Impact of Structure and Technology on Employee Behaviour in Organisations

Impact of Structure and Technology on Employee Behaviour in Organisations.

Table of Contents


The study is aimed at evaluating the Impact of Structure and Technology on Employee Behaviour in organisations, using a selected service oriented organisation and a manufacturing organisation namely: Diamond Bank Plc and Nigerian Breweries Plc in Enugu State.

The two major objectives of the study were to determine the extent to which structure and technology influence employee behaviour and to determine how the application of good structure and technology could improve employee behaviour.

The primary and secondary sources were used to obtain information for the study. The questionnaire was structured in five point Likert scale type format, in line with the objectives set out to achieve the study.

In calculating the sample size, the researcher applied the statistical formula for selecting from a finite population as formulated by Yamane (1964:280).

The researcher chose to use the stratified sampling method so as to give a fair representation to the designated organisations and also by using the proportionality formula to allocate the sample size. The Chi-square (X2) statistical test method was used to test the hypotheses for the study.

Findings indicate that the extent to which structure and technology influences employee behaviour is high and that the application of good structure and technology would result to improved employee behaviour by designing structures which achieve a balance between cooperation and competition, which combine team behaviours and individual motivation.

Conclusively, organisations are set up for specific purposes, to achieve set goals and objectives. People join organisations because they believe that their personal goals could be met, while they strive to achieve the organisations objectives.

Structure and technology provides the framework of an organisation and makes possible the application of the process of management.

Based on the findings, the study recommended that management of organisations should design their structure and technology to have significant effect on the management and functioning of the organisation in such a way as to help employees work together effectively by clarifying employee’s responsibilities and how their efforts should mesh through job descriptions, organisation charts and lines of authority


Title Page ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vi
Table of Contents vii


1.1 Background of Study 9
1.2 Statement of the Problem 10
1.3 Objectives of the Study 11
1.4 Research Questions 12
1.5 Research Hypotheses 12
1.6 Significance of the Study 13
1.7 Scope of the Study 13
1.8 Limitations of the Study 13
1.9 Definition of Terms 14
1.10 Historical Background of Diamond Bank Plc 14
1.11 Historical Background of Nigerian Bank Plc 16
References 18


2.1 The Concept of Organisation Structure 19
2.2 Types of Organisational Structure 20
2.3 Impact of Structure on Employee Behaviour 23
2.4 Technology Generally Defined 24
2.5 Types and Characteristics of Technology 26
2.6 Impact of Technology on Employee Behaviour 28
2.7 Structure and Technology in an Organisation 30
2.8 Effects of a Deficient Organisation Structure and Technology 33
References 35


3.1 Introduction 37
3.2 Sources of Data 37
3.3 Population of the Study 37
3.4 Determination of Sample Size 38
3.5 Description of Instrument used for Data Collection 40
3.6 Data Analysis Techniques 40
3.7 Validity of the Instrument 41
3.8 Reliability of the Instrument 42
References 43


4.1 Introduction 44
4.2 Data Presentation and Analysis 44
4.3 Testing of Hypotheses 49


5.1 Introduction 58
5.2 Summary of Findings 58
5.3 Conclusion 58
5.4 Recommendations 59


1.1 Background of the Study

An organization is established to achieve set goals and objectives. For it to realise this, its work has to be divided among its members. Some structure and technology is necessary to make possible the effective performance of key activities and to support the efforts of staff members.

Structure and technology provides the framework of an organization and its pattern of management. It is by means of structure and technology that the purpose and work of the organisation are carried out.

The structure of an organisation is usually depicted in the form of an organisation chart. This will show, at a given moment in time, how work is divided and the grouping together of activities, the levels of authority and formal organisational relationships.

The organisational chart provides a pictorial representation of the overall shape and structural framework of an organisation. Some charts are very sketchy and give only a minimum amount of information.

Other charts give varying amounts of additional detail such as an indication of the broad nature of duties and responsibilities of the various units. Organisation charts are useful in explaining the outline structure of an organisation.

They may be used as a basis for the analysis and review of structure, for training and management succession, and for formulating changes. The functions of structure and technology, the activities and defined relationships within it, exist independently of the members of the organisation who carry out the work.

However, personalities are an important part of the working of the organisation. In practice, the actual operation of the organisation and success in meeting its objectives will depend upon the behaviour of people who work within the structure and who give shape and personality to the framework.

The human relations writers are critical of the emphasis on the formal organisation. The favour a structure in which there is increased participation from people at all levels of the organisation, greater freedom for the individuals, and more meaningful work organisation and relationships.


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