Impact of Climate Change on Wildlife Resource Conservation in Nsukka Agricultural Zone of Enugu State

Impact of Climate Change on Wildlife Resource Conservation in Nsukka Agricultural Zone of Enugu State.

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The study determined the impact of climate change on wildlife resource conservation  in Nsukka Agricultural zone of Enugu State. Specifically, the study identified the impacts of climate change on wildlife habitat, wildlife forages, wildlife health and reproduction, environmental degradation threats on wildlife conservation and sustainable wildlife conservation practices to preserve wildlife resources.

Five research questions and five null hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Five research questions were answered and five null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Structured questionnaire was used to collect data for the study. The population  for the study was 138 comprising 115 registered farmers (hunters) and 23 extension agents in Nsukka Agricultural Zone of Enugu State.

No sample was drawn as the population was manageable. The research instrument was subjected to face validation by three  experts,  all from the Department of Agricultural Education, University of  Nigeria,  Nsukka. The instrument was trial tested on 20 respondents outside the study area. The data collected were subjected to reliability test using Cronbach Alpha which yielded a coefficient of 0.78.

The instrument was administered by the researcher with the help of three research assistants. One hundred and thirty four out of 138 copies of the instrument administered were duly completed and returned reflecting a return rate of 97%. The data collected were analyzed using Mean to answer research questions while t-test was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance(p).


Agriculture produces the basic necessities for human survival. It is the production of crops and rearing of livestock for man’s benefit (Tatathi, Naik and Jalgaonkar, 2011). It forms the basis for industrial and economic development (steward, 2000). It includes the raising of animals and cultivation of crops for food, fibre, bio-fuel, drugs and other products meant for sustainability of human life.

In Nigeria, agriculture provides a source  of  employment  for more than 70% of her population and contributes 33.69% to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (National Bureau of statistics, 2013). The major agricultural produce  in  Nigeria  are Rice, Cowpea, Millet, Sorghum, Maize, Palm Oil, Rubber, Goat, Sheep,  Pig, Poultry, Timber  and wildlife, among others.

Apart from crop production and domestication of livestock, agriculture also involves conservation of wildlife. Wildlife is one of the ecological capitals comprising every form of life from the tiniest microbes to the mightiest beast and the ecosystems of which they are part  of  (Osinem, 2005). According to the International Hunter Education Association (2003) wildlife refers to plant and animals that are not normally domesticated by man but are essential for  his survival.

They are living things that can die and be replaced by others of their type. In the context of this study, wildlife refers to wild animals only. Osinem (2005) stated that wild animals provide humanity with a cornucopia of goods and services for food, energy and materials to genes which protect the crops and heal diseases. The producte  from  wild  animals are regarded as wildlife resources.


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