Implications of the Application of Federal Character Principle for Efficiency in the Federal Public Service

Implications of the Application of Federal Character Principle for Efficiency in the Federal Public Service.


The broad objective of this study is to examine the problems of imbalance in our national life between states and ethnic groups in relation to the educational section appointment and output-efficiency;

To investigate whether certain standard is maintained in the course of recruitment on quota basis in the country; and to ascertain how nepotism impact on federal character principle.

Due to the nature of this research, descriptive research method was used in order to get the solution for the problem posed by the study.

Sources of data were the primary and secondary sources. The primary source consist of questionnaire and interview, while secondary source were gathered from pamphlets, journals and published books related to the field of study. Since the population size is small, the researcher used the entire population of the institution of study.

Also, hypothesis were tested with simple statistical tools. The findings of the study revealed that the imbalance between states and ethnic group in Nigeria has no relationship with the establishment of the federal character principle in the federal public service.

Also, the research reviewed that federal character principle and quota system encourage the recruitment of unqualified personnel, which in turn led to inefficiency in the federal civil service. Finally, the research findings maintained that nepotism impact negatively on the federal public service.

The research recommended that the appointment of qualified candidate for a particular job irrespective of region or group the person(s) comes from should be upheld. According to this research, it will help to promote efficiency in service delivery in the federal public service.


Title page………ii

Approval page……iii





Table of Content………ix


1.1 Background to the study……1

1.2 Statement of problem…….3

1.3 Objective of the study…….5

1.4 Significance of the study……………5

1.5 Theoretical framework……………7

1.6 Hypothesis……10

1.7 Definition of terms and Acronyms……….11


2.1 Federal Character Principle: Evolution and Application in the Civil Service……17

2.2 Federal Character Principle: Its implication in the Civil Service……………24

2.3 Federal Character principle and Nigerian Federalism…………….34


3.1 Research Method and Design………….43

3.2 Determination of Sample Size…….44

3.3 Population of Study………………44

3.4 Procedure for Data Gathering………..45

3.5 Source of Data………46

3.6 Validity and Reliability of Data Instrument……..48

3.7 Method of Data Analysis………………50


4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis………………51

4.2 Data Analysis with Statistical Tools…………..65


5.1 Summary of Findings……..73

5.2 Recommendation………76

5.3 Conclusion………78

5.4 Area of Further Research…………..80

5.5 Reference.

5.6 Appendix

5.7 Questionnaire.


Background of the Study

The Federal Character Principle (FCP) is a Federal Executive body established by act No. 34 of 1996 to implement and enforce the Federal Character Principle of fairness and equity in the distribution of public post, socio-economic amenities, and infrastructural facilities among the federating units of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

The provision of 1999 constitution section 14 and 153 further empowers the commission to operate in a democratic setting. The main focus of this research project is the Public service. The Public Service is a body without which the business of government would be impossible to operate.

The role of the civil servant is so vital that such personnel is expected to be productive, progressive and enterprising; hence the need to employ well educated, skilled and experienced people.

But for political reasons, the Federal Public Service now combines the administrative ethics of merit and political doctrine of federal character as a recruitment policy because of the need for a representative bureaucracy.

The federal character principle was incorporated as an employment policy having taken into cognizance the impervious and insistence demand by each ethnic group, no matter how small numerically, or how poor materially, or how backward educationally for a fair and dignified place in the Nigeria sum.

For some time now, the Federal Public service has come under criticism because its performance left much to be desired.

Many attribute its inefficiency to the adoption of the Federal Character Principle which they believe negates the administrative ethics of merit system –skill, qualification, experience through training which are the basic criteria for efficiency.


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