Questions on bio-data

1        Socio-demographic characteristics[probe for; name ,sex ,age, place of residence, marital status, education, position at the mine , duration of that position ].

Questions on type of job being performed at the quarry mine

2    Which type of job do you perform in the mine? (eg managerial or  supervisory role  etc).

3. Are there other women doing similar work to that of yours? If ‘yes’ how many are they?   

{ probe for women who  perform managerial/supervisory roles}.

4.If ‘no’ which sections do women  mainly dominate? Please specify and state why they dominate in the stated section(s) .(probe for the areas of job activities women undertake; eg. Loading, digging, blasting etc).

Questions on problems and unsafe nature of the quarry mine

5.What problems are women encountering in the quarry mine and what could be the solutions to these problems?( probe for under payment, long hours of work, tedious tasks etc)

6.How tiring  and dangerous is it for women to work in the  quarry mine?(probe  generally for the unsafe environment these women work in and under the conditions they work)

7.Are there cases of sexual molestation or attack on the women who work in the mine? If  ‘yes’ please specify(probe for the perpetrators; ways in which this act is being carried out and possibly being perpetuated; actions taken by victims; actions taken by management )

Questions on reducing women unsafe position at the quarry mine site

8. Is  the mining company applying affirmative actions on elimination and reduction of these problems ?( probe for the company’s concern on solving the problems identified ).

9    Are there policies guiding operations at the mines?.(probe for safety measures and working conditions)


Questions on the discrimination of women at the mine

10. If  there are women in your section, do men quarry workers  find them suitable to work with in the mine?(probe on  whether the presence of women are tolerated as co- workers by men miners or they are discriminated against).

11 . What are the ways in which women quarry miners are discriminated against and the impact  it has on their well-being?                        

12.   What could possibly be done to ease generally the problems being encountered by     

women quarry miners? ( probe for general actions to be taken in dealing with the problems associated with women quarry miners which will include ; government, community and quarry owners expected commitment to the welfare of women).            

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