If You Are Not Happy With Me Quotes

When people disapprove of you, or your actions or when they are not happy with you without no reason, that disapproval and unhappiness can often cause negativity and doubt. Everyone is bound to make mistakes and we must all learn from them.

Sometimes, when people are not happy with you and no matter how much you try to make them feel better, they won’t give you the chance to talk, it could make you sad. In these situations, it is difficult to express yourself at all.

Expressing yourself is a way of making your feelings known—and if the person you’re talking to isn’t happy with what you’ve expressed, it’s important to know how to react in a way that will be effective.

Here is an amazing collection of if you are not happy with me quotes which can help you to express yourself to someone who is not happy with you in order to feel comfortable enough to speak what’s on your mind.

You are not happy with me because I don’t do what you say when you say it. I don’t do what you want when you want it; that’s why there is a word called “work” in my job description! You seem to blame me for things that aren’t my fault, and I don’t understand why. Please, just stop it.

1. You are not happy with me. I am doing my best to get you what you want, but you don’t seem to be satisfied with anything I do.

2. You are not happy with me. I am doing my best to get you what you want, but you don’t seem to be satisfied with anything I do.

3. You are not happy with me. I know that I could do better and make things work out better for us, but I can’t seem to find the right way to make things happen for us both.

4. You are not happy with me. I have been here for almost three years now, and I have never once given you cause for complaint. So I don’t know why you are.

5. You are not happy with me. But I don’t care, I am no longer a child, and you cannot treat me like one anymore.

6. You are not happy with me. But I have been listening to your complaints and suggestions for months, and I don’t want you to think that I haven’t tried to make things better or address your concerns.

7. You are not happy with me. You are not happy with my work. And I am sorry for that.

8. You are not happy with me. I know that you don’t like it when I tell you what to do, but this is a job, and so sometimes you have to do things that you may not like doing.

9. You are not happy with me because I am too busy for you. Too bad, that’s your problem.

10. You are not happy with me. Well, I am not happy with your attitude.

11. You are not happy with me. Well, I am not happy with how you treat people, especially me.

12. You are not happy with me. I know that you are angry with me for some reason but I cannot understand why. I am sorry if anything I have said or done has upset you.

13. You are not happy with me because I do not spend enough time with you. Well, that’s my choice, deal with it.

14. You are not happy with me. You should be able to trust me enough to tell me what is wrong and let me help resolve it, but if you cannot then please tell me what it is that upsets you so much about our relationship that makes you feel like this.

15. You are not happy with me. Cool, but I am very disappointed in the way you have been treating me. It is not acceptable to talk to me like that, and I don’t deserve it.

16. No one is really happy with me. But if they are not happy with me, they should not pretend all the time that they are. One should never lie and make someone unhappy.

17. You are not happy with me. I can see it on your face when you look at me.

18. The important thing is that no matter what someone has done to you, nothing can stop you from loving them, simply because when someone loves you, it doesn’t mean that person is always with you or never does anything wrong.

19. There’s one person you are not happy with me about that makes you feel so confused.

20. When you find yourself dealing with someone who isn’t treating you well, make sure you remember one thing: You can choose happiness despite the behaviour of others.

I know you are not happy with me, but trust me I have a reason. Since I saw you have deleted my number from your phone, I am guessing you are still upset about what happened at the party. You don’t even have to say anything for me to feel it.

21. I know you are not happy with me. Great, I have done nothing wrong. I have put a lot of effort into our relationship and I feel like you are taking advantage of that.

22. I know you are not happy with me. If you’ve noticed something I’ve said or done hurt you, it’s not because I wanted it that way. But if you’re looking for answers, I’m sorry if something in my behaviour has offended or bothered you, or led you to feel less than great about us.

23. I know you are not happy with me. But, life is too short to be unhappy with someone and life will always surprise you, so make sure to be happy with anyone you care about the most.

24. I know you are not happy with me. There is no denying it, and there is no arguing it. You’re just unhappy. It’s written all over your face, and I can’t figure out why that is.

25. I know you are not happy with me. I’m sorry that I didn’t give you the love and attention that you deserve.

26. I know you are not happy with me, well it doesn’t matter because I am happy with you. You can keep on keeping the reason for your unhappiness to yourself.

27. I know you are not happy with me, then please leave me. Right now I prefer to be alone than in your company.

28. In my short experience of life, I have found that there is only one way to be happy, Be generous.

29. You may think that you are the only person who is not happy with me. But have you ever considered that someone else maybe not is happy with me too?

30. A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.

31. You can do everything better when you’re happy. If you are unhappy, then there’s something wrong in your life, or it may be somebody else that you may need to improve on.

32. When you have a valid reason to be unhappy with me, please tell me so I can improve. When you are unhappy with me, please leave.

33. I know you are not happy with me. I’m sorry for making you feel bad again, in a situation where someone has been trying to make you feel less of yourself.

34. I know you are not happy with me, then I must change myself. I have to improve my attitude, my personality, my manners, and my characteristics.

35. I know that you are not happy with me. I don’t know what I have done to make you unhappy with me. But I can assure you that your unhappiness made me extremely unhappy.

36. I know you’re not happy with me, but then you’re not happy with anything. The trick to happiness is knowing that you can only be pleased with yourself.

37. When someone knows you very well, it can be difficult to predict how they will react to certain circumstances. We often don’t realize this until it’s too late — like when we take for granted their protection, only for it to be ripped away from us unexpectedly.

38. If you’re not happy with me, you can leave anytime. I just won’t stop you. You will never forget me.

39. I know you are not happy with me. I can leave anytime if it is all right with you. I am going to ignore the things that caused your unhappiness, and remember the things that made you smile.

40. You know you aren’t happy with yourself as well. I can see it in your eyes and hear it in your voice. But what if I told you that there was a way to change that and improve your life?

41. If you are not happy with me show how out of control others make us feel.

42. If you have been in a relationship with someone who has treated you unkindly, it is essential to know that their behaviour was their problem, not yours.

43. Even if you’re not happy with me, it doesn’t mean I’m not happy with you.

44. I know you’re not happy with me, and don’t agree with almost everything I do.

45. I never would have thought you could do something like this to your friends. To be honest, we’ve never been best friends but I still feel so weird when I think that you’re not happy with me.

46. I’m not recovering mentally. When that happens, maybe, when everything’s good enough, then I’ll make a comeback. but I’m still not happy with you.

47. If you are not happy with me, then I cannot be completely happy. You occupy a very big place in my heart. And no one could ever replace you.

48. I know you are not happy with me but please don’t hate me.

49. People tell me that they’re not happy with me. That’s perfectly fine. It’s part of my job to make people upset.

50. I know you’re not happy with me, but I don’t care. I don’t have to please you in an attempt to hold on to my self-worth.

51. You are angry with me, and I don’t blame you. I have been cutting corners lately.

52. I know you were unhappy with me because of my actions but there is nothing I can do to change it.

53. Nothing that I can say, or do can change your feeling and what you think of me. you are not happy with me.

54. All I could do is make my peace with myself and be at peace with the fact that some people will never accept me as who I am

55. I know you are not happy with me because you feel like I am abandoning you every time I travel abroad for work or pleasure, but please understand that these trips make me happy too!

56. I know that we have had so many arguments, but I want to make it clear that those were not about you, but about the things we love and the things we don’t agree about.

57. I know you are not happy with me, but I will try to be better

58. I know you are not happy with me. I’ve known it for a while now.

59. I know you are not happy with me. I’ve known it for a while now. Sometimes I ignore it, but such things cannot be ignored forever.

60. I know you’re not happy with me. I can tell by the way, you always act so strangely. You also appear to have something on your mind, That makes me feel like crying.

61. Not everybody is going to love you, in all truth of the matter. Some people, because they may feel hurt or they’re just angry, will say that they do not like you.

62. I know you are not happy with me. I know that I have disappointed you, even hurt you and that your love for me has been tested, and I am sorry for that.

63. The feeling after someone hurt you is so annoying and painful. Everyone wants to punish their heartbreaker but life teaches us to forgive and forget every time with a smile on our face.

64. I know you are upset about the way I acted and treated you.

65. I know you have been hurt by my actions and words. I am sorry for making you feel that way.

66. When you are not happy with me, you are caged by your mind, restricted to a world wherein I do not fit.

67. You see yourself blocked off from all that is good, and not only turn your back on me but must implore the things that hold you back.

68. When you are not happy with the things that surround you, it is time to take action and change them.

69. Everything becomes much easier if people would just understand themselves and work to achieve their goals instead of being unhappy with other people.

70. I know you are not happy with me. I know that your smile is a mask hiding your pain and tears.

71. I know you are not happy with me. Stop pretending to be happy so that no one will worry about you or ask questions.

72. I know you are not happy with me even though you say otherwise.

73. I know you are not happy with me because I know your true feelings.

74. I am sorry to hear that you are not happy with me. It is a decision that I have made to not let the actions of others dictate my happiness.

75. I know you are not happy with me. But I want you to know that I still love you and I will always do. Good luck in your new life without me.

76. For every single person, is not happy with someone always happens. No one can keep everyone’s satisfaction at all times.

77. If you are not happy with someone it means one of two things: Either you can’t accept their behaviour, or they haven’t learned how to love you yet.

78. You are the reason I have sleepless nights, a headache, and heartache. You hurt me with the words you spoke. You give me a different meaning to ‘you’ It’s not you, it’s me not your fault but mine.

79. I know you are not happy with me. I’m sorry. You are the one who is always there for me, my sweetheart and my friend. I have been unfair to you and I am sorry. You deserve better than this.

80. if you’re not happy with me, you’re not happy with yourself. No one can make you happy except for yourself.

81. There may come a time when you realize you are no longer happy with me. You grow to notice my flaws, and then dislike them. You would always prefer someone else’s presence over mine.

82. There could be several reasons why you feel that way. Perhaps I did not treat you the way you want me to, or maybe we cannot get along anymore. Or maybe there is just no spark from our relationship anymore.

83. When people are not happy with me and I don’t want to fix it, I tell them that I’m not happy with you either. So let’s be unhappy together!

84. We can run around being unhappy together and one day we will be the unhappiest people in the world and then we won’t even notice how unhappy the other person is.

85. Sometimes, even our most loved person can become a reason that makes us feel unhappy.

86. There might be something in this person’s personality or character that pushes us to the edge of leaving him. And, it is not a rare occurrence and so you are not alone when you are feeling the same things.

87. You always say you are not happy with me, but that’s not true. I’ve tried my best to keep changing, however, it seems we can’t get along well.

88. I am not happy with you can do a lot to show someone you are disappointed, saddened, or even angry. True happiness comes when a solid plan is devised and executed, but it’s hard to know what to do if the only thing you feel is anger.

89. Sometimes you may not be happy with your boss, your staff, your employees, and anybody who works for you (team members), your friend, or even your family member. When someone makes you feel sad then do something to change it.

90. The fact is when we are unhappy with someone else, conflicts occur, and many times the conflicts escalate into something really big and hurtful.

91. We all have those people in our lives who we are not happy with. We would like to be, but we’re not because of the things that person does. Let’s face it, we all know someone who has made us upset, mad, or disappointed.

92. If you are unhappy with our services, then tell us and we will do our best.

93. If you are unhappy with service from one of our contractors, then tell us and we will hire other contractors.

94. I know that I have messed up. I don’t expect you to understand or condone what I did, but I do hope you can forgive me.

95. In my opinion, an unhappy person is useless in life. There is so little they can give.

96. If you take pleasure in making others happy and resolutely refuse to do things that will cause worry, then you will be able to live without heartache and torment.

97. I know you are not happy with me, despite all my efforts to make you happy. I am sorry that I am the reason for your sadness.

98. I promise will do anything to make you happy again. Please give me a chance for my sincere apology by listening to me and my remorseful side of the story.

99. I know you are not happy with me. Forgive me for whatever I did to hurt you and made you unhappy, even if it is my mistake or fault.

100. I know you are not happy with me. Please forgive me for my selfish mistakes and wrongdoings. I will never do those things again that made you unhappy with me. I know there’s nothing that I can compensate in exchange for whatever damage or loss caused by my inconsiderate behaviour in our relationship or the relationships I’ve ruined.

101. I know you are not happy with me, but you deserve to be happy and I am doing my best to make us happy again.

102. I know you are not happy with me but there were also times when I was not happy with you, but at the end of the day, all I want to do is forget about those things and let you know how much I’m sorry.

I hope you found this collection of if you are not happy with me quotes helpful. Please let me know how you feel about this post in the comment section below. Thanks for reading.

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