Include Study Abroad on Your Resume: 5 Simple Steps 2022

– Include Study Abroad on Your Resume –

Include Study Abroad on Your Resume – Adding a feather to your cup seems to be just the best way to improve yourself and stand a chance of adding more value and worth to yourself in your career life. In addition to what you learn in the classroom, studying abroad teaches you the practical skills you need to succeed on any career path. 

That’s why employers place candidates with experience on top of the resume pile. But first, you must highlight your experience in the right way to get them to notice. A few simple tips and tricks can bring your study abroad trip front and center.

More and more employers value students’ study abroad experiences, which is great because studying abroad leads to many personal and professional rewards. For one, studying abroad tests a student’s real-world application of cultural knowledge and language use (it doesn’t take a bilingual to know this translates into great resume content!)

1. Sit Down and Think. Go through your photos, Journals, Recordings, Blogs, and any other Documents you Created while on Your Trip:

Upon returning from your trip, the first step to adding study abroad on your resume is sifting through your materials and conducting some extensive self-reflection on the people you met, the places you saw, and the experiences that stuck out to you.

Did a certain situation catch you off guard? If so, why, when, and how? Did you surprise yourself by how much you could successfully communicate with others in the language you’ve only been learning for a year? Remember that time you mastered the public transportation system in Montenegro after stressing out for hours about getting lost?

Analyze your experiences to identify your skills (and maybe even some potential career paths). Reflect on your newfound capabilities, communication skills, and global mindset.

Having a clear interpretation of your experience will prove beneficial when it is time to craft a resume including study abroad details.

2. Generate a List of Key Skills You Relied Upon When You Were Abroad — Trust Us, There are a Lot:

Now that you’ve gathered all the records of your trip, condense your experience into a few key words or phrases that encompass the skills you used abroad. Some of these may include phrases such as “problem-solving,” “money management,” “language skills,” or even “cross-cultural communication,” if you successfully overcame a language barrier.

If you did other projects while abroad, such as teaching or volunteering, you may be able to use powerful verbs like “developed,” “facilitated,” “volunteered,” “created,” “cultivated,” “organized” and “planned” in your resume bullet points, followed by a short description of what you did.

Considering you have quite a limited amount of space on a resume, using concise and descriptive diction really matters.

Study abroad experiences demand a lot from students: flexibility, on-the-spot decision making, extensive planning, problem-solving, troubleshooting unforeseen mishaps, foreign language use (usually), cultural education, and adapting to college life at a university that may operate radically differently from your home school.

Any and all of these skills are killer details to highlight on a professional resume. Don’t forget to demonstrate rather than tell your skills.

However, don’t give away your entire study abroad experience just on your resume — write your bullet points keeping in mind that any interviews resulting from your resume submission may involve questions about your experience, and you’ll want to offer new and exciting information.

Be prepared to elaborate on experiences and expand on smaller details.

3. Organize Powerful Study Abroad Resume Bullet Points of information into appropriate sections:

Anyone who looks at your resume internalizes the information from the top of the page to the bottom, so when figuring out how to list study abroad on a resume, imagine being on the other side looking at an applicant’s resume yourself.

What stands out? What information seems buried beneath less pertinent information? Structure your document strategically to highlight the most impressive details about your experience.

If none of your current experience directly ties with what they’re looking for, you should still make sure to consider the format and order in which you list experiences on the resume.

In relation to other content, how highly do you regard your study abroad experience? Experiment with ordering your information.

There is an art to articulating your study abroad experience into resume-style bullet points that add depth to your document rather than detract from it. Study abroad experiences may fit into categories titled “Professional Experience” or “Education” depending on which category is most relevant to details you want to include.


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4. Show That You’re Social:

Did you join any or organizations during your time studying abroad? Or, maybe you made a whole bunch of new, international friends and professional contacts?

Multicultural communication is one of the most important skills in global work environments. If you took part in social activities with other international students, then take the chance to show employers you have the special ability to make connections with people from all walks of life.

Show your participation in an organization, especially if you started or ran the group. Employers will also get the chance to see your leadership potential.

5. Consider Cultural Differences:

It’s likely you know how to craft at least a basic resume in your home country. But, do you know what an employer in the United States, , or Japan will be looking for when you apply for a job or internship?

It might not seem obvious at first, but the standard resume looks different from country to country. So make sure you do your research before handing yours in.

For example, in many European countries, it is common to include a picture attached to your resume. However, in the United States including a picture is much less common and could be seen as a breach of equal opportunity hiring practices.

If you need us to feed you with more updated information at the right time about how to include Include Study Abroad on Your Resume, provide us your phone number and email address in the comment box below.

Do not hesitate to share this information with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, and Google plus.

larship Team.


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