A pollination control system and effective transfer of  pollen  from one parent to the other  offers improved plant breeding and an effective  method for  producing hybrid seeds. The  adoption  of pollination control system by plant breeder    will lead to the production of hybrid spp/ verities  that one tolerant / resistant to abiotic  stress factors, multiple rests, disease and  insects  which cause severe yield  losses in agricultural  production. (chopra, 2003)  stated that breeding for tolerance to various biotic stresses not only  ensure  stable production but also safe

guards the environment and health. such as;

i.                    Hybrid for abiotic stress tolerance. By breeding me seek to develop genotypes that combine superiority in  yield with tolerance to  various kinds of stresses  eg high or low temperature, salinity,  acidity, lack of nutrients  and atmospheric and soil pollutants, are the kinds of abiotic  stresses inhibiting crop  growth. 

ii.                 Hybrids  of high quality and quantity  yield, tolerance to diseases, pests, insects, virus, bacteria and pathogen may be achieved through the  use of pollination control systems. 


1.      Chopra V.L  (2003) Plant Breeding, Theory  and  Practice,  Oxford and IBH Publishing  Co Ltd Newdelhi, P.261-263)

2.      Sharma j.r (1994)  Principles and Practice of Plant  Breeding Tata McGraw- Hill Publisher  Co Ltd , New Delhi P  47- 49

3.      Katja Kempe and Mario Gils  (2011) Molecular   Breeding (www.

4.    Cytoplasmic Male Sterility – Wikipedia the Free encyclopedia

5.    Science Direct. Com  – trend in Plant Science vol  7,  Issue  5,  May  2002 

Indian Agricultural Resources  -Seeds  

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