Religious socialism is the belief that Christianity stands for a structure of society which will enable men, women, old and young to live and work together in unity as brethren, and that competition is not a universal law. Thus, religious/Christianity has proved to be a bed-rock and a tool for peaceful co-existence, through her preaching against coup-detat, tribalism, ethnocentrism, sectionalism corruption as. Well as initiating religious dialogue for an understanding of one another’s faith; and by organizing conferences and workshops to enlighten the people to reduce their socio-economic and political tension.

            The missionaries therefore utilized education as an effective tool for evangelizing Ezza-North Local Government Area of Ebonyi state. This was the effort that was very much responsible for the local government area’s manpower development. Christianity via education has therefore enlightened the generality of the Ezza-North society, Christens and non-Christians alike. Establishment of primary secondary school and church and health centers in the area are developed beyond expectation.

            Religion according to Durkheim (1997) is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacked things, uniting into a single moral community all those who adhere to those beliefs and practices. This shows that mangers of religious group share common concern about the unknown and unexplainable things in the world. That is, man is in atmosphere of uncertainty, insecurity and incompletion and is led to attribute things that cannot be supernatural things.

            The history of Christianity and its influence upon human societies, according to Abiola (1974) the Portuguese made their first contacts with Benin, the capital of the present Edo state in 1485. Those various contacts were made for various purposes viz: to meet the demands of the better trade on the Gold Coast, to study the political system of government of the kingdom and most importantly of all, to spread Christianity to the land not yet acquired by most power. From the beginning Christian religious has gone hand in hand with biblical teaching. The principle of parental responsibilities for youth the motivating power of love, the necessity of literacy, the unity of all truth in God and other principles basic to Christian education have biblical sources.

            By and large, the study of religious shows that religious has been used as instrument for social changes. The reformation era of Amos, Micah and Isaiah reminds the Jews of their religious obligations for the socio-political and economic lives of their communities. For a society to experience dynamic and real charges in its political order, such a society must have come into contacts with Christian religious, the Apostle were accused of turning the world upside down (Act 17.6) this was made possible by their teaching and preaching acquired through contact with Jesus Christ himself the founder of the Christian religious.

            Milton J. Yinger produced a functional definition of religious. He defined religious as a system of beliefs and practices by means of which a group of people struggles with the ultimate problems of human life. It is the refusal to capitulate to death, to give up in the face frustration, to allow hostility to tear apart one’s human association (in Sharf 1970.32). According to him, religious is a resistance against death, frustration, hostility, suffering, anxiety, despair and hatred. According to Sharfs view entails the conclusion that religious is a constant factor in human life.

            Thomas F. O. Dea (1966. p. 27) asserts that religious is a central element in culture. Religion performs the same functions which other aspects of culture perform. A consideration of religion as a core element in culture summarizes the human significance of religions. The content of religion may be either in harmony or in conflict with existing situations or transformations which are in progress in society.

            According to Milford E. Spiro define religions as an institution which consists of culturally patterned interactions with culturally postulated supernatural beings. In his view religion is an aspect of social groups and a component part of their cultural heritage. As a result “Religious feature are acquired by means of enculturation.

            Thus, religion is a major source and concern of the values of culture.


            Influence of religious p
racticing on the political growth as the researcher has early stated that religion has been used as an instrument for social change in any given society or nation. Religion has a place in the lives of every nation, Nigeria included. Therefore irrespective of the faith or denomination, religion when truly practiced in its truest form and spirit, has been and remains sacred. The researches also pointed out that it plays a vital role in purposeful leadership, community building, social juristic, law and order peace – making, reconciliation, spirit of forgiveness and the healing of wounds, be they family or personal and political in Ezza – North Local Government Area Ebonyi State.


            The main aim of this study or research work is to investigate the influence of religious practice on the political growth in Ezza – North Local Government Area of Ebonyi state. To be précised, the study equally finds fit the target of achieving the following objectives.

(1)       Does religion practice influence political growth in Ezza-North Local Government Area of Ebonyi state.

(2)       To what extend does religion influence the political activities in Ezza-North.

(3)       What are effects of religion on political growth.


            This research will lead to a greater understanding of the key roll religion player political development in Ezza-North local Government Area of Ebonyi State. It will also help or he helps to present and others in their political activities.


            The study of influence of religious practice on the political growth is delimited to Umuezeokoha Community Oriuzor Community, Umuogharu Community, Oshiegbe Community and Ndieguzu Community in Ezza-North local Government Area of Ebonyi state.


1.         Does influence of religious practice, on political growth exist?

2.         Does influence of religious practice on politics promote political development or growth in Ezza-North local government Area of Ebonyi State?

3.         Does influence of religious practice affects politician positively in their day-to-day activities? 



2.0                   REVIEW OF RELATED  LITERATURE

            This literature review is meant to affect many areas as agenda the research topic under consideration. It is quite obvious, that many writers has written on the issue of influence of religion on political growth or development. Some writers, has really expressed their ideas or view on this issue, without pointing out principal things that promotes influence of religion on the political growth or development in society.

            Religion is an important part of our lives, from birth to death, and commands immense influence is our national politics. Of course there are voices that argue against mixing politics and religion, and others who share the view that polities and religion are inextricable. Chuba Okadigbo was once quoted as saying. “Religion being a matter of individual and faith, must be left where it is such that our clerics can take care of our souls and religious persuasions, while elected civilians take care of the business of government”.

            In this research work, the literature review will be made under the following bus – headings – (1) what religion is all about

(2)       What the concept politics is.

(3)       Influence of religion on politics.


            Religion is such a sensitive issue in Nigeria that one has to tread carefully in discussions to avoid flaring erosion, accusations of taking side or risk being misinterpreted. However, in search of peace, security and prosperity for our country, we must not shy away or get discouraged from exploring truth, for it is the responsibilities of intellectuals to speak the truth and to expose lies.

            S. Durkheim (1915) saw “religion as a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things that is to say, things set apart and forbidden-beliefs and practices which unite into one simple moral community called a church, all those who adhere to them”. Therefore, on this note “sacred” means holy and it is used in dear being the character of the supernatural beings such as good and divinities. It is in this since that the church talks about a sacred or Holy God and in African Traditional Religion talks about sacred or holy divinities, for the church, the church building, musical instruments, pews, pulpit regalia, cups wine and bread are sacred things. These cannot be used for ordinary purpose because they have been dedicated to God and they become his properties.

            According to Milton J. (1970) “religion is a resistance against death, frustration hostility suffering, anxiety and hatred. It therefore entails that religion is a constant factor in human life, through religious behaviour man more from anxiety to confidence. It is a major source and corner of the values of culture. It is on this point that one can maintain that, cultural, religion is a part of a total of prescription and prescription that safeguard interaction of man in all human society.

            Herbert Spencer (1964) is of the view that “religious beliefs and practices were mistakes and illusions. Religion originated from the people experiences of slop, dream, trances death and environmental objects”.

According to Thomas F. O (1878) asserts that religion is a central element in culture. Religion performs the same social functions which other aspects of culture perform. A consideration of religion as a core element in culture summarizes the human significance of religion. The content of religion may be either in harmony or in conflict with the existing situations or transformations which are in progress in society.

            He out rightly  outlines certain characteristics and functions of religion. Religion invests history with aim, purpose and form. Religion is a symbolic transformation of experience. Religion is an instrument for a deface. It provides beliefs and attitudes which help to defend the people against vexing, doubts, anxieties and aggression. These may be generated within individual or societies but they are seen as having been victoriously defeated by supernatural beings. Religion gives a sense of direction as it makes the people perceive, feel, think act, perform and behave in specifically designed ways.


            You need to understand how the word “politic” came into use among the individual and communities across Nigeria in particular and the whole world in general. The word “polities” came out two
Greek words Polis which means “city” and “teche” which means an art, a skill or a method. The Greek are the people whose country is Greece, a country in Europe close to North Africa. At the time the word “politics” was coined by the Greeks, the people of Greece did not have a central government as they have today.

            Their country was made up of City States for instance Corinth and Athens which Saint Paul visited and where he preached the good news of Jesus Christ. Each city was independent and had its government and soldiers. These critics had to go war against each other as it happened ever in Nigeria. So, the idea of politics was limited to the curatorial area of each city separately. That was the situation in which the word “politics was made. It then implies, that the word “politics” meant, at that time, the art of governing a city.

            Adekunle A. (1976) Stated that the term polities is applied in common parlance to the affairs of politics parties and politicians, party conventions and electioning and of voting and manicuring for partisan advantage”.

            Bisi Taiwo (1978) is of the view that “today the word politics is an elastic one. To some authorities, politics is concerned with the ordinary day-to-day activities of community in which we are all personally involved. To other including professor Fasswell, politics has been equated with the study of power or the study of influence and influential for this research work, politics can simply be defined in three ways.

            First, it attempts to discover the general principles, formation and functioning of government. Second, it is concerned with peoples, with the way in which they make decisions and the way in which they reach decisions. Third, it is that part of social science which treats the foundation of  the state and the principle of government: governmental social and economic programmers, international co-operation and a wide range of other matters that are of urgent concern to public officials and private citizens.


            Religion is an element of culture and polities is also an element of culture. Both are cultural factor which in interact  and perpetrate both the Urban and the rural people. They get at the grassroots of societies and grasp both the young and the old men and women, the rich and the poor, the literate and the illiterate, the ruled and rulers. The individuals are both a member of a religion and a member of a political party. Where he is not a member of a political party he is certainly a citizen and he is interested in the mainence of law and order, peace and security, salability and good government.

            For these reasons, he is indirectly affected by politics and cannot ignore political activities. If he pretends to ignore polities, he will at least, be interested in complaining that political actors are doing badly and that government is failing to provide such social amenities that he would like to enjoy. Religious consciousness and political consciousness are two related issues in mind. For him, religion and politics cannot be separated from each other and from his personal opinion, feeling and behaviour. It is in this sense that religion and politics cannot be separated in the life of individuals and in the structure of societies. Religion permeates culture and mediates social structure.

            According to Roland (1968) “the very rise of political sociology has led to the neglect of the religious factor in party affiliation and voting behaviour, as well as made pressure group formation, quite impossible”. Even in non-political activities, human beings strive to attain certain values, namely, dignity, honour, prestige, respect, power, money, property, satisfaction, happiness right, privileges duties, peace, security, stability freedom of will etc. These values are necessary to every person, but they are often score: their supplies are often far short of the demand for them. In some cases, the process of obtaining them could be long and difficult. If every person is permitted to search for these values by using his own personal means, there will be too much tension and a planned, organized co-coordinated, directed, controlled and managed society will be completely impossible.

            Therefore to achieve these values through the approved means, religion has a role to play. If provides moral restraints for the individuals. It is in this sense that there can be loyalty and patriotism in politics. This means that religious beliefs and practices help to socialize the individuals, who will substantially, abide by the political laws of society. In this respect the bible says to the individuals that: “that let every person be subject to the governing authorities for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore he who resists the authorities resists what God has appointed and those who resist will incuse judgment. For rulers are not terror to good conduct but to bad (Romans 13:1-3).

            A cordial relationship between religion and politics becomes evident when political authorities find that religion can be an effective tool in the administration of society. For examples, mass literacy, youth mobilization, the cooling of tensions, appealing for co-operation in assisting political agencies are those duties that religion can be called upon to assist political authorities at various levels. But, this cordiality in their relationship may not be permanent because religion sees itself as having to perform a prophetic role fearlessly to call the political authorities to order on the authority of God.

            However, recent studies in political sociology show that religion still pervasive and powerful in polities. Religion today influences party political affiliation, voting behaviour, pressure group – foundations and external relations (Usman, 1987). The fact therefore, is true of a “democratic” country like Nigeria which in spite of its secular status as state, that is separation of politics and religion, yet the authority of God is invoked in the preamble to our 1979 constitution. Also, religion is taught in all state schools including universities. Religious festivals both for Christens and Muslims are observed as national holidays. Chaplains, i.e. religious functionaries, are employed to serve in the nation armed forces and in institution of high learning. Oaths are administered in Courts of Law through the use of the Bible and the Quran or any sacred object. Police officials who take oath of office end with “so help me God our National Anthem and Pledge of allegiance, all bear the name of God.

            Besides, there is strong emphasis on the respect for constituted authority i.e, for the government in the Christian Bible. St. Paul urges religious groups operating within a state, as follows: “let very soul be subjected unto the higher power for there is no power but of God the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosever, therefore resisted the power of God (Romans 131-2).

            It is therefore required of religious people to be loyal to and to co-operate with those in authority. And it is the place of those in authority to guarantee religious liberty in the land. In this way religion legitimizes political authority. In summary, though we talk about Nigeria as a democratic and secular state, yet we find there are
may areas of co-operation between polities (government) and religion in Ezza-North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State.


3.0                                           RESEARCH METHOD

            This chapter discusses the method employed by the researcher in caring out the study. It is discussed order the following sub-head rigs; design of the study, area of the study, population of the study, sample and sampling technique, instrument for data collection, validation of the instrument method of data collection and method of data analysis.


            This design can be referred to as descriptive survey. This design, according to Maduasum (1999), is one in which data are collected from a relatively large number of people or items considered to be reprehensive of the whole population of group. He asserted also that descriptive survey is concerned with description of events as they are Area of the Study.

            The area of the study is Ezza-North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. The Local Government consists of parents, party ward – delegates, teachers, state party ward delegates, counselors, tradition rulers Rev. father/pastors, and youth leaders.


            The population of this study comprised of all party ward delegates, state party delegates, counselor, traditional rulers, headmaster/mistress, principals of secondary schools, Rev. father/pastors and youth leaders from Umuezokoha community, Ndegazu community, Umuoghara community, Oshiegbe community Oriuzor community and Oharugo community.

            The population is three hundred (300) persons muezeokoha community has fifty person, Umuohara community has fifty person, Ndieuazu community has fifty persons, Oshiegbe community has fifty persons, Ohanugo community has fifty and Oriuzor community has fifty persons.


            The population was sampled using simple random technique. The total number of the population was (300) three hundred fifty person was drawn from each of the six communities which constitutes Ezza-North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. The researcher deemed it fit to use 30% the size, which represent 30% of the target population.


            Instrument for data collection in this study was a structured questionnaire adopted by the researcher as well as personal or oral interview. However there were strutted as to elicit the relevant information needed for the study. Consequently, the questionnaire has both content and faces validity as it was structured with different opinion to answer the question which will help in carrying out the research with the help of the project supervisor.

            Furthermore, as regards the administration of the questionnaire, the researcher employed the used of hand delivery method, in fact, all 300 copies of the questionnaires distributed came back successfully and greatly filled.


            The draft was first presented to the project supervisor who made necessary correction as regard the language content and sentence structure. The instrument was also presented to two senior lectures in the department of arts and social science education and other two lectures in measurement and evaluation at Ikwo College of Education Abakaliki.

            These lectures retted each items in term of sentence structure and adequacy of the instrument. Based on their comment and suggestions, some of the original items was dropped. Therefore the view and suggestion of these experts were incorporated in the final questionnaire.


            The data collected were analyzed by the research, through the use of mean and frequency distribution table. Frequency destruction table were developed while mean computed. The mean were calculated thus:

Where            x          =          mean

                        Z          =          sum of

                        F          =          frequency

                        N         =          total number of score

            A cut – off point of 2.5 was used as the decision rule. A mean score up to 2.5 was regarded as positive, while mean score below 2.5 were considered negative. This cut – off of 2.5 was obtained by adding the sum of the normal rating value divided by the number of rating items.

                        For example

                        Strongly Agreed (SA)          =          4          point

                        Agreed (A) ________  __________         3 point

                        Strongly Disagreed (SD) _______ 2 point

                        Disagreed (D) _________              1 point

                        Then mean (grand) x =    10/4        =          2.5

            The decision rule is that which is equal or greater then 2.5 was accepted as after affecting the variable under investigation. Any means that was less than 2.5 was rejected or did not affect the variable under investigation.



            This chapter involves the actual presentation of data obtained from the field through the use of questionnaire and interviews based on the three research questions that guided that study.


Does Influence of Religious Practice on Politics Exist?









Does influence of religious practice on politics exist







Is there any possible means to avoid influence of religious practice on politics 







Does religion and politics co-exist







       From the above table it is revealed that in item one, 240 respondents, which represents 90% were of the opinion that influence of religious practices on politics really exist, while 90 respondents which represents 10% in item in the table, item, 120 respondents which represents 40% are of the view that there is possible to avoid influence of religious practice on politics, while 180 respondents, which representing 60% disagreed with them.

            In these are tables, item 3, 198 respondents which represents 66% are of the view that religion and politics co-exist in the society, while 102 respondents, representing 34% disagreed with them.


            Does influence of religion promote politics development or growth in Ezza – North Local Government Area Ebonyi State?









Does influence of religious created any practical awareness in the youths of Ezza – North Local Government Area.







Does religious practice hinders political activities in Ezza – North L.G.A 






            This summary of the data analysis presented in table 2 above revealed that the respondents in item 2 of that table 60 respondents which represents 20% are of the opinion that religious practices hires political activities in Ezza – North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State while 240 respondents, which represents 80% disagreed with them.

            In the item of the table 200 respondents, representing 66.7% are of the view that influence of religion has created political awareness in youths of Ezza – North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State, while 100 respondents, which represents 33.3% are of different opinion.


            Does influence of religious practices enhance politician in their political activities in Ezza – North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State.









Does influence of religion affects politician positively in their day-to-day activities  







Does religious influence assist to reduce breakdown of law and order in the political system in Ezza –  North L.G.A 






            The summary of data analysis presented in table 3 above, 250 respondents in item (1) one which represents 83.3% are of the opinion that influence of religion affect politician positively in their day-to-day activities, while 50 respondents, which represents 16.7% unanimously disagreed with them.

            From item 2 in the above table, 180 respondents, which represents 60% are of the view that religious influence assists to reduce breakdown of law and order in the political system in Ezza – North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State; while 120 respondents which represents 40% are of different view with them.


            From the data an
alysis based on the research work or study on the influence of religious practices on political growth in Ezza – North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State the following findings was observed:-

(1)       It was revealed that, religion is an element of culture and politics is also an element of culture. Hence, both religion and culture are factors which interact and penetrate both the urban and the rural people. They get at the grassroots of societies and both grasp both the young and the old, men and women the rich and the poor, the literate and the illiterate, the ruled and rulers. The individual are both a member of a political party and a member of religion.

(2)       That a cordial relationship between religion and politics become evident when political authorities find that religion can be an effective tool in the administrator of societies. For example, mass literacy youths mobilization, the cooling of tensions, appealing for co-operation in assisting political agencies are those duties that religion can be called upon to assist political authorities at various levels.

(3)       That if the authorities understand that, role of religion, the prophetic role will be in invited and their opinion will be bought for seeking solution for the problem they have defined in their prophetic criticism-constructive critism. This will help to strengthen and even to improve the relationship between religious authorities and political authorities in Ezza – North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State.

(4)       That Nigeria is a democratic and also secular state, yet, it was revealed that there are many areas of co-operation between politics (government) and religion in the country – Nigeria.

(5)       That with the growth of industrial civilization, democratic governments and the emergency of pluralistic societies, religion is no longer the undisputed source, soul are goal of human political activities.



5.1       CONCLUSION

            The research focused on the influence of religious prating on the political growth of Ezza – North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. Three hundred respondents comprising all party ward delegates, state part delegates, counselor, tradition rulers headmaster/Headmistress, prim pals of secondary schools Rev. Pr. Pastors and youth leaders from the Communities in the Ezza-North; were interviewed by Using the Questionnaires.

            The researcher discovered that influence of religion practicing on the political growth of has created a lot of positive impact of the political development in Ezza- North Local Government in gonad.

            It was discovered that actually religion and politics co-exist. That there is possible means to avoid influence of religious practice on polities that the influences of religious practice on polities exist.

5.2       SUMMARY

            The study was focused on the influence of religious practices on political on the growth in Ezza-North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State, for successful research work to be carried out, three purposes were formulated to guide the study thus

(1)       Does influence of religion practices on politics exist.

(2)       Does influence of religious practice affects politician positively in their day-to-day political activities.

3.         Does influence of religious practice promote political development or growth in Ezza-North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State.

            Three research questions were also formulated to guide the research work. The research question include-:

(1)       Does influence of religious practice on politics exist.

(2)       Does influence of religion promote political growth or development in Ezza-North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State

(3)       Dose influence of religious practice enhances politicians in their political activities in Ezza-North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State.

            The design employed in the study was descriptive survey. The population of the study was three (300) hundred person or respondents. Dime to the population size the researcher deemed it fit to use 3% of the total population.

            Data collection was through structured questionnaires. Data was analyzed on individual items using means frequency and standard deviation.


            Based on the researcher work or study on the influence of religious practices on political growth or development in Ezza-North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. The following recommendations were made.

           That based on the finding the positive social charges which Christianity or religions practices has brought into society, it is recommended that the teaching of Christian religion be made compulsory for Christian students up to senior secondary school level of Nigeria educational system.

           That religion being an important part of lives from birth to death and commands immense influence in our national politics its is therefore recommended that government at all level should organize seminars and workshops aimed at enlightening the masses on the positives associated to religious practice as it affect our lives.

           That it is recommended that religious people should be loyal to and to cooperate with those in authority. And that it is place of those in authority to guarantee religious liberty in the (and. In the way religion legitimize political authority.

           That government should strongly maintain what is documented in the Nigeria constitution, which state that “government shall not establish i.e. adopt any religion as a state religion.


            The limitation of the research work were as follows:-

1.         It was discovered that man hardly succeeds in an act. Hence things have got so repulsive that some even take their answers and so did not give true opinions on the items providing extreme difficulty for researcher to elicited information from such respondents.

2.         In most cases, distance disposition of the respondents and materials made the work pose much trouble in appropriate cover of research scope. This was again aggravated by lack of financial assistance as it proves essential commodity in a research engagement.

3.         Reluctance and inability to fill in a appropriately by the respondents were also militating against the research though in spite of all set backs, the research kept a look on success which was the research target.

4.         Limited time available to the influenced the find


            Based on the finding and limitation of the study other researchers should address the following areas, which demands for further research work to be carried out.

1.         The singular fact that the want of knowledge is insatiable, makes no researcher work complete in self therefore the researcher is suggesting that more study be undertaken to the influence of religious practices on political growth in Ezza-North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State.    

2.         It is also suggested that this type of research work should be carried out in other states, federal, private and other schools of higher learning involving larger population. Thus, a study involving the entire country will enhance to promote effective and cordial relationships between politics are religion.

3.         Further research on this study will at long run reduce religious conflicts in Nigerians and its implications on Socio-economic in National system of government.


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