In the Absence of Leadership Quotes

A leader is defined as a person who guides or directs in a course of action. The lack of leadership is one of the top causes for businesses to fail. Without someone to guide the course of action, there is no strategy for success.

One of the most obvious signs that there is no leadership in your business is that it has no clear direction. If there is no clear definition of leadership within an organization, then everyone will try to define it on his own terms.

Some people will try to grab power, others will take a laid-back approach. Some will be assertive without being aggressive; others will be aggressive instead of assertive. You’ll have some people trying to direct everyone else while others hang back waiting for someone else to give them direction. It’s going to be a mess.

The following quotes about In the absence of leadership should help us all to understand what happens in the absence of effective guidance from those we look up to.

In the absence of leadership, people will lack a sense of direction and purpose, people will feel powerless and stop taking responsibility for their actions.

1. In the absence of proper leadership, people tend to create their own.

2. In the absence of good leadership, people will turn to other sources for guidance.

3. In the absence of proper leadership, people seek guidance for ways to lead themselves.

4. In the absence of leadership, problems only get worse. In fact, they tend to multiply.

5. In the absence of leadership, people will always choose comfort over growth.

6. In the absence of clear-cut leadership, people will often create their own.

7. The absence of leadership and the void that creates is filled by those who are ready, those who are willing, and those who are able to lead.

8. In the absence of leadership, people will lead themselves.

9. In the absence of leadership, people will find and follow people who represent their interests. If you don’t represent your interests, someone else will.

10. In the absence of leadership, we need to make our own decisions. Don’t wait on the world – go out and change it yourself.

11. In the absence of leadership, people will act on their own.

12. In the absence of leadership, the initiative will die out.

13. When there is no leader on the team, everyone just waits for someone else to make the decision.

14. Without leadership, there is no inspiration. Without inspiration, nobody grows.

15. In the absence of leadership, there are always heroes.

16. In the absence of leadership, people will always follow the path of least resistance.

17. In the absence of leadership, chaos and mayhem ensue.

18. In the absence of leadership, people become more opinionated, more divisive.

19. In the absence of leadership, we are defaulting to our most primitive instincts.

20. In the absence of leadership, chaos and confusion rule.

21. In the absence of leadership, people will drift away from the mission, toward whatever is available.

22. In the absence of leadership, employees will follow their own agendas and self-interests.

23. In the absence of leadership, people will find leaders to follow… even if those leaders promote a destructive culture or an unfair advantage over others.

24. In the absence of leadership, people will either create it or destroy it.

25. In the absence of clear-cut leadership, people will naturally follow those who have taken a stand, those who seem to best embody the emotions they feel.

26. In the absence of leadership, look for a reliable source of inspiration.

27. In the absence of leadership, many people will look to you as an example. Set a good one.

28. In the absence of leadership, we must create our own.

29. In the absence of leadership and direction, many people turn to the negative things that make them feel powerful.

30. In the absence of leadership, you cannot have a revolution. The only thing that can be sustained is evolution.

31. In the absence of leadership, you get a vacuum. And into a vacuum step those who seek power for themselves.

32. In the absence of leadership, promote yourself.

33. In the absence of leadership by example, we are compelled to follow the crowd.

34. In the absence of leadership, people will lead themselves.

35. In the absence of leadership, culture will eat strategy for breakfast.

36. In the absence of leadership, no group, large or small, can maintain itself.

37. In the absence of leadership, common sense becomes more scarce.

38. In the absence of leadership, character inspires.

39. In the absence of leadership, you have anarchy.

40. Without leadership, there can be no direction; without direction, there can be no progress or purpose; without progress or purpose there is no value or fulfilment; without value or fulfilment, there is no reason for being or living.

41. In the absence of leadership, problems only get worse. In fact, they tend to multiply. It is in times of extreme crisis that we discover the most about ourselves and our true character. In such times, in the absence of leadership, it’s up to us.

42. In the absence of leadership, leaders are called upon to make difficult decisions to achieve something greater. Together, these individuals drive our world forward.

43. In the absence of leadership, people tend to follow the first person who steps up.

44. In the absence of leadership, you don’t get any kind of credit because you’re not doing anything.

45. In the absence of leadership, evil will flourish. The world has a way of making us think that it is our job to lead it.

46. In the absence of clear and forceful leadership, people turn to leaders who sacrifice others for a supposed common good.

47. It is in times of extreme crisis that we discover the most about ourselves and our true character. In such times, in the absence of leadership, it’s up to us.

48. In the absence of leadership and direction. To become a true leader, one must sacrifice himself for others.

49. In the absence of leadership, others will attempt to lead.

50. In the absence of leadership, people will eat each other.

51. In the absence of leadership, people will lead themselves…and often badly.

52. In the absence of leadership, people become undisciplined; in the absence of discipline, they begin to lose focus; in the absence of focus, they don’t achieve their goals.

53. In the absence of leadership, people will lead themselves. But the results won’t be to their liking.

54. In the absence of leadership, we will find ourselves responding to a world that is very different from the one in which most of us grew up and made our careers.

55. In the absence of leadership, people will either wander about aimlessly or run amok.

56. In the absence of leadership, the people will always follow.

57. In the absence of leadership, people will do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result.

58. In the absence of leadership, revolution is reborn. Every time we relive the past, we increase our doubts about the future.

59. The absence of leadership is what allows these issues to fester.

60. In the absence of leadership, we can guide ourselves.

61. In the absence of leadership, it falls to us to lead by example.

62. In the absence of leadership and direction, we find things to do simply because they are there.

63. In the absence of leadership, leadership takes you.

64. In the absence of leadership, people are looking for guidance.

65. In the absence of leadership, you must rise.

66. In the absence of leadership, there is no vision. In the absence of vision, there is no hope.

67. In the absence of leadership, leaders will emerge from the demand of the people

68. The absence of leadership is a silent killer.

69. In the absence of clearly-defined leadership, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it.

70. In the absence of leadership, we are left with nothing but the echoes of our own thoughts.

71. In the absence of leadership, everything turns into a mess.

72. In the absence of leadership and wisdom, we are left with decisions determined by things that are the lowest common denominator. That’s where we find ourselves today.

73. In the absence of leadership, the vacuum is almost always filled by somebody who is not doing it to be a leader but sees an area that needs to be filled. And if you’re in a position where you can fill that vacuum and take advantage of it and contribute, then you do it

74. In the absence of leadership, things fall apart in a hurry.

75. In the absence of leadership, get out and make something happen. First, you must show up.

76. In the absence of leadership, the people will always suck.

77. In the absence of leadership, people will not follow you

78. In the absence of leadership, movement happens on its own.

79. In the absence of leadership, never be afraid to take charge.

80. In the absence of leadership, look for someone who is kind and humble.

81. In the absence of leadership, people go crazy.

82. In the absence of leadership, people will stand up and fight for the things that matter to them.

83. In the absence of leadership, people will do what feels right. In the absence of moral leadership, they will do what feels good.

84. In the absence of leadership, you don’t get a catastrophe. You get chaos. And chaos is far more difficult to organize than a catastrophe.

85. In the absence of leadership, people will naturally act in ways that are safe and secure for them.

86. In the absence of leadership, people will follow poor or weak leaders.

87. In the absence of leadership, nobody offers to help and everybody demands to be served.

88. In the absence of leadership, trust and courage evaporate, hope is extinguished.

89. The absence of leadership is its own brand of tyranny. Leadership isn’t about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge

90. In the absence of leadership, people will lead you. They’ll make decisions for you and tell you what to do.

91. In the absence of leadership, people take to crowd-sourced influencers. And that’s the best thing—it’s democracy!

92. In the absence of leadership, good people often fail to do anything at all.

93. In the absence of leadership, people will gradually cease caring.

94. In the absence of leadership, people default to fear.

95. In the absence of leadership, people will look to follow other leaders.

96. In the absence of leadership, people will create their own leaders.

97. In the absence of leadership, we must take control.

98. In the absence of leadership and direction, we cannot hope for civilization.

99. In the absence of leadership, great people volunteer to be leaders.

100. In the absence of leadership, a group can fall apart. In strong leadership, the group can prosper and grow.

101. In the absence of leadership, everything becomes a crisis.

102. In the absence of leadership, people will do what they want to do. They will do this quite naturally and quite rightly. But it may not be what they ought to do.

103. In the absence of leadership, choose your own direction. In the absence of clarity, articulate your own vision.

104. In the absence of leadership, we are left with nothing but fear for the future.

105. In the absence of leadership, people will tend to follow out of fear.

106. In the absence of leadership, people do things just to keep from getting fired.

107. In the absence of leadership, people will work towards their own ends.

108. In the absence of leadership, responsibility collapses.

109. In the absence of leadership, responsibility leaves. Hold yourself accountable.

110. In the absence of leadership, self-organization is what we get.

111. In the absence of leadership, every man becomes his own ruler.

112. In the absence of leadership, people will always default to their own selfish agenda.

113. In the absence of leadership, responsibility for a comfortable life is the result of dedication and the ability to work together.

114. In the absence of leadership, a team will struggle to align.

115. In the absence of leadership, self-motivation is the greatest quality to have.

In the end, leadership is about using the resources available to you to achieve your goals. While these in the absence of leadership quotes are indeed inspiring, it’s up to us—the readers of them—to take action and turn that inspiration into tangible growth.

These quotes should give you the drive and inspiration to keep on going when you are facing challenges in your life or business.

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