Industrial Development and Labour Migration in Nigeria

Industrial Development and Labour Migration in Nigeria.

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The research work titled Industrial development and Labour Migration in Nigeria: A Case study of Port Harcourt of Rivers State was exploratory and the survey research design was used.

The research work represent an academic effort directed toward understanding certain dynamics of human population by studying the pattern of movement of people from source to destination regions.

Particularly, the work focuses on the contribution of people who migrants to settle at Port Harcourt of River State, as well as the effect of this movement on destination region.

The study was aimed at determining the contribution of migrants at Port Harcourt to the region. A simple (random) sampling technique was used to draw a sample of 400 persons from the population.

The results are based on the findings of the 390 respondents who returned their questionnaire schedules and/or were interviewed.

The descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analyses. Findings showed that most migrants did not meet their expectation of high income jobs for improved economic statuses.

This situation led them to engage in less attractive and low income jobs. The overriding effect was that migrants’ contribution to development at destination region was also low.


Industrial development is a major contributor to economic growth and poverty reduction the wored over but notably in Asia (Philip, 2002). Industrialized countries have benefited from liberalisation of market for industrial goods, improvements in telecommunications and reduction in transportation cost.

Not all countries have shared in those benefits; however, limited supplies of human capital, poor infrastructure, weak government institutions and unfavourable investment climates hay been key constraints (Albert, 2013).

Normally, industries employ labour in order to produce goods and services that satisfy some basic needs of man. Industry according to Ogionwo and Otite (1979), refers to manufacture of commodities or the transforming of raw or intermediate products through mechanical means Girigiri, (1998) refers to industry as the secondary as opposed to the primary sector of productive activities.

He further defines it as production of goods and services with the aid of some mechanical devices.

Rapid industrialisation is a veritable instrument for economic development as it propels economic growth and quickens the achievement of structural transformation and diversification of the economy.

It plays a crucial role in any economy and is an important strategy to raise the standard of living of the people in any modern economy by enabling a country to utilize fully it’s factor endowments and to depend less on the external sectors, for it’s growth and sustenance (Dauda, 2004).

Dauda further observes that in Nigeria, rapid industrial development is of great importance and is an integral part of development planning. Since the 1960s, a number of industrial development programmes and policies have been implemented.

A great deal has been done to high light different aspects of the industrial development efforts in Nigeria (Adejugbe, 1995).

However, all these efforts have not exerted a significant impact on the different sub-sectors of the industrial economy.

For instance, the industrial manufacturing capacity utilisation declined from 75.4 in the 1975-1979 periods to 56.3 percent during the period of 1980-1985.


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