EIA  procedures ensure that the  potential impacts of project are identified  assessed, managed and reduced to  acceptable level before consent is given by the regulatory authority this  process  when integrated in any business identifies, minimize  the potential impact  of   promoted  development the  importance  aspect of  EIA STUDIES includes

      Risk assessment

      Enr management 

      Poor product  monitoring

EIA is  important because it   addresses the  direct and indirect impacts of the project on 

      Human being, fauna and flora

      Soil, water, air, climate to  landscape

      Materials assists and cultural heritage

Step I took in EIA process were 


Preliminary assessment


Collection of baseline data

Impact prediction

Mitigation measures /EIA report

EIA  report

Public hearing 

Decision making

Monitoring and implementation

Screening: this  is done to decide whether an  EIA is required and focus resources on projects most likely to have significant impacts, those where impacts are uncertain and those where EIA management  imput  is likely to be required

Scoping: this  purpose of this key part   of EIA process is to focus the EIA on the environmental issues and  possible effects which need the most thorough attention 

To identify those issues which are unlikely to need detailed study, and to provide  a means to discuss method of assessing  effects and reach  agreement on those  most appropriate

Here all interested  parties are involved

Collection of   baseline data:  this  aspect, the ena tharactors of the areas likely  to  be affected  were examined, relevant natural and man made processes  which may already be changing the character   of the   where also identified

3. impact prediction :possible interaction between  the  proposed development and both   existing and future site  conditions  were considered. The  nature of the  possible  effect eg  positive or negative , temp, or  permit were predicted and  accessed, as well possible cumulative and in combination  effects.

Mitigation measures

This is a proposal for design and operational  modification or  other  measures to prevent, reduce, and  where possible offset any significant adverse effect on  the environment

EIA reports : this is where the  actions and  steps for preventing, minimizing or by passing  the impacts or else the level of compensation for  probable  EIV damage or loss

Described the dripping comprising into  on the site,  design and size of   development

Measure envisaged in order to avoid,   reduce, and if possible, remedy significant adverse effect mitigation  measures

Data reg  2  identify and assess  the main effects which the development is likely to have on   the  eiv  outline of the main alternatives studied  by applicant  or appellat and an indication of the main  reasons for  this choice taking into account the  env.  Effec non  technical  summary of  the above into  public hearing :  on  completion  of EIZ report,  public and   EAV groups living close to project site may be informed and consulted

   Review :to assess  the adequacy  of   the  EIA to  decision making and  consider its implications  for project implementation 

Monitoring : the various phase of the implementation of projects are monitored risk assessment here the   inventory  analysis and hazard   probability  and index are   contained

The  major source of water  pollution 

From melbaime operation includes  soil and chemical discharge

Sewage discharge

Garbage’s water pollution  

Transportation of oil 

Discharge of waste /sewage

Tank overflow 

Tank  leakage 

Oil / chemical spill

In ships, operation, oil and chemi
cals are deliberately or accidentally discharged into our water wasy  most of  them which  come  from refueling, boat  maintenance and bilge discharge into   our waterways  most of them which refueling, boat  maintenance and bilge discharge . oil and chemical can be toxic to marine and human life .

Oil and chemicals on board the ship product that are pollutants and will harm the  marine environment are  

Petrol oil spills occur through

       Gear box oil

      Motor oil

      Two stroke oil

      Diesel /fuel

      Hydraulic oil

      Cooling syste additives

      Cleaning agents


      Acide and paints

      Pipeline leakage including transfer  houses 

      Cargo tank

      Bunker tank overflow

      Hull leakage

Once  these toxins enter our water way  they have potential tor retard or prevent the reproductive  development of many arine animals , which  can have a flow on effect through  the whole  ecosystem

Contaminated   fish stocks and filter feeders such as oysters and mussels can also pass on harmful chemicals to human if consumed

However clean bilges help educe pollution , also  abosorbents  can be used to mop up excess oil or fuel, the bilges are also washed with biodegra dable degreases or detergents and dispose of any  cleaning  resides  offshore

If  oil does spill into water, use  absorbents to  mop it up and let the original harbor master,  marine manger or  port authority  know so   that it can be cleaned up as soon as possible . do not use dispersants or cleaning chemicals because  they can increase the toxins effects of oil spills

How  to handle oil and chemical

As a HSE officer ,I participated actively in marine pollution control and I helped to  reduce oil and chemical entering our water ways

The  measures I took  were

During refueling

Inserted the nozzles into the factor before the  pump were started 

I always turned off the pump and ensure that the flow of   fuel has stopped before removing  the nozzle . 

I always checked the fuel tank  capacity before they refueled

Watched the breathers for signs of blow  out or  overflow

       I ensure   the bilges were cleaned before discharging were  made

      I always   supervised the operation of bilge pump to  ensure that only water was being  pumped into the  water ways

      I revised the installation of  bilge pumps float switch to stop oil accident ally discharging with  bilge water ways

      I cleaned waste oil from bilge using absorbents  and  make   sure the degreases, detergents   or biode gradable  produce  used were not discharged into water ways  

For everyday  check srubbing  used cleanwater, any only   chemicals for severe staining  for any accidental spill on board, I cleaned it up with absorbent or  spray  saw dust to anborb it  on  various occasions, I conducted oil spill risk  assessment

To know the impact of our operation   on the marine  environment 

 Marine pollution through garbage’s

In the same way, same boat operators, deliberately  throw   their garages  into our water ways , most of it today is made from non 0biodegrdable   products such as plastics which  persist in marine environment for many years

However some marine animals and sea birds  can mistake plastic for food others become  entangled  in garbage causing a slow ad painful  death

Ropes and plastics   materials can get caught in proper lows  and block water intakes causing major damage or even lose of  income while a boat is out of  service  for  expensive repairs 

G    : this   simple means solid  waste   and  a waste can be defined as anything that is no longer in use

Types of marine garbage’s   that can pollute marine  environment   are    

       food waste

      Paper product






      Deck  sweepings

      Packaging materials

      Wire residue

Paint scraping as well as residence   that  entering

Water through  hall  maintenance   activities   such as



Pressure washing  and panting 

Preventive  measures

secure bins or garaged bags were made  available  for the storage  of  garbage onbo
ard until they to shore   reformed,  which were disposed into appropriate receptacle when conducting vessel maintenance that generated  sast dust scrapings paint dups,  debris and drips etc drop  clothes were used of catch these by products. Mechanical  sanders /scrapers equipped with vacuum bags were  effective   used  to removing pout  in away that  prevents the spread of dust, debris and residue    into the marine environment as well  as air  when the garbages or letters have already  been  discharged into our are ways

a floating  letter trap  and boom systems is used to trap it and  help  safely in a collection basset for removal  this  happens  regardless of tide changes or water  level. They have different types of bins for storage   of wastes in marine

marine pollution through sewage  discharge sewage is the drainage and other wastes from  any form of   roiler,  drinal or any other waste water  when mixed with such drainages  incorporated with this description, the term sewage includes human feacal wastes, sewage does not include  gref  water. I wash water  from showers and sinks  unless it is  mixed with any of the above

however, any  discharge  from vessel will be either  the following categories 

        Treated sewage

      Ungreated sewage

      Treated swage  : this has passed  through on board   system and  has three  distaste  grades  grade  A, B and C 

      C lowest level

      B higher level

A  highest level

Macerated sewage is an ulttreated sewage 

Untreated  (RAW SEWAGE): IT HAS NON passed treatment    system . this sewage that is discharge   directly into the  water way  in  areas where discharge is permitted   or contained in on  board holding tank. Any  unrelated sewage  that is discharged, in  ares where it is permitted, must first pass  through a macerctor

Since   Melbourne  services limited spreates  with a  declared ship ( A  CLASS ONE  Commercially registered  carrying   vessel  fitted with a toilet 

The vessel have   fitted  sewage holding tank  after storing disposed off on shore   according to ship  board sewage management   plan

Worked area covered

In Melbourne services limited I worked with many department but  specifically I worked with the  it be department 

Hse:  health and environmental safety  there I handled so many activities which includes

Environmental safety  (Major)

EIA :  Environmental Impact  assessment water pollution inspection /precaution

Through  Oil  chemical    spill response

Garbage Discharge Inspectional Inspection

Waste segregation/storage

Sewage discharge response, prevention treatment

Housekeeping practices with the full aim of creating a lively environment for our marine lives.

Health safety: Minor:

Fire safety

First aid practices/programme

AIM: To protect the health of workers.

To achieve main objectives of HSE safety standard and protection to health.

To pursue the goal of harm to environment and to protect the environment.


Promoting health

Protecting the environment

Safe guarding the property / equipments of

Promoting harmonious relationship between the company and the community.

Water covers more than  70%  of the earth, water is one  of the most precious natural resources of our planet .  the reason being  that about 97%  of total water is salty, and therefore not portable, a futher  2%  is locked   of it useful for consumption. Apart from clean drinking  of it useful for consumption. Apart from clean drinking  water, we also need to keep the water in the oceans rivers and lakes unpolluted because other wise , it harm the very planet we survive on.  However, with human pollution incrasing rapidly and industiralisation, water resources all over the world are getting polluted, so much so, that precious and unique  organisms and ecosystems  are being  harmed and  even going extinct at an alarming  rate

Water pollution: this is an undesirable change in  the  stat of water, contaminated with harmful substances    it is the second  most important environmental issue next to air  pollution. Any change in the physical, chemical and biological properties of water that has  harmful  all  the   major water bodies of the world such as lakes  , rivers, ocean   and ground water

Sources of water pollution

The major  source of water pollution  include

        Domestic wastes (SEWAGES) Discharges

        Industrial   efflvent 

        Agricultural waste

        Oil /  chemical spill

        Marine dumping (GARBAGE DISCHARG)etc

        Point source : discharged from a  discrete  ration 

        Non point  – non location 


On marine life

Deoxygenating of water rand annihate flora and funa   in streams, lake,  river

Enhance the growth of bacteria in
water  and increase the concentration

Affects the whole ecosystem

Effects on human  animal

Animals / human consumes polluted floral   fauna in  polluted water, which can cause   diseases to  them  it can also lead  to cancer and diarrhea

General   prevention of water   population

       Treat  sewage before disposal 

      Oil sucks  shoved be skimmed off from the surface with suction device 

      Avoid dumping of waste   into the water bodies.

Ill  effect of sewage polluted water .  pathogens present in the water spread many different  diseases 

The  process of ecessive deposition of chemical nutrients  in water is termed eutiophication . this is  one of  the problems  caused by sewage polluted H2o

Toxins  released in  rivers through  sewage water are consumed  by  fish and other organisms, the possibility   of toxins   entering   the food  

It degrades water quality

Redces the number of fishes

Increases biological oxyhgen demand (BOD)

Sewage treatment means

Firstly  primary treatement   throu grinding mechanism  and then   pasted  through the   setting  several  chamber     chambers and neutralized with lime, up to this  stage  .

The sewage   will still  certain a large number   of pathogenic  and  non pathogenic organisms  and  also  sefficeint  organic  matter .  the neutralized effcueltts are   sent to UASBC up flow aneroboic sludge blanket). It is  a reactor  in this, the anerohic bacteria degrades the  biodegradable materials present in the waste l water. This  releagmouse foul odour and releases  methane, which  can be used  else wheare . in this system, the  pollution load  is reduced upto  85%  , after this,  water is sent to aeration tank where it is mixed  with   air and bacteria  

Fire fighting 

And the bacteria digesis the organic waste materials  this is called  biological or secondary treatment . even after the treatment,  water is still until for drinking. The  harmful   microorganisms needs to be called 

Tertiary treatment

Finally,  the disinfection  process. To remove  final  traces of  organics, bacteria , dissolved  inornaic solid   etc for   tertiary treatment methods, such as chiorination, evaporation and exchange  abosorption  be employed . these depends of the final  reg   quality  of the final treatment   

Housekeeping  hoursekeeping hygiene

This means the  orderly arrangement and  toplacement   of  equipment,  too is and  matrials  both  raw and finished  and wstes  Good  house keeping improves the hygienic  condition of  it   work and  reduces potentials for accident, fire essentials for  all sites


      Darily cleaning of work palces

      Disgnation of  areas for  water   matrials

      Porper  receipt  and storage of raw matrials in  desisnated  areas

      Clearing  of floors  remove  duties   can  


      Storage of  fiammable matrials in safe place separate from non flammable materials . also  applishable of some toxic  and corrosive matrials  

      Proper disporsal fo  raji a loose matrials 

      Proper arrangement of tools, by removing  from   and storing in a appropriate   toxic box

      Etasim cables on flexible power  supply and hand  tools  should be collected approximately 

      Materials should be stacked  to  block   emergency exists or fire  fighting   equipping

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