If Loving You Is a Sin Quotes

Love is indeed beautiful and wonderful, but sometimes loving someone too much can be a sin. When love starts to control us and leads us to the wrong path without us knowing it, then we should be asking ourselves if our love is true or not?

Love is something that makes your heart flutter, makes you feel like you are on top of the world, gives you butterflies in your stomach, and shows you that life is too short not to love even if you think it’s with the wrong person. Love is not a sin; it’s a beautiful thing.

Though love is not always perfect, there are times when it’s hard and painful to bear. We are all human beings and we make mistakes. But if we truly love someone, we should accept that person’s flaws and imperfections.

There are many things in life that will catch your eyes but only a few will really touch your heart. Love works in mysterious ways and it has no boundaries. It doesn’t know if you’re rich or poor, fat or skinny, tall or short; it just knows that you love each other and want to stay together forever.

Here are if loving you is a sin quotes you can choose as many as you love from.

If loving you is a sin, then I don’t want to be forgiven. You’re my sin, my crime, and my punishment, but I want you to be all of that. I think I’ll be in love with you forever.

1. If loving you is a sin I would rather be judged by all heaven than live one day without you. My soul longs for you, my heart beats for you and my love for you is eternal.

2. Many times I wondered, if loving you is a sin, then burn me at the stake, because I will never stop!

3. I love you, I will always love you. If loving you is a sin, then I’m guilty because I will not deny it. I’m in deep doo-doo …

4. No one is perfect. We all have our weaknesses. I love you for every part of you even your flaws. I don’t care if loving you is a sin because it’s worth it to me. You complete me and keep my heart beating every day. It’s only fair that I get to keep yours beating by loving you unconditionally.

5. If loving you is a sin, I don’t want to be forgiven. You are the best man I ever met and the only one for me. Everyone else could take a lesson from you. You bring such joy to my life that I can’t help but smile.

6. If loving you is a sin, then I do not ever want to be saved from it. You have changed my life and my heart. I love you so much that sometimes it hurts.

7. If loving you is a sin and wanting to spend every moment with you is wrong, then I don’t ever want to be right! You mean everything to me. I love you more than anything in the world.

8. If loving you is a sin then I’ve committed it thousands of times. I don’t regret a single one!

9. I don’t want to be forgiven for loving you because every day with you is a blessing. I love how lucky I am to have you in my life and I vow to always treasure the moments we share together, no matter how long our journey lasts.

10. If wrapped in your arms is a sin then I’ve committed it thousands of times. I don’t regret a single one!

11. If I had to commit a sin every day to love you then I would be a sinner for the rest of my life. Love is a wonderful thing.

12. If loving you is a sin, then I’d commit a thousand more without hesitation because the way I feel about you is more than love, more than loyalty, more than anything.

13. If loving you is a crime, I’m guilty as charged. You’re my world. I’d do anything to show you just how much you mean to me.

14. Holding every piece of my heart, every moment of my soul. Loving you is not a crime, loving you feels like my home.

15. If loving you is a sin, then I’ll be guilty all over again. I love you more every day.

16. If loving you is wrong, then I don’t want to be right. You bring me so much happiness that I can’t think of life without you. You are such a blessing.

17. I love you more than words can express. I don’t care if it’s selfish or a sin, I just want to spend the rest of my life with you beside me, helping each other through the hardships of life. You are my whole world and my reason for living.

18. Baby, loving you is one of the few sins I think about committing every day. From the way you smile at me to the way you touch me, it feels so wrong but makes me feel so good. I don’t deserve someone like you but I am thankful I have you.

19. If loving you is a sin, then I don’t ever wanna be right. I just wanna be with you forever, I never want to think of life without you by my side. I love you so much baby, I can’t wait to be with you again.

20. If loving you is a sin, heaven helps me now because loving you is the only thing I’ve wanted to do since we first met. I can’t get enough of your touch, your smell, and every little thing about you. I thought my love for you couldn’t grow any deeper and I was wrong. You are my world and I don’t know what I would do without you.

21. If loving you is a sin then let’s just say we are both guilty. Together as one, we will watch our children grow. We know that in this life we find each other again and again so nothing will tear us apart. The flames of hell will not burn us for our love is true.

22. If loving you is a sin, then I never want to go to heaven. I am confessing that I love you, and I don’t care who knows it. I want the whole world to know how much I love you.

23. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I really think about you every second of the day. If loving you is a sin then put me in jail and throw away the key.

24. If loving you is a sin, then I never want to be right. You’re my everything, my one and only. I will love you forever and ever.

25. If loving you is a sin, I don’t want to be forgiven. If loving you is a crime, I will turn myself in to the jury. If loving you is wrong all our days together have been lies and the butterflies in my stomach were unnecessary.

26. If loving you is a sin, I don’t want to be forgiven. I’ll have your hands on my heart, your lips on mine, and your legs wrapped around me-hope that’s a sin cause that’s what I really want.

27. If loving you is a sin, I don’t want to be pardoned. My heart yearns for you, your warm embrace. I want to spend every moment with you. I am yours forever and until my last breath.

28. If loving you is a sin, then I’m willing to be damned forever.

29. Hey, baby. I just wanted to let you know that I’m thinking about you. I love you so much and miss you very much. If loving you is a sin, then I don’t want to be forgiven because I would only do it again!

30. The only “sin” I believe in is how gorgeous you are. It drives me insane every time my eyes see a glimpse of you. You make me want to drop down to my knees and bow down.

31. I would sin every day and hell would be worth it. You are that perfect for me. I can’t ever see myself without you. You make me whole, complete. I love you with every fibre of my being.

32. The sound of your voice, the touch of your skin, The way you smile when you look at me. These are small reasons why I need you so much. Please don’t ever let me go My one and only love from above. If loving you is a sin, let me be damned for it.

33. I never felt this way before, and it scares me. But I don’t care. If loving you is a sin, then I don’t want to be forgiven.

34. If loving you is a sin, bring me to my knees. If loving you is a sin, I don’t want to be saved! I love you so much! Thank you for making the years we have had together so wonderful. I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together.

35. If loving you is a sin, I’m willing to do the time. If loving you brings eternal pain I will be dead and gone. If loving you will cause me to lose my family, then let them all go, I’ll be fine as long as you and I stay in love.

36. Your smile is like a rainbow that lights my life up when the skies are grey. Your eyes sparkle like a galaxy of stars. Your laugh comes from deep in your heart and makes my whole world turn around. I love you, if loving you is a sin, then I do not care.

37. You are the sweetest sinner I know. To be able to see you makes everything worthwhile. I hope you know that while you are away I am thinking of you, and missing every part of you. I just can’t express how much you mean to me!

38. If loving you is a sin then I will be punished for eternity because I am truly in love with you. You are the reason I wake up every morning and I can’t wait for us to spend another day together. Our love is beautiful and nothing can tear us apart.

39. If loving you is a sin then I have been damned for eternity. You are the air that I breathe, the blood in my veins, and the rhythm of my heartbeat.

40. If loving you is a sin, then I just don’t want to be saved. And if loving you is a crime, then arrest me. And if loving you exhausts every ounce of strength that I have, and anyone asks who’s responsible, point your finger at me, because it would be a crime not to love you.

41. I’m so in love with you my heart aches. It’s always been you, right from the start. This feeling of pure ecstatic joy is what I get when I’m around you. I may never understand how this can be wrong if loving you is a sin then even if they send me to hell I still wouldn’t care as long as I am with you!

42. Loving you is the only sin I will commit. Loving you is the only act I won’t regret. Loving you is a feeling that can’t be beaten. Loving you is why I live my life every day.

43. If loving you is a sin, then I don’t want to be forgiven. Your kisses are like sweet sin on my lips and your hugs are my heaven on earth.

44. If loving you is a sin, then I’ll be damned for all eternity. You are my heart, my soul, and my everything.

45. If loving you is a sin, then I never want to be saved. If loving you means living in hell, then that’s where I want to be! If loving you brings me sadness, then bring it on, because I can’t stop feeling this way.

46. I don’t care if loving you is a sin, I don’t feel bad and I don’t want to. You are the one. All I want is you forever by my side. I love you

47. I know if loving you is a sin, then I’m guilty… because I can’t stop loving you.

48. I first met you, I was a shining star. As you came into my life, I fell so fast. My world felt like it was turning upside down. Then I felt something strong, something grounded right under the sky. Maybe loving you is a sin, but there’s no way of changing that.

49. I am really sorry for falling in love with you. I have nothing to be sorry for, it is not my fault that you are so handsome, kind, bright, and loving. Please forgive me for the sin of loving an amazing man like you.

50. I don’t care if the whole world thinks that our love is wrong. What we have is real, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Each night you come into my arms and I can’t stop thinking how lucky I am to have met you.

51. If loving you is a sin then I don’t ever want to be forgiven. Your love is like a drug to me and your smile has the power to make my heart melt. You can always find me with a wide smile on my face because when I am with you it’s hard not to smile like an idiot.

52. If loving you is a crime, then I am willing to be your criminal. The day I laid eyes on you, I knew my love was strong.

53. There are all kinds of sins, but I’m thinking that the worst sin is loving you and not being with you. Because I love you, and I want to be with you. For the rest of my life.

54. Loving you is my favourite sin. I know I am not perfect, and I still make mistakes. I try to be better by learning from all of the ones that I have, and from the happier times that we both share.

55. It is a sin I pray to god I never repent. I will love you till my last breath because loving you is all I know how to do.

56. It should be a crime to love someone this much. I’ve never been happier than I am when we are together. I knew from the first moment I saw you that my life would never be complete without you. You are priceless to me, and your smile is all I need to have a beautiful day.

57. If loving you is a sin, I don’t want to be saved. Our love makes me feel so alive like I have been asleep my entire life. You have woken me up to a whole new world and I can’t thank you enough. You make every day better than the last. I am happy to say that I will love you until the end of time!

58. If loving you is a sin, I promise to be a sinner for the rest of my life.

59. If loving you is a sin, then I am guilty. I know most people’s love story starts with a “love at first sight” and theirs often does too, but ours didn’t, because my love for you isn’t based on a single moment; it’s more like a few moments strung together…and what beautiful moments they were.

60. If loving you is a sin, I sure wish you would be a crime!

61. I am committing the greatest of all sins: Loving you. If loving you is a crime, I’m ready to do my time.

62. If loving you is a sin I’ll never get forgiveness for it because no man could ever love a woman more than I love you.

63. I wouldn’t call it a sin, I have learned so many good things from you. You have taught me how to love and care for others. You are my everything and I never want to lose you.

64. If loving you is a sin I don’t ever want to be forgiven. When I see your face my heart beats faster and a smile forms on my lips, nothing makes me happier. At night I think about you, during the day I dream of our future together. Love really does conquer all, so with love in mind let’s work hard to be happy and to never let go of each other.

65. If loving you is a sin, then I’m in hell and I have no regrets. We may not always agree, but I know we are always on the same page when it comes to our feelings. You mean everything to me and I wouldn’t want to spend my life with anybody else. You are my inspiration and the love of my life.

66. If loving you is a sin, then I’ll be damned for all eternity – because I don’t want to ever stop. You are my world, babe – and I love you.

67. If loving you is a sin, I do not wish to be forgiven. If loving you is wrong, I don’t want to be right. You are the one for me. Fantastic is what you make me feel and amazing is how you always seem to know just how to love me. Perhaps there is something wrong with me because once I seek your arms, my heart and emotions become crazy and wild. And if loving you is a sin then let us be sinners forever.

68. I don’t care if loving you is a sin. I would gladly burn in hell for all eternity, just to spend one more day with you. You make me feel so alive.

69. My love for you is so strong that it couldn’t be anything but a sin. I have been a sinner from the moment we first kissed.

70. I love you. I have done so for a long time and I will keep saying it from now till eternity. I am glad that we found each other and that you are my boyfriend.

71. I’ve committed the perfect crime. For I have sinned and still there is no judge, no jury, and I am not guilty of a thing. The only sentence I’ve received is a life sentence of happiness for being in love with you.

72. There are many people who tell us that loving each other is wrong. That we shouldn’t be together. I say they just don’t get it. Loving you is the best thing to ever happen to me, and I don’t care what anyone else thinks.

73. I feel guilty for feeling this way about you. It feels like something is wrong with me for loving you so much but having you in my life makes me feel so happy… and sometimes even giddy! It would be selfish of me not to love you.

74. If loving you is a sin, then I’m the most devoted sinner. I know that our love will last and forever be true because it flows in my heart. Love is a wonderful feeling that can never be hidden for long for it also radiates from our eyes.

75. If loving you is a sin, I hope we’re sent to jail…because I’m guilty as charged.

76. From the day I met you, I knew you were the one. And no matter what happens, I’ll always love you. If loving you is a sin, then I never want to be good again.

77. If loving you is a sin then I don’t want to be saved. There’s nothing we can do about it, I love you deeply and truly, I have no other choice but to love you.

78. I love you. I am so in love with you that it hurts. I know my love for you is wrong, but I can’t help myself anymore. If loving you is a sin then baby I’m guilty as charged.

79. If loving you is a sin. I would have committed that sin a thousand times. Being with you makes me feel so alive and complete. I love the way you laugh, smile, and cry. All my dreams came true when you entered my life. You truly are my better half.

80. If loving you is a sin well I don’t want to be saved, for heaven is a place on Earth with you. All my life I have been waiting for something, and now that I found you everything has changed in the best way possible. It’s as if all that past time was to lead me to you. And now that we are together I know everything will be alright.

81. If loving you is a sin then I am the most wicked man alive. I am glad my sins are so pleasing because I would not be able to stop…not that I would want to.

82. When I look into your beautiful eyes I see my true soul mate, someone who shares my passions, dreams, and desires. If loving you is a sin then I don’t ever want to be forgiven!

83. I guess you are gonna have to arrest me for loving my man so much. I can’t help it, I love you! If loving you is a sin, bring me the handcuffs and I’ll be your prisoner.

84. I don’t care if loving you is a sin, because being in your arms feels like my home. You are the only one I want to spend forever with because nobody else could ever make me feel this happy. I will love you until the day I die and I hope that we never have to be apart again.

85. I love you so much. I don’t know how you feel yet, but it doesn’t matter. I love you, and if loving you is a sin, I don’t want to be forgiven.

86. To my lover: I love you so much! The days go too fast, and all I can think about is how much I miss you. The more we talk, the more I fall in love with you. And just to be close to you, I would walk a thousand miles!

87. I am guilty of loving you. I always think of you, wondering what you’re doing or how you’re feeling. When you’re not around I long to hear your voice and see your face.

88. If loving you is a sin, then I don’t ever want to be pardoned. If loving you makes me a sinner, I’ll be sinning for eternity. For your love is my heaven and if loving you is a sin, I’ll go to hell for eternity if it means I get to spend it with you.

89. If loving you is a sin…then let me be condemned forever to hell. You melt my heart over and over again in a million ways every time I look into your crystal clear eyes.

90. Loving you is a sin and I don’t care. I am so busted and so in love with you. I can’t force myself to do anything else but love you. You have stolen my heart, but I am all yours. You are the air that I breathe, without you I have no breath at all baby.

91. I would be the biggest sinner of all because I don’t think I could ever stop loving you. I will always love you, no matter what.

92. If loving you is a sin, then I hope to be given capital punishment because I do not know what else to do. Loving you makes me feel complete and even though it seems like there is no hope for us, I am still holding on. I will never give up on us, I love you too much.

93. If loving you is a sin, then consider me guilty because I always will be. If loving you is a crime, then I am the one to be charged; because it is your love that makes the sunshine and the birds sing. I want to share my entire being with you.

94. If loving you is a sin, then let’s be sinners together. I love you so much, my sweetheart!

95. If loving you is a sin I don’t want to be forgiven. I would do anything to have you in my life, to feel your touch and gaze into your eyes. I love you more than words can say and I wouldn’t change one thing about us.

96. I love you, But don’t tell anyone. I’m a saint and a sinner… I’m gonna fake my death and become a skydiver because if loving you is a sin, Then I must be guilty.

97. Is loving you a sin? I don’t think it is possible. It makes me happy every time. You bring out the best in me and I love to be around you. I wish that every moment of the day was filled with you!

98. If loving you is a sin, I don’t want to be forgiven. My only regret in life is not knowing you sooner.

99. If loving you is a sin then I don’t want to be forgiven. I will accept my punishment, which is being in LOVE with you.

100. If loving You is a sin then I never want to be forgiven. You are the love of my life, the only one for me. I can’t imagine my life without you. You complete me and make me a better person.

101. I like to think of myself as the type of person that is always upbeat and happy, but without you, I just don’t seem to be able to keep up the appearance. Loving you is my only sin, and it isn’t really a sin, because ever since we started dating, life has been an adventure.

I hope you are able to see the importance of loving and being loved through these If loving you is a sin quotes.

God has given us so much as human beings and it is only natural to want someone who will love and respect you back.

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