1        Socio-demographic characteristics [probe for; name, sex ,age, place of residence, marital status, education ].

2        To what extent are women employed in the quarry pit mines? ( probe for the extent women get involved in the mine pit)

3        Why do women work in the mines? ( probe for whether women have interest ordinarily to work in the pit or just for lack of other work options)

4        How are the working conditions in the pit for women? ( probe for work load , safe and unsafe nature of mine work for women and hours they work)

5        Are there situations where women have been exploited sexually? (probe for how it is done, measures to stop it if it occurs)

6        What are the barriers being experienced by female mine workers? ( whether there are suitable facilities, eg job suits and work equipment)

7        What are the possible solutions towards the  reduction of the problems being experienced by women in the mines ? ( probe for  general suggestions)

8        What do you suggest should be the role of quarry owners towards improving the working conditions of women quarry miners ? ( probe for safety measures, medical treatment, wages that are appropriate)

9        What do you equally suggest should be the role of community leaders?

10   What also should be the role of government?

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