Impact of Taxation on Ogun State Development

Impact of Taxation on Ogun State Development. 


The aim of this study was to investigate the Impact of taxation on Ogun State Development. One of the objectives carried out by the researcher was to examine peoples perception on taxation.

Taxation is seen as a tool aimed at improving the performance of the national economy by such means as altering the balance between current consumption and capital investment.

I looked at the work of other  authors in order to make the exercise richer. Their different views were seen in different books and other materials (journal) which made this study much better than similar works in this area.

In carrying out this study, the researcher used both primary and secondary data.   Questionnaries and interviews were used in generating the primary data while the secondarry data were obtained through library research and other sources.

The purposive sample of 50 respondents were randomly selected for the study to avoid numerous errors in the calculation. From the data collected and analysed, it was evident that tax collection plays a great role in the development of the Nigeria economy.

Conclusively, discussion, summary, conclusion, and recommendations were made to achieve the purpose of this work.

TABLE OF CONTENTS                     

Title page………      i

Certification……       ii

Dedication………     iii

Acknowledgement……       iv


Table of content…  vi


  • Introduction 1
  • Background to the Study 1-3
  • Statement of the Problem 3-4
  • Significant of the study 4
  • Objectives of the Study 5
  • Scope of the Study 5
  • Research Questions 5-6
  • Research Hypotheses 6
  • Limitation of the study 6
  • Operational Definition of terms 6-7
  • Historical Background of the case study 8


  • Introduction
  • Theoretical Framework 13
  • Empirical Review 16
  • Demand Taxes and Investments 19
  • The Principles of Taxation 22
  • Taxation as tool foe wealth creation and employment 25


  • Research methodology 26
  • Research design 26
  • Population 26
  • Sample and Sampling Techniques 27
  • Method of Data Collection 27
  • Reliability and Validity Tests 28
  • Method of Data Analysis 28-30


  • Data presentation and analysis 31
  • Data presentation and analysis 31-36


  • Summary of findings, conclusion and Recommendation 44
  • Findings 44-45
  • Conclusion                       45
  • Recommendation          46-47

References  48

Questionnaire   49-50


1.1 Background

The political economic and social development of any country depends on the amount of revenue generated for the provision of infrastructure in that given country.

However, one means of generating the amount of revenue for providing the needed infrastructure is through a well structure tax system.

Azubike{2009} is of the view that tax is a major player in every society. The tax system is an opportunity for government to collect additional revenue needed in discharging its pressing obligations.

A tax system offers itself as one of the most effective means of mobilizing a nation’s internal resources and if lends itself to creating an environment conducive to the promotion of economic growth. nzontta{2007} on the other hand, argues that taxes constitute key sources of revenue to the federation account shared by the federal, state and local governments. Appah, et al {2004}.

Tax is a compulsory levy imposed on a subject or upon his property by the government to provide security social amenities and create conditions for the economic well-being of the society.

Also anyanwu{1996} and ayanfo{1997} stated that tax are imposed to regulate the production of certain goods and services, protection of infant industries, control business and curb inflation, reduce income inequalities etc.

On the other hand, tosuu and abizadeh{2 005} acknowledge that taxes are used as proxy for fiscal policy. They outlined five possible mechanisms by which taxes can affect economic growth.

First taxes can inhabit investment rate through such taxes as corporate and personal income, capital gain taxes, second ,taxes can slow down growth  in labour supply by disposing labour leisure choice in favour of leisure .

Third ,tax policy can affect on research and development  expenditure . fourth, taxes can lead to a flow of resources to other sector  that may have low productivity.

Finally, high tax on labour supply can distort the efficient use of human capital high  tax burdens even though they have high social productivity.


Abdulrazaq, M.T. (1993). Principles and practice of Nigerian tax planning and management. Ilorin: Batay Publications Limited.

Aitken, S. & Bonneville, L. (1980). A general taxpayer opinion survey. Washington D.C: Internal Revenue Service.

Asika, N. (2000). Research methodology in the behavioral sciences. Lagos: Longman Nigeria  Plc.

Beck, P., Davis, J. & Jung, W. (1994). Tax advice and reporting under uncertainty: theory and an   experimental evidence. Illinois: University of Illinois.

Braithwaite, V. & Braithwaite, J. (2000). An evolving compliance model for tax  enforcement. In Shover and J.P. Wright (Eds.) Crimes of privilege. New York: Oxford University Press.

Frey, B.S. (2003). “The role of deterrence and tax morale in taxation in European countries” Netherlands Institute for Advance Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Wassenaar

Goel, M.L. (1988). A methods handbook: Political science research   , Iowa: Iowa State University Press.

Haslam, S.A. (2001). “Psychology in organization: The social identity approach”, London, Sage Publication.

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