Impact of Teacher Quality on the Academic Performance of Junior Secondary School Students in Social Studies in Katsina State

Impact of Teacher Quality on the Academic Performance of Junior Secondary School Students in Social Studies in Katsina State.


This study focused on the impact of teacher quality on the academic performance of Junior Secondary schools Student in Katsina State. Teacher quality here implies teacher qualification, teacher experience and workshop, seminar and conferences attendance.

Three objectives, research questions and hypotheses each were established, raised and formulated. The study adopted surveying method and a total of seventy teachers and three-hundred fifty students were involved.

Two instruments were structural questionnaire and achievement test administered for the teacher and students respectively.

The finding of the study revealed that, teacher experience, qualification, workshop, seminar and conference attendance significantly affected students‟ performance in social studies leading to the rejection of all the three null hypotheses.

Based on the finding, the study revealed that teacher‟s qualification significantly affected students‟ academic performance. It is recommended that experience teacher with requisite qualification and regular attendance of workshops, seminars and conferences be given priority.

The study recommended that workshops, seminars be organized on regular basis to enable social studies teachers keep abreast with contemporary happening in their areas of specialization. In addition, in-service training should be provided for social studies teachers.


Teaching is made up of several components of different dimensions such as the teacher, the students, the curriculum, the teaching method and instructional materials. Therefore, teacher qualities are the different components involved in the teaching and learning of social studies; importance of learning social studies.

With the above definition therefore, this study intends to investigate the impact of teacher qualities on the academic performance of junior secondary school students in Social Studies using two instruments: the teachers‟ questionnaire and a paper and pencil test for the students.

The major development associated with the National Policy on Education NPE (2008) is the pride of place it has given to Social Studies. The policy regards this subject as a compulsory core subject area which all students at Junior Secondary Schools cannot dispense with in their learning activities.

Very importantly the policy endorsed that, the teaching of Social Studies in our Junior Secondary Schools must be seen as one of those avenues of establishing strong basis for the production of effective citizens and of foregoing a cohesive society that will support the notion of the nation building.


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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