Influence of Agricultural Extension Programme on Farmers’ Agricultural Production in Kano State

 – Influence of Agricultural Extension Programme on Farmers’ Agricultural Production in Kano State – 

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The study was carried out to investigate the Influence of Agricultural Extension Programme on Farmers’ Agricultural Production in Kano State. Four specific objectives and four research questions were formulated. Four null hypotheses were also formulated based on the objectives.

Twelve Local Government Areas (a village from each) were selected from the study area for the purpose of this study. 8,866 farmers (household heads) and 236 extension agents served as population for the study. 370 farmers and 152 extension agents were randomly selected from the population as samples.

Survey research design was used for the study, where two sets of questionnaire were used as instrument for data collection, one for the farmers, and the other for extension agents. The data collected were analyzed using percentages and Spearman’s Rho Correlation Procedure at 0.05 level of significance.

The results of the study showed that 87.6% of the farmers were males, 62.2% acquired formal education at different levels, 54.6% belonged to farmers association. 87.6% used improved farm practices introduced to them frequently, 85% had increase in yield after the adoption of the improved practices. 59.4% indicated that cost and unavailability of fertilizers were the major problems that caused them not to adopt the improved farm practices.

The results of the tested null hypothesis I indicated that the personal characteristics of the farmers were highly correlated with adoption of agricultural innovation. That of null hypothesis II discovered that the types of teaching methods used by extension agents in disseminating the improved farm practices to farmers were significantly correlated with the rate of adoption by the farmers.


The term extension education was derived from the practice of British Universities of having one educational programme within the premises of the University and another away from the University buildings. The programme conducted outside the University was described as “extension education”. The expression connoted an extension of knowledge from the university to places and people far beyond.

The term “extension education has since been popularized in the United States, where in the early part of the 20th century, the idea attained the status of a movement. Extension is concerned with two basic functions, namely: The dissemination of useful and practical information relating to agriculture and home economics. The practical application of such knowledge to farm and home.

These where carried out in informal atmosphere with adults as the main clientele (Obibuaku, 1983). Extension education is an applied behavioural science, the knowledge of which is applied to bring about desirable changes in the behavioural complex of human beings usually through various strategies and programmes of change and by applying the latest scientific and technological innovations (Sharma, 2005).


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