. My attention means so much to me. So, if I give you my attention, respect the gift and remember that I am making an effort on your behalf.

7. If I give to you my attention, I expect your respect and loyalty in return. I can’t be everywhere at once, so you need to tell me what’s going on in your life always.

8. I care so much about you and if I give you my attention, let’s talk and share our achievements, challenges, dreams and goals.

9. If I give you my attention, know that, it’s special and I want the best for us. Other people may not get the same treatment, but when I look at you, there’s no limit to what I can offer.

10. I am the king of my world and the queen of yours. If I give you my attention, I want you to treat me like royalty and I will happily give you all the love you deserve in return.

11. If I give you my attention, it means that, I am committed to our love. Be open with me and don’t leave out the important things that you have in mind.

12. I know I can’t always be around to give you my full attention, but if I do, that’s a special gift from me to you. Please, don’t take it for granted.

13. When I give you my time and attention, it means that I’m willing to invest in our relationship. It shows that we’re important enough to each other and that, it’s worth it for me to make time for us.

14. I cannot give everybody my attention, but if I give it to you, know that you deserve it and guide it jealously.

15. If I give you my attention, it means that, I want to know about your day-to-day life. So, let’s share our stories with each other and I’ll listen if you do.

16. It’s not always easy for me to just give up time for someone else, but if I give you my attention, I’m making an extra effort for you because I like you and enjoy being with you.

17. If I give you my attention, it means that I really care about what you’re saying. It’s a special gift that you don’t need to work for.

18. When I give you my attention, it is special. If I spend time with you, you can be sure that I like you and want to spend time with you.

19. If I give you my attention, you need to cherish it. So, when I ask: “How are you feeling?”, it means that, “I care about you and your feelings.”

20. I can’t always be around. So, if I give you my attention and make time for you and your day-to-day needs, I’m telling you that you’re very important to me.

21. If I give you my attention, it means that, you are special to me and deserve my undivided attention. However, there are times when my own responsibilities separate us. You should know that you are still the first on my mind.

22. Your time is valuable to me. If I give you my attention, it’s because I know that you are special and valuable to me.

23. If I give you my attention, it is straight from my heart. It means that, I choose to focus on you and our relationship.

24. I have a busy life and I can’t always be around to create time for you, but when I am able to give you my attention, it’s because I’ve set it aside and want to spend some quality time with you; so, don’t waste this opportunity!

25. If I give you my attention, it’s a unique gift that means there are no distractions, no outside noises or interruptions and no other person demanding my attention. It’s a time when we both focus on each other.

26. When I give you my attention, it lets you know that you’re important to me. Even when I can’t be around, I hope these words offer comfort and help make your day a little brighter.

27. If I give you my attention, it means we are sharing an intimate moment and I want to be with you. If I give you my attention, it means I love you.

28. We all have busy lives, but if I make the time to give you my attention, it means a great deal to me.

29. If I give you my attention, it’s because I want to be with you. It’s my way of saying “I love you.”

30. If I give you my attention, it means that I want to share a moment with you, because I love you and I want to make you happy.

31. When I give you my attention, it is a sign of affection, care and love. It means you are valuable to me and I want us to have time together.

32. If I give you my attention, it means that we are in a special time and place together. I think about you more often than other people and I love you.

33. I won’t always be able to give you my time, energy and undivided attention, but when I do, it means everything.

34. If I give you my attention, it’s because I am genuinely interested in who you are and what you have to say. So, let’s do some talking!

35. I am always busy, but if I give you my attention, it’s because I consider you special enough that it’s worth it to stop and focus on you for a moment.

36. If I give you my attention, I want to be with you and I want to do nothing but focus on you. Knowing that we’re together makes me happy.

37. I can’t always be around, but if I give you my attention, that’s a gift in itself. My love for you is expressed when I pause to consider what you have to say and my attention is your treasure.

38. If I give you my attention, it means that, in that moment, I’m thinking of you and trying to make your day a little brighter. Let’s spend time together, doing whatever makes us happy.

39. Sometimes, I’ll be distracted and not be able to give you my complete focus, but I love you and when I give you my attention, know that, it is an expression of my unconditional love for you.

40. If I give you my attention, it’s out of my precious time. If I act like I’m interested, it’s because I am. Don’t hide anything from me and don’t think that silence is the best solution.

41. I know that, you are aware of the depth of my feelings for you. Sometimes, I don’t tell you enough, but it’s because I’m a little shy. So, if I give you my attention, accept it and never make me feel guilty for loving you so deeply, intensely and in such an all-encompassing way.

42. If I give you my attention, it’s because I like you and want to spend time with you, but if you waste my time with anything less than the truth, don’t expect me to be interested in listening.

43. If I give you my attention, it’s out of my precious time. See it as an opportunity to express your opinions and don’t hide anything from me. More importantly, don’t be afraid to ask me questions, because you have the right to know everything about me.

44. If I give you my attention, it’s because I want to hear what you have to say. Use this opportunity to talk about anything that will make our relationship stronger. Remember: there’s nothing you have to hide from me.

45. If I give you my attention, it’s not just out of friendship, but it’s because you have something valuable to share and you have earned my time. Don’t waste your chance by being too scared or shy to express yourself.

46. If I give you my attention, it’s because I believe in your value and I want to be connected with you. It is a gift and an honour to be present with you and to respond to your needs. This is a precious opportunity for both of us to speak openly and honestly about what matters most.

47. If I give you my attention, it’s a way for me to give you my precious time and show you how much I care. It doesn’t mean that you’re right or wrong, it means you are important to me and I’ll listen, even if we disagree.

48. If I give you my attention, it’s not because I have plenty of it, but because I see it as an opportunity to listen to your opinions and give my honest judgments.

49. When I give you my attention, I am building intimacy with you and trying to show my respect. It’s an opportunity for you to express your opinions, ask questions and tell me whatever is on your mind.

50. If I give you my attention, it means I want to listen to you, but in order for me to give you my undivided attention, make sure that you have done the right thing, because if not, I will not give you my attention.

51. If I give you my attention, it means I want to hear you out. Make sure that you have done the right thing or else, the consequences will be undesirable.

52. If I give you my attention, it means I’m ready to listen to you. Make sure the matter you are talking about is important and relevant. Avoid unnecessary or irrelevant discussions.

53. If I give you my attention, it means I am present with you. Do well to say what is important or I will lose interest very quickly.

54. If I give you my attention, then time spent with you is precious to me. See it as a chance to tell me about your day and everything you’re going through.

55. If I give you my attention, it is because I love you and your happiness is important to me. Sometimes, it is hard to find the time or energy to give you my attention, but I do it because loving you makes me happy.

56. When I give you my attention, please, be aware that, it is an expression of my love for you. It’s not a punishment or a reward, but just an acknowledgement that we are connected in this world.

57. If I give you my attention, it’s out of my limited time and that means I’m investing in you and your work. Make the most of it and tell me everything. If I don’t understand something or want more detail, don’t hold back!

58. When I give you my attention and listen to you, it means that I love and cherish you. Please, don’t make me feel guilty for paying attention to you.

59. If I give you my attention, it is an expression of my love and affection for you. If you need my help, know that I will always be there for you.

60. If I give you my attention, it means I like you and I think you can benefit from a little of my time. So, when I turn to you and listen or talk to you or offer advice, let’s honour this gift. Let’s respect each other enough to put our phones away during conversation.

61. You deserve all the love in the world, but what you don’t deserve is to be made to feel like you’re not good enough. That’s why if I give you my attention, know that it is an expression of my love and commitment to you and this relationship.

62. If I give you my attention, it is a symbol of my love for you. It is not a favour or a sign that I’m bored, but it is an honour to be in your presence and to pay attention to you. So please, don’t ever make me regret loving you.

63. If I give you my attention, don’t let me feel guilty, but know that I care so much about you and want the best for our relationship. I’m always here to listen and support whatever decisions you make in your life.

64. We may not do everything perfectly or live up to your every imagined expectation at all times, because we’re only humans, but if I give you my attention, know that it comes from a place of love and affection and I hope that it helps you to feel loved too.

65. If I give you my attention, show me that you respect me and care enough about the relationship to change your behaviour.

66. If I give you my attention, it means that, I value our friendship and would like to keep it strong for as long as possible.

67. I care about you so much and want the best for our relationship. If I give you my attention, don’t let me regret it, but know that you are always in my heart and I’m watching over your shoulder.

68. If I give you my attention, don’t make me feel guilty. Don’t speak over me, interrupt me or ignore me, but know that I care so much about you and want our relationship to thrive.

69. You deserve my full attention. I want to give you the best relationship and connection possible, so if I give you my attention, please don’t let me regret it.

70. If I give you my attention, say it with flowers. If I give you my conversation, communicate in a way that brings us closer. If I give you my time, cherish every moment because it’s meaningful to both of us. If I give you my attention and affection, show me how grateful you are by treating me with kindness.

71. If I give you my attention, please, don’t waste it. If I care about you, the very least I can do is make sure that your choices are the best for our relationship.

72. If I give you my attention, don’t let me regret it. Let’s go out and have some fun. Let’s catch up on our lives and talk about what’s going on with each other.

73. If I give you my attention, don’t waste it. Know that, I will be there to support you with whatever problem or situation you may have.

74. If I give you my attention, it means that while I may not give my attention to others, you hold a place in my heart that no one else can own and occupy. If I give you my attention, know that you’re special and I want the best for us.

75. If I give you my attention, it means that I want us to spend quality time together because I love you and want to hear what is important to you.

76. If I give you my attention, don’t take advantage of it and waste it away. If I offer you support and advice, please take it!

77. If I give you my attention, please don’t insult me. If I’ve paid any kind of attention at all, it’s not out of obligation or expectation, but because there is something about you that is worth my time and energy.

78. If I give you my attention, don’t let me regret it, but know that I care so much about you and want us to grow together. I’ll be there for you always as I truly believe that it takes two to make things work.

79. If I give you my attention, it means that I am interested in what you’re saying. If you have something important to tell me, let me know. I’ll be happy to sit and listen to you.

80. You may not be able to see everything that I do on a daily basis, but know that I think of you and your desires always. So, if I give you my attention, treat it kindly.

81. If I give you my attention and focus on you, it means I care about what we are doing together. If this is true for you, then please, do the same for me.

82. If I give you my attention, know that I love everything about you and want to make our relationship grow and evolve in the best way possible. Don’t let me down.

83. If I give you my attention, then whatever we’re doing together at that moment is really important to me. So, don’t take advantage of it. Respect me for what we are about to experience together at that moment.

84. Without you, my life is meaningless. If I give you my attention, it is because I want to be near you, smell your scent and hear your voice.

85. You are the one who knows what the future holds for us. I want to know if it’s going to be you and me. So, if I give you my attention, don’t let me regret it.

86. If I give you my attention, show me that I’ve invested my time, energy and thought in something worth investing all of those things. I want you to have my back always.

87. If I give you my attention, make the most of it and don’t disappoint me. I want to see your inner beauty and the strength beneath your skin.

88. If I give you my attention, it means that I’m listening. I’m listening to hear your needs, I’m listening to hear the words you use and how you use them. Give me the best of your service.

89. If I give you my attention, make the most of it. Don’t disappoint me by wasting that gift. You have a beautiful mind; use it to make this world a better place.

90. If I give you my attention, make the most of it. If you don’t, you’ll know right away, because I will stop paying attention.

91. If I give you my attention, it means something. If I’m devoting energy to you, it means a lot. If I give up a little of my time to focus on you, your needs, your desires and what is important to you, don’t take that for granted and treat me with respect for being there for you.

92. If I give you my attention and listen intently, make the most of it. I will be satisfied and have a positive experience with you.

93. If I give you my attention, it means that I value what you tell me and want to know about things that are important to you.

94. I love to be loved. So, if I give you my attention, work hard to keep it. If you give it up easily and find yourself looking for some of my time again, I will resent you for it.

95. If I give you my attention, guide it carefully. That’s because, once that attention is gone, it will be very hard for you to get it back.

96. If I give you my attention, don’t just blow it off. Know that I’m giving you my heart and soul.

97. If I give you my attention, respect me, appreciate me and always be honest with what you say and do. I promise that we have a chance to have a great relationship.

98. If I give you my attention, choose to be real, honest and authentic and we’ll get along very well.

99. I may not give my attention to other people, but if I give you my attention, know that you’re special and I want to connect with you.

100. If I give you my attention, it’s because I really want to give it to you. There should be no distractions; just you and me.

Attention is the most precious gift you can give. When you give someone your attention, a special connection forms. With it, you will make others feel special and meaningful in their lives.

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