Information Sources, Access and Use by State Agencies for the Control of Hiv/Aids in North Central States of Nigeria

 – Information Sources, Access and Use by State Agencies for the Control of Hiv/Aids in North Central States of Nigeria – 

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This study was carried out to investigate information sources, access and use by State Agencies for the Control of HIV/AIDS in North Central States of Nigeria with regards to the information needs of the Agencies for the control of IIV/AIDS; purpose  of  which information was utilized; the sources of information.

Information tools available; how  readily available are needed information; how readily accessible are needed information by the state agencies; and how satisfied are the agencies.

Accessible was the information needed by the state agencies were, with accessibility and utilization of the available information for the control of HIV/AIDS in the North Central States of Nigeria.

Survey method was used for this study. The entire 120 field workers of the agencies were used as population of the study.

The instruments used for data collection were the questionnaire, observation and interview. The data collected were presented using frequency distribution tables, figures, percentages, pie chart and histograms.

The findings indicated that Medical Centres, Ministries of Health and NACA, SACA NGOs and FBOs offices as well as meeting  of stakeholders were the major sources of information available for the control of HIV/AIDS by the agencies in the North Central States of Nigeria.

It was also found that the commonest information tools deployed for the control of HIV/AIDS by the agencies were Nigerian National Response Information Management Systems (NNRIMS) and Prevention of Mother  to Child Transmission (PMTCT) information.


Title page                    – i

Declaration                – ii

Certification              – iii

Dedication                 – iv

Acknowledgement    – v-vi

Table of Contents      – vii

List of Tables –              xi

List of Figures –           xiii

List of Abbreviations –      xiv

Abstract          –                    xvii


  • Background to the Study –                       1

1.1.2    Background Information on State Agencies for the Control of HIV/AIDS –               4

  • Statement of the Problem –            –           6
  • Research Questions – –           –           7
  • Objectives of the Study – –              8
  • Significance of the Study – –              9
  • Scope of the Study – –               10
  • Operational Definitions of Terms – –               11

References      –    –           13


  • Introduction – –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           14
  • Concept of Information – –           –           –           –           –           –           14
    • Information Provision and its Relevance in the Study – –           –           18
    • The Nature of HIV Information – –           –           –           –           –           19
  • Access to Information – –           –           –           –           –           –           24
  • Information Use – –           –           –           –           –           –           –           27
  • Information and the Spread of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria- – –           –           29
    • Objectives and Functions of State Agencies for the Control of HIV/AIDS – 39
  • The Role of Information in the Control of HIV/AIDS – –           –           42
  • Efforts of the Agencies for the Control of HIV/AIDS at Educating the Populace 47
    • Information Sources on HIV/AIDS available to the State Agencies – – 49
  • The Roles of the Library in Facilitating Information Access and Use for the

Control of HIV/AIDS   50

  • Summary of the Review – –             55

References      –        –           57


  • Introduction – –           63
  • Research Method Adopted for the Study – –                      63
  • Population of the Study – –           –     –           63
  • Sample and Sampling Technique – – –          –           64
  • Instruments for Data Collection 65
    • Questionnaire – – –          65

3.5.2    Interview         –          –           66

3.5.3    Observation     –       –           66

  • Validation of the Instrument – –          –           –           67
  • Reliability of the Instrument – –            –           –           67
  • Procedure for Data Collection – –           –  –           68
  • Procedure for Data Analysis – –            68

References      –             –           69


  • Introduction – –           –         –           70
  • Response Rate and Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents – 70
  • Data Presentation and Analysis – –           –           –           –           –           72

References      – –           88


  • Introduction – –           –  –           89
  • Summary of the Study – –                 89
  • Summary of the Findings – –                   90

5.4       Conclusion      –       –           –           92

  • Recommendations – –           –                92
  • Suggested Areas for further Studies – –           –           94

Bibliography  –             95


Information has come to represent the prime commodity of the present age. Although the developing countries may not have come to a firm grasp with this reality, it is both a statement and a reaffirmation of an already established fact in the developed nations.

It  is now commonly observed that the material prosperity of a nation is linked directly to its information wealth and vice-versa.

The availability, accessibility and utilization of information through an effective dissemination network represent a necessary pre-condition for the emergence of a crop of well-informed citizenry.

Information must be available, adequate and accessible in order to be presented in a way that is acceptable to facilitate its acceptability and eventual utilization.

Thus, information is a vital commodity in every environment and its use is largely determined by its availability and accessibility.

Availability of an information source does not necessarily imply its accessibility, because the source may be available but access to it is prevented for one reason or the other (Aguolu and Aguolu, 2002).


Adesoji, F. A. & Moronkola, O. A. (2003). Changing Social and Cultural Practices in the Face of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. 43(3); Pp. 55 – 60.

Adeyi, O. (2006). ÄIDS in Nigeria: A Nation on the Threshold; Chapter 2:  The Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, Harvard Centre for Population and Development Studies.

Adeyi, O., Kanki, P., Odutolu, O., Idoko, J. A. (Eds.) (2006). AIDS in Nigeria: A Nation on the Threshold. Cambridge: Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies.

African News Services (2005). Liberia: With Peace in Place, the Battle Against HIV-AIDS Gains Momentum. African News Service, March 9, P. 11

Aguolu, C. C. & Aguolu, I. E. (2002). Libraries and Information Management In Nigeria. P, 80

Aguolu, I. E. (1994). Accessibility of Information: A Myth for Developing Country? African Journal for Library, Archival and Information Science. 4(2) PP. 147 – 152.

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