Impact of Stress on the Performance of Construction Professionals in Nigeria

Impact of Stress on the Performance of Construction Professionals in Nigeria.

Table of Contents


In Nigeria, challenges are usually mostly in construction industry. The industry is a competitive and challenging industry. Therefore, most of the construction professionals suffer from stress.

This study aims to explore the between stressors, stress levels, performance, and coping behaviors among construction professionals. These professionals include project managers, , field and office engineers, designers, and other professionals within the contractor organizations in Nigeria.

Furthermore, the study aims at determining the relationship between different stresses and their associated effects to Nigerian construction professionals, determining and ranking the key stress factors that cause or increases the stress experienced by Nigerian construction professionals.

Examining the influence of stressors on stresses (stress level) among Nigerian construction professionals, determining the level of effect of stress on coping behaviour of the Nigerian construction professionals, and determining the level of effect of stress on the performance of the Nigerian construction professionals.

The research method includes literature review, questionnaire survey and personal interviews. Out of over 250 copies distributed to the targeted professionals, only 147 valid questionnaires were returned and used for the analysis.

Follow-up personal interviews were conducted with 12 interviewees to obtain more in-depth and valuable information. Quantitative data analysis methods, including factor analysis, reliability test, and Pearson correlation analyses were applied using statistical analysis tool (SPSS 20).

Based on the results, the following classification of stressors were identified: personal stressor (personality-home- work conflict), task stressors (work overload), organizational stressors (poor organizational structure, poor organizational policies, treatment, and rewards, and lack of autonomy).

Coping behavior (plan-full problem solving, positive reappraisal, social support seeking, accepting of responsibility, escapism, denial, and emotional discharge) and impact on performance (task performance, personal performance and organizational performance).

An inclusive stressors- stresses-performances framework was further developed which summarized the result.Pearson correlation analysis showed that there were significant correlation between most of the stressors and each of objective stress level, subjective stress level, and coping behavior strategies.

There was a significant relationship between stressors and stress (subjective and objective) and also between stressors and coping behavior strategies.

Finally, recommendations are given for construction organizations and individuals respectively in order to lessen the high stress levelsĀ  of construction professionals in Nigeria. This contributes to manage the stress and enhance the performance.


Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of contents vi
List of abbreviations x
List of figures xi
List of Tables xii


1.1 Background of Study 1
1.2 Problem Statement 3
1.3 Research aim and objectives 4
1.4 Research Questions 4
1.5 Research Hypothesis 5
1.6 Significance of Study 5
1.7 Scope of Study 6
1.8 Limitations and further research 6
1.9 Structure of the research 7
1.10 Definitions of key terms 8
1.10.1 Stress 8
1.10.2 Stressors 8
1.10.3 Performance 8
1.10.4 Projects 9
1.10.5 Site Managers 9


2.1 Introduction 10
2.2 Stresses on construction professionals 12
2.2.1 Stress in general 12
2.2.2 Emotions and Stress 12
2.2 Symptoms of stress 14
2.2.4 Types of personality and the degree of being affected by stress 15
2.2.5 Types of stressors 16
2.3 Causes of stress 17
2.3.1 Workplace factors causing stress 18
2.3.2 External Factors of stress 18
2.3.3 Stress in a specific job context 19
2.4 Consequences of stress on employees 20
2.4.1 Negative effect of stress for employers and employees 21
2.5 Steps towards Stress Management for employees and organizations 22
2.5.1 Employees stress management at the workplace 23
2.5.2 Organizational approaches to stress management 23
2.5.3 Stress process at the workplace 25


3.1 Introduction 27
3.2 Framework of the research methodology 27
3.3 Sample size and characteristics 29
3.3.1 Sample Size and Sampling Technique 30
3.3.2 Data Collection process 30
3.4 Questionnaire design 30
3.5 Pilot study 32
3.6 Data analysis method 33
3.7 Quantitative data analysis using SPSS 34
3.7.1 Data measurement 34
3.7.2 Factor analysis
3.7.3 Relative importance index 35
3.7.4 Non-parametric test 35
3.7.5 Validity of questionnaire 36
3.7.6 Reliability analysis 38
3.8 Post-survey interviews 41


4.1 Presentation of Results 43
4.1.1 Demographic survey of respondents 43
4.2Analysis of Results 48
4.2.1 Analysis of effect of Age of Respondents 48
4.2.2 Analysis of effect of gender 49
4.2.3Analysis of effect of educational level 49
4.2.4Analysis of effect of type of company 50
4.2.5Analysis of effect of profession 51
4.2.6 Analysis of effect of Experience in construction industry 52
4.2.7 Analysis considering project nature 53
4.2.8Analysis of effect of project location 53
4.2.9 Determining the relationship between different stresses and their associated effects to Nigerian construction professionals 54
4.3 Discussion
of Results
4.3.1 Discussion of personal stressors results 56
4.3.2 Discussion of task stressors results 57
4.3.3 Discussion of physical stressors results 59
4.3.4 Discussion of organizational stressors results 60
4.4Examining the influence of stressors on stress level among Nigerian CPs. 61
4.4.1 Discussion of objective stress level results 61
4.4.2 Discussion of subjective stress level results 62
4.5 Determining the level of effect of stress on coping behaviour of the Nigerian construction professionals 64
4.5.1 Discussion of problem-focused coping behavior 65
4.5.2 Discussion of emotion-focused coping behavior 66
4.6To determine the level of effects of stress on the performance of the Nigerian CPs. 68
4.6.1 Identification and ranking of performance attributes 68
4.7 Testing of Hypothesis 69
4.7.1 Hypotheses testing of personal stressors 69
4.7.2 Hypotheses testing of task stressors 70
4.7.3 Hypotheses testing of physical stressors 71
4.7.4 Hypotheses testing of organizational stressors 72
4.7.5 Hypotheses testing of burnout 73
4.7.6 Hypotheses testing of problem-focused coping behavior 74
4.7.7 Hypotheses testing of emotion-focused coping behavior 75
4.7.8 Hypotheses testing of job performance 76
4.8 Case study data/Personal interviews 77
4.8.1 Background information of the interviewees 77
4.9 Respondents analysis based on personal interview framework 79
4.9.1 Discussion of Stressors Identified by Interviewees 84
4.9.2 Discussion of Stress level results Identified by Interviewees 89
4.9.3 Coping Behaviour strategies Identified by Interviewees 89
4.9.4 Consequences of stress identified by interviewees 91
4.10 Results and refined framework 92


5.1 Conclusions 97
5.2 Recommendations 99
5.3Contribution to knowledge 101


1.1 Background of Study

While today is the era of high technology and modern achievement, a high performance is expected to be the norm. Many organizations demand for a high level of quality, service and overall business success, therefore, the pressure is felt on individuals at all levels of organization.

Performance targets are becoming tougher to meet with each succeeding year and the management staff is experiencing difficulty in fulfilling the challenge. Anyone who has been ever involved in a project confirms that project environments in general are challenging and stressful at the same time.

This is mostly because of the nature of project work, which is a temporary activity, limited to a specific time and budget. Basically, four elements should be taken into account as the main features of a project.

These features includes: goal, group of people (project team), specific duration of time, and limited amount of money (Bars, 2006). Limitations of time and budget normally confront the project team, and specifically the project manager with stressful conditions.

Limitation of time results in time pressure, while budget limitation causes resource constraint, and both of the mentioned factors contribute to high level of responsibilities and heavy workload.

In addition, if the project is conducted within a matrix-structure organization, the project manager has to deal with extra challenge i.ejob interference from functional managers.

This challenge not only amplifies the stress caused by the above-mentioned factors, but also individually puts the construction professionals into extra stressful situations. Furthermore, stress is sometimes caused by several kinds of conflict in the project environment.


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