Influence of Parental Background on Girl-Child Vocational Skills Acquisition in Junior Secondary Schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria

  – Influence of Parental Background on Girl-Child Vocational Skills Acquisition in Junior Secondary Schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria – 

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This study investigated the influence of parental background on the Girl-Child’s Vocational Skill acquisition in junior secondary schools in Kaduna state, Nigeria. It was predicted on the assumption that parents have negative influence on vocational skill acquisition of the Girl-Child. A total of (4) research questions and objectives were advanced as follows: Examine parents view on the influence of parental background on Girl-Child Vocational Skill acquisition in Junior secondary school in Kaduna state.

Examine the influence of parental background on the Girl-Child’s Vocational skills acquisition in relation to rural and urban difference in junior secondary schools in Kaduna state and to determine the opinion of teachers and principals on the influence of parental background on Girl-Child’s Vocational Skills acquisition in Junior Secondary school in Kaduna state.

Descriptive research design was adopted, 13,12815 the population of the study while 381 is the sample for the study, proportion method was used to select the sample from six Schools. Questionnaire was the instrument used for the study, frequency count and percentage was used to analyse research question Q1-4 while, Crombach Alpha co-efficient statistics was use to test the pilot study conducted at GSS Abah, a total of 25 copies of questionnaire was distributed, with a result of 0.868 statistics which is considered reliable.

Chi-square statistics and ANOVA was used to test the hypothesis design for the study. The major findings shows that parental background does not have negative influence on the gild-Child vocational skill acquisition in junior secondary schools in Kaduna state. There is significant difference between the opinion of male and female students, with male ranked highest with 232.11 while female 146.52, the findings  also shows that there is significant different with regard to location (rural & urban) onions on the influence of parental background of the Gild-Child Vocational Skill acquisition in junior secondary schools in Kaduna State.


Declaration            ii

Certification             iii

Dedication     iv

Acknowledgements         v

Table Contents          vi

List Of Tables      viii

List Of Figures              ix

List Of Appendixes        x

Operational Definition Of Terms               xi

Abbreviation                       xii

Abstract               xiii


  • Background to the study 1
  • Statement of the Problem 4
  • Objectives of the Study 7
  • Research Questions 7
  • Hypotheses 8

1.5      Basic Assumptions              8

  • Significance of the Study 9
  • Scope of the Study 10


  • Introduction 11
  • Theoretical framework 11
  • Conceptual Framework 15
  • History of Education in Northern Nigeria 21
  • The Girl-Child Education 28
  • Influence of Parental Background on Girl-Child Education andvocational skill acquisition 31
  • Training for Vocational Skill Acquisition for Girl-Child 34
  • Impediment to Girl-Child Education 39
  • Importance and Values of Girl-Child Vocational skill acquisition &Education 49
  • Empirical Studies 52
  • Summary 61


  • Introduction 62
  • Research Design 62
  • Population for the Study 62
  • Sample and Sampling Technique 64
  • Instrumentation 65
  • Validity of the Instrument 65
  • Pilot Study 65
  • Reliability of the Instruments 66
  • Procedure for Data Collection 66
  • Procedure for Data Analysis 67


  • Introduction 68
  • Results and Discussion 68
    • Bio-data of respondents 68
    • Response of parents on the Influence of Parental Background onGirl-Child‟s Vocational skill acquisition in junior secondary school 71

4.2.2  Hypothesis testing         87


  • Introduction 92
  • Summary of Findings 92
  • Conclusion 93
  • Recommendations 93
  • Suggestion for Further Studies 94
  • Contribution to Knowledge 94


The extend of parental interest and involvement in school and vocational activities relates positively to their children achievements. Adams (2012) he further stated that home environment that encourages learning is more important to students than income level of education of parents and cultural background of the parents. In Nigeria, girls access to education, especially in northern state, has remained very low.

National school census (NSC, 2006) reveals a net enrollment proportion (19%) of primary school age population (6-11 years) is not enrolled in primary schools nationwide. In Kaduna State, the number of children out of school is high and the proportion of girls to boys ranges from one girl to two boys most especially in the rural communities (Adie, 2012).

In educational and economic studies, it has been found that parental background such as family size, family type, family income, location (rural or urban) and parental education are determinants of the amount and quality of education children receive over their life time. (Dokubo, 2014).


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