Impact of Public Relations Strategies on the Performance of Institutions of Higher Learning

Impact of Public Relations Strategies on the Performance of Institutions of Higher Learning.

Table of Contents


The success of any organization, especially the institutions of higher  learning, depends on how information is handled in that organization. The efficiency and effectiveness with which information is managed determines to a large extent whether the institution will consistently be crisis ridden or not.

This is why no institution of higher learning can survive without the activities of the public relations department.

Yet, many institutions in Nigeria including universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education among others have failed to appreciate public relations and its potency for the sustenance and growth of their establishment.

Sequel to the above it is pertinent to evaluate the impact of public relations strategies in the institution of higher learning. The study had a population size of 36, out of which a simple size of 33 was realized using Taro Yamane formula.

Instrument used for data collection was primarily questionnaire and interview. The total numbers of 33 copies of the questionnaire were distributed while 30 copies were collected. The descriptive research design was adopted for the study.

Content validity and test – retest of reliability was done, with coefficient of 0.74 indicating a high degree of consistency.

Five hypotheses were  tested using chi-square (X2). The result of the study revealed that public relations strategies have significant impact on the performance of institutions of higher learning. The finding further showed that public relations units of institution of higher learning play a little role in decision making.

Also the applications of public relation strategies help in arresting strikes and cult activities in the institutions of higher learning. The finding also indicated that in respect to public relations, the University of Nigeria perform better than institute of management and technology in its use of public relations strategies.

The study concluded that public relations is indispensable in institutions of higher learning. To this end the study recommended that public relations personnel of every institutions of higher learning should involve in decision making and have free access to relevant information.


Title page – – – – – – i
Certification – – – – – – ii
Approval page – – – – – – iii
Dedication – – – – – – iv
Acknowledgment – – – – – – v
Abstract – – – – – – vi
Table of Contents – – – – – – vii
List of Tables – – – – – – ix

CHAPTER ONE Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study – – – – – – 1
1.2 Statement of Problem – – – – – – 2
1.3 Objectives of the Study – – – – – – 3
1.4 Research Questions – – – – – – 3
1.5 Research Hypotheses – – – – – – 4
1.6 Significance of the Study – – – – – – 4
1.7 Scope of the Study – – – – – – 5
1.8 Limitations of the Study – – – – – – 5


2.1 Definition of Public Relations – – – – – 8
2.2 Components of Public Relations – – – – – 10
2.3 What Public Relations is not – – – – – 11
2.4 Areas of Work of Public Relations Practitioners – – – 12
2.5 Public Relations and Related Concepts – – – – 14
2.6 Jobs in Public Relations – – – – – – 16
2.7 Impact of Public Relations on Society – – – – 22
2.7.1 Positive Impacts of Public Relations on Society – – – 22
2.7.2 Negative Impacts of Public Relations on Society – – – 24
2.8 Qualities of A Pr Practitioner – – – – – 24
2.9 Public Relations: The Nigerian Experience. – – – – 25
2.10 Public Relations Practice in Institutions of Higher Learning in Nigeria 27
2.11 Public Relations Need for Institutions of Higher Learning. – – 30
2.12 Constraints of Public Relations Practice in Institutions of Higher Learning in Nigeria.  37
2.13 Comparative Study of UNN and I.M.T In Respect To Public Relations Strategies Public Relations Practice at the I.M.T, Enugu. – – 39


3.1 Introduction – – – – – 47
3.2 Research Design – – – – – 47
3.3 Sources of Data – – – – – 47
3.4 Instrument Used for Data Collection – – – – – 47
3.5 Population of the Study – – – – – 48
3.6 Sample Size Determination – – – – – 48
3.7 Data Treatment Technique – – – – – 50


4.1 Questionnaire Distribution – – – – – 52
4.2 Analysis of Questionnaire – – – – – 52
4.3 Test of Hypotheses – – – – – 60


5.1 Introduction – – – – – 65
5.2 Summary of Findings – – – – – 65
5.3 Conclusions – – – – – 66
5.4 Recommendations – – – – – 67
Appendix I


1.1 Background of the Study

The success of any organization, especially the institutions of higher learning, depends on how information is handled in that organization.

The efficiency and effectiveness with which information is managed determines to a large extent whether the institution will consistently be crisis ridden or not. This is why no institution of higher learning can survive without the activities of the public relations department.

Yet, many institutions in Nigeria including universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education among others have failed to appreciate public relations and it potency for the sustenance and growth of their establishment.

In the words of Enwonode (2004:47) “researches have shown all over the years that university administrations in Nigeria have not fully appreciated public relations potentials in tackling numerous crisis that have bedeviled academic excellence in our ivory tower”.

That some institutions of higher learning in Nigeria have crisis from time to time simply reveals truth that they have either neglected this all important unit are relegated to the background by not giving it a free hand to operate. Many do not even operate apublic relation unit or department..

Some institutions of higher learning may be boasting of having a public relations department while all they have is an information office attached to the vice chancellors office or the office of the registrar, dishing out information handed down to them by the school authority.

Such institutions do not give their public relations department a free hand to work.


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Enwonode, C. (2001): “Public Relations Management Technique b- A way forward for Universities in Nigeria”, in Journal of Public Relations Management (2nd Edition) vol. 1. No. 2, June.

Igben, H. G. (1997): Public Relations Fundamentals, Delta: COEWA Publishers. Nwosu, I. E. (296): Public Relations Managements, Lagos: Domination Publishers.

Udu, L. (2001): “Brief History of Ebonyi State University: The citadel of Excellence” In Ivory Mirror-Ebonyi State University Magazine. Vol. 1. No. 1

Ohaja, E. (2003): Mass Communication Research and Project Report Writing, Lagos: John Leiterm Ltd.

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