Influence of Clinic Matters (A Tv Drama Programme) on Health Behaviour of Rivers State Residents

Influence of Clinic Matters (A Tv Drama Programme) on Health Behaviour of Rivers State Residents.


Communication and public education are vital in health, it enables awareness of diseases, emergent infections, safety and preventive measures.

However, health communication in Nigeria is faced with a lot of problems among which is the choice of media channels which result in the message not reaching the target population.

As emphasis shifts worldwide from curative to preventive healthcare, the need for information, communication and education has become high on the agenda of health planners and policymakers.

Many groups have come to believe that entertainment media can play an important positive role in educating the public about significant health issues.

It is to this effect this study investigates the influence of Clinic Matters, a TV  drama programme on the health behaviour of residents of Rivers State (5,198,716). Four research questions were raised to guide the study and the survey method was used to generate qualitative and quantitative data for the research.

Data generated through the questionnaire were used to answer the questions. The Australian National Statistical Service (NSS) Online Calculator was used in drawing up the sample size of 385 from the population of Rivers State. The data gathered were presented on tables and charts (pie and bar).

The findings revealed that the majority of the respondents were aware and regularly exposed to the programme on a weekly basis, the programme was very effective at communicating health messages with most of the respondents attesting that their health behaviour has improved for the better and that TV entertainment-education should be used for communicating health message in Rivers State because of its effectiveness.

This study recommended that more TV drama programmes like Clinic Matters should be produced, health messages in TV drama programmes should be repeated in subsequent episodes because of the transient nature of broadcast media and more studies should be done to fully explore the potentials of TV entertainment-education strategies in health communication.


Title page ………….i
Table of contents..v
List of Tables………vii-viii
List of Figures…..ix-x


1.1 Background of Study…..1
1.2 Statement of Problem……..4
1.3 Objectives of the Study……..6
1.4 Research Questions…….6
1.5 Significance of the Study…………..7
1.6 Scope of the Study…………..8
1.7 Definition of Terms…..8-9


2.1 Focus of Review……11
2.2 The Entertainment-Education Strategy in Television………..11
2.3 Soap Operas: Making a Difference in Developing Nations…..13
2.4 Clinic Matters: An Overview…………….15
2.5 Review of Empirical Works……….19
2.6 Theoretical Framework………..23
2.6.1 Social Cognitive Theory……….23
2.6.2 Health Belief Model (HBM)…..25


3.1 Research Design…..30
3.2 Population of Study………..30
3.3 Sample Size…….32
3.4 Sampling Techniques…………33
3.5 Instrument for Data Collection…..36
3.6 Validation of Research Instrument….36
3.7 Reliability of Research Instrument…36
3.8 Method of Data Collection and Analysis……….38


4.1 Data Presentation……….40
4.2 Discussion of Findings……….68
4.3 Summary of Findings…..75


5.1 Summary………….78
5.2 Conclusion…..79
5.3 Recommendation…..80


1.1 Background of Study

The mass media are saddled with several responsibilities in the society ranging from information function, entertainment function, education function, to agenda-setting function etc. of which television seems to have a greater way of influencing its audiences through its powerful combination of sound, visual and motion.

In looking at television influences, Salama in Asemah (2011, p.339) posits that: Television influences can be seen as presenting models of behaviour, as providing information that extends far beyond one’s immediate experience.

As giving definitions and knowledge in uncertain and unclear situations, as offering a wide range of role-taking models than would otherwise, be available, as suggesting appropriate values and ideas for particular positions.

It is therefore not surprising that public health professionals have started exploring the potentials of the medium as a tool for health education.

As emphasis shifts worldwide from curative to preventive healthcare, the need for information, communication and education has become high on the agenda of health planners and policymakers. Many groups have come to believe that entertainment media can play an important positive role in educating the public about significant health issues.

In the United States and around the world, public health organizations are increasingly turning to entertainment media from soap operas to sitcoms to reality shows as a way to reach the public with health messages, (The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 2004, p.1).


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