Information Dissemination On Agriculture In Nigeria

Information Dissemination On Agriculture In Nigeria.

Table of Contents


This project aims at looking at information Dissemination on Agriculture in Nigeria, this is a particular reference to ADP Awka agricultural development programme in Anambra State.

Its purpose were to find out what constituted the problem of information dissemination on agriculture. The study identified various information flow to farmers.

A properly organized and effective information network facilitates the adoption of new technology by the farmers, which in effect raise agricultural product.

To ensure the success of agricultural support service to farmers, immense attention must be paid to efficient organization of agricultural information services with well trained staff.

An important complement to effective information dissemination of timely needed information.


Title page –           – i

Approval page – -ii

Dedication –          iii

Acknowledgement –       iv

Abstract –          – vi

Table of contents –  –   vii


1.0   Introduction-  –        1

  • Definition of Information – –        1
  • Historical Background of Anambra State Agricultural development programme -17
  • Statement of the problem – –  19
  • Aim of the study – – 21
  • Significant of the study – –     22
  • Scope of the study –    22
  • Research Questions – 23
  • Definition of terms – 23


2.0   Literature Review       27

2.1   The imperative of the term information –      28

2.2   The Role of information in agriculture – –    30

2.3   Information flow to the farmers –     34

2.4   Impact of information in development of agriculture –  –      42

2.5   Problems of information in development of agriculture –      45


  • Research Procedure and Methodology Survey-    –  50
  • Population of the study – –  51
  • Sampling method – – 51
  • Sampling size – –   52
  • Data Collection – –  52
  • Method of data analysis – -55


  • Presentation of Findings and Data Analysis Discussion – –     56


5.0   Summary, conclusion and Recommendation-73

  • Summary – –     73
  • Conclusion – –      74
  • Recommendations – –        75
  • Limitation of the study – – -79
  • Recommendations for further studies – – –    80

References –         81

Appendix I-      83

Questionnaire      –   84


Information is referred to anything that you are capable of perceiving, this can include written communication. Speaking communication, photographs, art, music nearly anything that is perceivable.

This includes enormous assortment of stimuli, but realizable, everything we come in contact, which is capable of providing and does provides us with some sort of information.


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