Impact of Reorganisation on the Performance of Ahmadu Bello University Press Limited

 – Impact of Reorganisation on the Performance of Ahmadu Bello University Press Limited –

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Reorganisation is a financial and corporate management strategic device to salvage undertakings facing difficulties. Ahmadu Bello University Press Limited had been sustaining substantial trading losses in the past and this led the management opting for reorganisation to salvage the company from total collapse.

Eventually, after few years of the exercise there was no empirical evidence to substantiate whether the company had responded to the exercise. This study examines the impact of the reorganisation exercise on the performance of ABU Press Limited. Both Operational and Financial Performance indicators are studied.

Profitability, turnover, efficiency, asset turnover and cost to profit margin were used as financial performance variables, while, productivity, quality of personnel, fixed asset investment, incentives and advertisement expenses are variables used for operating performance.

Data for the study were sourced from annual financial statements and staff personal record files of the company, for the period of 2000-2005 and 2007-2012 dichotomised as pre and post reorganisation time span. Sample paired test was used as tool for the analysis to assess any significant difference recorded during the two periods.

The results revealed that reorganisation has significant impact on the financial as well as operating performance variables except two variables; efficiency and incentives, which show no significant impact. The study concluded that, reorganisation has significant impact on financial and operating performance.

The study recommends among other things; introduction of new products and customer oriented marketing activities to boost revenue, capital and management reorganisation should be pursued vigorously, shift in ownership structure of the university presses in the country to enhance profitability and productivity.


Cover Page _____ i

Title Page _____ ii

Declaration ____ iii

Certification ___ iv

Dedication ____ v

Acknowledgements ___ vi

Abstract _______ vii

Table of Contents ______ viii


1.1 Background to the Study __ 1

1.2 Statement of the Research Problem ____ 6

1.3 Objectives of the Study ____ 8

1.4 Research Hypotheses _ 8

1.5 Scope of the Study ______ 8

1.6 Significance of the Study ___ 9


2.1 Introduction _______ 10

2.2 The Concept of Reorganization __ 10

2.3 The Concept of Financial Performance______ 16

2.4 The Reorganization and Financial Performance __ 20

2.5 The Concept of Operating Performance ____ 24

2.6 The Reorganization and Operating Performance ______ 26

2.7 Theoretical Framework ________ 35


3.1 Introduction________ 41

3.2 Research Design _______________ 41

3.3 Sources and Methods of Data Collection _____ 41

3.4 Data Analysis Technique _________ 42

3.5 Measurement of Variables ____ 44


4.1 Introduction ___45

4.2 Descriptive Statistics ____ 45

4.3 Presentation and Interpretation of Results _ 47

4.4 Summary of Findings ___ 56

4.5 Implications of the Findings _____ 57


5.1 Summary _____59

5.2 Conclusion ______60

5.3 Recommendations_____ 61

5.4 Limitations of the Study ___ 63

Bibliography_________ 65

Appendix _______ 73 10


Change and adaptation to change remain a constant phenomenon in the lives of business organisations. Reorganisation is a financial strategic device to salvage undertakings facing difficulties. The purpose of reorganisation may varies from one firm to another, but its central objective is to improve performance in line with the value added objective of a firm (Edward, Harbir, Michael and Raja; 1999).

They further, described reorganisation as an agent of change and transformation that involves the review, refocusing and redesigning of one or more aspects of an organisation due to a number of different factors. Kaplan (1989) identified with other scholars that viewed reorganisation in a broader perspective to have included merger and acquisition, recapitalisation, managerial restructuring, staffing, takeovers, downsizing, rightsizing, privatisation, management buyout and organisational change among others.

Vetsuypens and Hite (1989) viewed that organisational restructuring recently, has included the redrawing of divisional boundaries, flattening of hierarchic levels, spreading of spans of control, reducing product diversification, revising compensation, streamlining process, and reforming governance. The downsizing of employee ranks is often a by-product of reorganisation.


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