Impact of Social Studies Education in the Eradication of Examination Mal-Practice in Colleges of Education in Kaduna State

Impact of Social Studies Education in the Eradication of Examination Mal-Practice in Colleges of Education in Kaduna State.


The study investigated the “Impact of Social Studies Education in the Eradication of Examination Mal-Practice among Students in Colleges of Education in Kaduna State”. The study developed three research questions from three objectives, as well as, three hypotheses, postulated for this study.

The study population includes federal college of education Zaria and college of education Gidan Waya, Kaduna State. The population is made of 1,300 from college of education Zaria NCE II and III and 950 students from college of education Gidan Waya, Kaduna State.

Samples of 490 respondents were selected from the two colleges of education, using Krujice and Morgan table. Relevant literature were quoted on examination mal-practice.  The pilot study was conducted at federal college of education kano yielding 0.08 reliability.

The descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used for the analysis. Independents T-test at 0.05 level of significance, showed that there are no significant difference exist between male and female student, and no significant difference between college of Education Gidan Waya and Federal college of Education (F.C.E) Zaria.

Between NCE II and NCE III on their view on the impact of social studies in the eradication of examination mal-practice in colleges of education, had no significance difference.  It was recommended among other things that since examination mal-practice rank as one of the challenging of any educational institution and the society, all hands must be on deck including, students, teacher parent community.


TITLE PAGE – – – – – – – – I

DECLARATION – – – – – – – – II

CERTIFICATION – – – – – – – – III

DEDICATION – – – – – – – – IV


ABSTRACT – – – – – – – – VII

TABLE OF CONTENT – – – – – – – viii


1.1 Background of the study- – – – – – – 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem- – – – – – – 4

1.3 Objectives of the Study- – – – – – – 5

1.4 Research Questions- – – – – – – – 6

1.5 Null Hypotheses – – – – – – – 7

1.6 Significance of the Study- – – – – – – 7

1.7 Scope of the study – – – – – – – 8

1.8 Operational definition – – – – – – 9


2.1 Introduction – – – – – – 10

2.2 Theoretical Framework- – – – – – – 10

2.3 Rationale for Social Studies Education Programme- – – 16

2.4 Meaning of Social Studies – – – – – – 22

2.5 Nigeria Higher Institution. Prospect and retrospect – – 22

2.6 The Purpose of Higher Institution – – – – – 24

2.7 The Concept of Examination Mal-practice – – –

2.7.1 Over-view of Examination Mal-Practice- – – – – 27

2.7.2 Types and Forms of Examination Mal-Practice- – – – 28

2.7.3 Causes of Examination Mal-Practice- – – – – 31

2.8 Consequence and Academic Implication of Examination Mal-Practice- – – – – – 34

2.8.1 Causes and Effects of Exam Malpractice in Federal College of Education Zaria – 35

2.8.2 Nature of examination malpractice in FCE Zaria – – – 36

2.8.3 Types of examination malpractice in FCE Zaria – – – 38

2.9 Social Studies Method, Programmes and Instructions- – – 39

2.10 Aims and Objective of the Social Studies Education – – 40

2.11 Review of Related Empirical Studies- – – – – 41


3.1 Introduction- – – – – – – – – 48

3.2 Research Design- – – – – – – – 48

3.3 The Population- – – – – – – – 49

3.4 Sample size and Sampling Procedure- – – – – 50

3.5 Instrumentation- – – – – – – – 50

3.5.1 Validity of the Instruments- – – – – – 51

3.5.2 Reliability of the Instruments- – – – – – 51 xi

3.6 Method for Data Analysis – – – – – 52


4.0 Introduction – – – – – – – – 53

4.1 Analysis of the Bio data variables of respondents – – 54

4.2 Answers to Research Questions – – – – – 56

4.3 Testing of Research Hypotheses – – – – – 67

4.4 Summary of Major Findings – – – – – 73


5.1 Summary – – – – – – – – 75

5.2 Conclusion – – – – – – – – 76

5.3 Recommendations – – – – – – – 77

5.4 Suggestions for further research – – – – – 78

References- – – – – – – – – 79

Appendix- – – – – – – – – 84


Examination malpractice can be defined as all forms of cheating which directly or indirectly falsify the ability of the students, inside an examination hall, that involve him/her in any illegal examination related offences. It ranked as one of the most dangerous problems of any society (Onyechere, 1996).

It makes nonsense of educational systems by undermining the very purpose of education. This is because, Education is seen as instruction or training by which students/young people learn to develop and use their mental, moral and physical powers for development.

Examination mal-practice plants the seed of unethical values in the fertile minds of students. Giving this monster free reign amounts to supporting an enabling environment whereby future leaders, doctors, civil servants, bankers, politicians, accountants, journalist and professors are forged on the fraudulent foundation of examination mal-practice. (Onyechere, 1996).

The growing menace of examination mal-practice in our schools is becoming worrisome and disturbing phenomenon day after day. The problem is not peculiar to a particular level of education rather it pervades all educational facets in Nigeria. Namely: Primary, secondary, tertiary or professional institution of learning (Olusola, 2010).


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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