Intelligent Questions to Ask a Guy on Your First Date

– Questions to Ask a Guy –

Questions to ask a guy usually come to some ladies as a dessert when they are on dates with the opposite sex. This is because men and women think in different ways. Let’s get started!

The Importance of Questions in Your Relationship

To get a conversation started, one needs to ask the right questions. Asking a guy the right questions will make the conversation interesting and go further to show the person how interesting you are.

We designed the right questions to ask a guy to get an started, and so some questions are a bit off the beaten track.

Remember, every guy is different, so pick which questions you think will work best for your guy or pick questions that you really want to know the answers to.

General Questions to Ask a Guy

1. What causes you to feel insecure? 

2. What do you hope to get out of a romantic relationship

3. Is there anything you can’t stand? 

4. What do you admire in a woman? 

5. Do you have any expectations for yourself? 

6. What was the most memorable birthday you’ve ever had? 

7. Have you ever dressed like a girl?

8. Can you tell me about your family and friends?

9. What kind of music do you enjoy listening to, and where do you like to visit in the city?

10. What is one thing you can’t imagine your life without?

11. What is your most amusing memory?

12. What is it like to work for (company)?

13. What’s one item you’ve recently crossed off your bucket list?

14. If you could describe yourself with one word, which would it be?

15. What is your favorite food?

16. What is your favorite character from childhood?

17. What kind of animal do you love the most?

18. Would you rather choose to fish or hike?

19. Do you believe in God?

20. What is your all-time favorite film that you’ve seen a thousand times?

21. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

22. If money were no object, where would you travel on vacation if you could go anyplace in the world?

23. How would you spend a million dollars if you won the lottery?

24. What about a woman appeals to you the most?

25. What is your most outrageous ability?


26. What is one thing about you that everyone usually gets wrong?

27. How do you unwind after a long day?

28. Who do you look up to as a role model?

29. Which celebrity do you most wish to meet?

30. Is there anything you’ve never been really excellent at?

31. What is something you’ve never been good at doing?

32. What is the one thing you always notice first about a woman?

 33. What’s your favorite memory?

 34. What have you done that you are most proud of?

 35. What have you done that you’re really not proud of?

36. What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done?

 37. If you could be pro at any sport, what would it be?

 38. If you could marry one celebrity, who would it be?

39. Why is your best friend your best friend?

40. What do you think the best thing about being in a relationship is?

41. What’s your favorite animal?

42. What’s something on your bucket list you really want to do soon?

 43. What’s something on your bucket list you think you’ll never actually do?

44. What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you on a date?

45. What do you always lie about on your resume?

First Date Questions to Ask a Guy

46. What is the one thing about women that you despise the most?

47. Do you believe that dating has become more difficult or easier because of the internet?

48. Do you feel threatened by women who earn more money than you?

49. When you were a kid, who was your celebrity crush?

50. Do I make you jittery?

51. How do you feel when you’re around me?

52. Do you ever tell girls lies to gain what you want?

53. When you first saw me, what was the first thing that came to mind?

54. Would you rather win $1 million or fall in love?

55. Do you have questions you’d want to ask me?

56. What animal represents romance in your life?

57. What is your worst dating pet peeve?

58. If you could change one thing about social media, what would it be?

59. What is one thing a woman can do to impress you right away?

60. What has been your most humiliating experience to date?

61. What is one thing a lady may do to turn you off instantly?

62. What’s the best praise you’ve ever received? 

63. What brings a grin to your face even when you’re having ? 

64. Do you prefer to spend the rest of your life with dogs or cats?

65. Can you tell me something that no one else knows about you?

66. As a kid, what was your favorite candy or treat?

67. What is one food that you would never eat?

68. What do you consider being your most attractive physical feature?

69. What is it about me you admire the most?

70. What would you do if you could change jobs right now?

71. What does your ideal date entail?

72. What does your perfect date look like?

73. What is the coolest vacation you’ve ever taken?

74. Name one country you really want to visit.

75. Would you rather go camping or clubbing?

76. What are you most afraid of?

77. What’s the nicest thing you’ve ever done for a woman?

78. What’s the nicest thing a woman has ever done for you?

79. What is your biggest dating deal breaker?

80. What’s your earliest childhood memory?

81. What is one thing that always makes you angry?

82. What has been your greatest achievement so far?

83. What is one thing you love about where you live?

84. What is one thing you hate about where you live?

85. What’s your go-to Starbucks order?

86. If you could get one gift, what would it be?

87. Do you prefer to get a gift or gift cards or money?

88. Would you describe yourself as more of an introvert or an extrovert?

89. Do you prefer to spend the rest of your life with dogs or cats?

90. Tell me something that no one else knows about you.

91. As a kid, what was your favorite candy or treat?

92. Do you prefer to work out at the gym or at home?

93. Can you tell me about the last time you cried?

94. Is there anything a lady can do that you will never forgive her for?

95. Have you ever had a friend betray you?

96. What do you enjoy most about your friends?

97. How did your best friend and you meet?

98. What is the first question you ask a woman on a first date?

99. Do you want to start a family?

100. What makes you wish to start a family?

101. What makes you want kids?

Icebreaker Questions to Ask a Guy

102. What’s the most trouble you’ve ever been in?

103. Would you rather vacation at the beach or in a cool city?

104. What’s your dream car?

105. What’s your favorite book?

106. What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen?

107. Which super power do you wish you had?

108. What’s the most fun thing you’ve ever done with your friends?

109. Are you closer to your mom or dad?

110. Who is your favorite family member?

111. What do you think is the most thing you’ve ever done?

112. What’s your weirdest habit?

113. What’s your biggest phobia?

114. What is something you would never spend money on?

115. What is something you look forward to every year?

116. What have you been doing incorrectly for the majority of your life?

117. Have you ever met a famous person?

118. Do you consider yourself to be a competitive individual?

119. What is your favorite dining establishment?

120. What would you learn if you learned a new skill right now?

121. Do you have a favorite music that always brings back memories for you?

122. If you could only listen to one song on repeat, what would it be?

123. What have you always imagined doing with a girlfriend that you’ve never done?

124. Where do you think the most romantic vacation would be?

125. If you could move to any other state, which would it be?

126. If you could move to any other country, which would it be?

127. Would you rather ski/snowboard or surf?

128. What do you tell women about yourself to impress them?

129. Who would be the worst celebrity to have dinner with?

130. What small thing makes you angrier than it should?

131. What flavor combination is kind of weird but you really like it?

132. What is your most ?

133. What is one thing you never get bored with?

134. Who’s your favorite comedian?

135. Would you rather use Instagram or Facebook if you had to choose?

136. Is there anything about which you are aware that you are judgmental?

137. What do you despise discussing at parties or get-togethers?

138. If you could have ice cream every day, what flavor would you choose?

139. What is anything that you believe should be legal but isn’t?

140. With your daily routine, what is your favorite part?

141. If you had to choose between giving up coffee and giving up alcohol, which would you choose?

142. What is the most romantic film that comes to mind?

143. What would be the finest gift a girlfriend could give you?

144. So far, which age has been your favorite?

145. What age were you when you had the happiest birthday of your life?

146. Who was your first celebrity crush?

Good Questions to Ask a Guy

147. What is one activity that you believe everyone should do at least once?

148. What age were you when you first kissed?

149. How do you know when you’ve fallen in love with a woman for the first time?

150. What is the most practical skill you have ever gained?

151. Can you think of something that happened to you that you wouldn’t believe if you weren’t there?

152. What is one temptation that you can’t seem to avoid?

153. What is your current least favorite fashion trend?

154. What’s your favorite store to shop at?

155. What was the most historic thing you witnessed in person or took part in?

156. What is one story you tell that always makes people laugh?

 157. What do you do every night before bed?

158. Would you say you’re a night owl or a morning person?

159. If you could travel back in time, which decade would you like to live in?

160. What’s one thing you’re really good at cooking?

 161. What’s one thing you wish you were really good at cooking?

162. What meal is most comforting to you when you’re having a bad day?

163. How do you know when a woman is flirting with you?

164. What is something that happened in your life that felt like the at the time, but was really the best thing in the long run?

165. What’s your definition of a healthy relationship?

166. What is one thing you would tell your younger self?

167. What always makes you feel like a little kid?

168. If you had to give up one food you love, what would it be?

169. If you were a ghost, who would you choose to haunt?

170. Do you believe in ghosts?

171. What is one thing you would do if you were President of the United States?

172. When you’re on vacation, what’s your favorite activity to do?

173. On vacation, woul
d you rather relax or explore and go on adventures?

174. If you had to choose between giving up meat and giving up sugar, which would you choose?

175. If you had to choose between cake and cookies, which one would you choose?

176. What do you consider being the worst aspect of the internet?

177. What is one thing you wish you could do every morning that you never have time for?

178. Who is the most important person in your life?

179. Which movie do you hate that everyone else seems to love?

180. What are you too old for but still enjoy?


Interesting Questions to Ask a Guy

181. What was fun to do once, but you’ll never do it again?

182. Do you collect anything?

183. What’s the most meaningful gift you’ve ever gotten?

184. What always makes you feel sentimental?

185. What’s your favorite way to flirt with a woman?

186. When was the last time a stranger did something really nice for you?

187. What’s a bad movie that you love even though you know it’s terrible?

188. What makes youfeel positive even when everything is terrible?

189. What would you do if someone cheated on you?

190. Have you ever broken someone’s heart?

191. How do you deal with folks you don’t particularly care for?

192. What is something you’ve wanted to do for a long time but haven’t yet done?

193. What is the most amusing film you’ve ever seen?

194. Do you prefer Halloween or Christmas?

195. How do you think a decent person is defined?

196. Have you ever had a drug or alcohol addiction?

197. What do you think the reason for the high divorce rate is?

198. Do you have any advice for pals who are going through a breakup?

199. Would you rather be late or early all of the time?

200. What animal do you fear the most?

201. What is one personality feature in a lady that you value the most?

202. What is one personality feature that you despise?

203. What’s your favorite city?

204. What’s your favorite place to get takeout from?

205. Would you rather always be cold or always be hot?

206. Do you ever sleep naked?

207. What’s your favorite scent?

208. Would you ever run a marathon?

209. If you were in the , what sport would you play?

210. Would you rather travel with friends or a significant other?

211. If you had to pick one charity to donate to, what would it be?

212. Who would you want to play you in a movie about your life?

213. Who would you want to play your love interest in a movie about your life?

214. What do you think is the worst thing about working every day?

215. What is your biggest regret?

216. Do you believe in love at first sight?

217. Is there anything you wish you could change about your family?

218. What’s the weirdest dream you’ve had recently?

219. Can you tell me about the worst lie you’ve ever told a girlfriend?

220. Do you know how to identify if someone is lying to you?

221. Do you believe that everyone has only one soulmate or that everyone has several soulmates?

222. Would you rather have the ability to see through walls or the ability to read people’s minds?

223. What is your most admired physical characteristic?

224. Would you prefer to spend a Saturday night out with your pals or with a woman?

225. What’s your most prized possession from childhood?

226. What is one thing you hope your mother never finds out about you?

227. What is the weirdest thing you’ve seen in the news recently?

228. Where is the strangest place you’ve ever kissed someone?

229. What do you daydream about every time you’re bored?

Intelligent Questions to Ask a Guy

230. What did you take for granted in your previous relationship?

231. If you didn’t know me, how would you describe me to someone who didn’t know me?

232. What is a favorite family memory of yours?

234. What is one of your favorite traditions?

235. Which reality show is your favorite?

236. Would you rather be a model or an actor if you had to choose?

237. Before you tried it, what did you think was ridiculous?

238. Would you like to arrive at work early and leave early, or arrive late and leave late?

239. Are you a spender or a saver?

240. Where did you learn your favorite hobby?

241. What is your dream wedding like?

242. Did you get in trouble a lot in school?

243. What’s your least favorite thing about ?

244. Who do you wish you could trade lives with?

245. What’s the scariest dream you’ve ever had?

246. What does your perfect day look like?

247. What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?

248. Have you ever dated a coworker?

249. Would you ever date a boss?

250. What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?

251. How can a woman gain your trust?

252. How many people have you seriously dated?

253. Have you ever dated someone your family hated?

254. What was one time you really stepped out of your comfort zone?

255. What is your biggest guilty pleasure?

256. If you were a superhero, what kind of secret identity would you have?

257. What makes you smile no matter what?

258. What is one thing about which you are extremely enthusiastic?

259. Which of your five senses would you give up if you had to, and why?

257. What is the most physically demanding thing you’ve ever done?

258. What is the most mentally challenging thing you’ve ever done or experienced?

259. What is the most enjoyable a
spect of your job?

260. What is one characteristic that characterizes you?

261. What would you do in your last 24 hours if tomorrow was your last day on Earth?

262. What do you believe in, whether it’s or in terms of your faith?

263. What three words would you used to describe yourself if you had to?

264. What is the most interesting destination you’ve ever visited or traveled to?

265. What’s one thing people would never know about you just by looking at you?

266. What’s one thing about the opposite sex that you’re attracted to?

267. What are three qualities you look for in a potential date?

268. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for a girl?

269. How would others describe you?

270. What’s your all-time favorite memory?

Cheeky Questions to Ask a Guy

271. What are your parents/step-parents/guardians/people who raised you like?

272. What’s your go-to alcoholic drink?

273. What would be your ideal first date?

274. If you could have three wishes, what would they be?

275. If you could a full 24 hours with no work or obligations, a day to just do whatever you wanted, what would you do?

276. What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?

277. What is something you’re talented at?

278. What’s your favorite college memory?

279. What is your best friend like?

280. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

281. What’s one thing you want to do before you die?

282. If someone gave you a million dollars right now, what would you spend it on?

283. Have you ever made a decision that changed your entire life? If so, what was it?

284. What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekends?

285. What’s your ? And do you think it describes you?

286. What can always bring a smile on your face?

287. What is your favorite junk food, snack, or drink?

288. If you had to consume fast food for every meal, where would you go first and second?

289. Is there anything about yourself that you wish you could change?

290. Would you choose to restart your life from the beginning if you had the option?

291. Have you ever experienced the loss of a loved one? What were their personalities like?

292. Which of your social media profiles is your favorite?

293. When you’re anxious, what is one item that completely calms you?

294. What’s a weird activity you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t?

295. How long has it been since you sobbed, and why did you cry?

296. What’s a random hobby you’ve always wanted to try but never have?

297. When was the last time you cried, and why did you?

298. What scares you the most about the future?

299. Do you want to have children someday?

300. What do you imagine your future family will be like?

301. Have you ever done or accomplished something you never thought you could? What was it?

302. What’s one thing you could never live without?

303. One person you could never live without?

304. What’s your favorite vacation place?

305. Would you rather go out or stay in on a Saturday night?

306. What’s your favorite quote, line of poetry, or sentence?

307. What’s your favorite family memory?

308. What’s one thing that helps you decide you can trust someone?

309. Have you been in love before?

310. How would you explain what ‘love’ is?

311. Have you ever gotten your heart broken?

312. What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself from a past relationship?

Personal Questions to Ask a Guy

313. How did you spend your childhood?

314. Did you have a close relationship with your parents as a child?

315. Are there any brothers or sisters in your family?

316. How did you feel about your first crush?

317. Do you keep in touch with your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend?

318. What would you say about your father if you had to describe him to me?

319. What was your most significant accomplishment?

320. Do you enjoy being among animals?

321. Do you have a favorite music from your adolescence?

322. How do you feel when you’re happy?

323. Do you consider yourself to be a competitive person?

324. Do you like any sports?

325. What’s your favourite book?

326. Would you lend it to me?

327. What do you think about death?

328. What about children?

329. What is your favourite memory from childhood?

330. What is your favourite scent?

331. How did you lose your virginity?

332. What’s your strongest character trait?

333. What is your weakest spot?

334. Do you consider getting married one day?

335. What do you think about Pink Floyd?

336. How do you like to dance?

337. What is your favourite album?

338. What was the worst winter of your life?

339. On a scale from 1 to 10, how good would you say you are at singing in public?

340. Are you left wing or right wing? Or in between?

341. Are you pro choice or pro-life?

342. Have you ever felt attracted to a queer person?

343. Did you ever take part in a protest?

344. Would you date two girls in the same day?

345. Would you ever date a blind person?

346. Tell me about the one who got away.

347. How many pairs of shoes do you have?

348. Do you own a suit?

349. Have you ever stalked someone?

350. What’s the biggest life lesson you have learned?

351. What is the most important lesson you’ve learned about love?

352. Do you have a favorite summer memory?

353. What is it about us girl
s that makes you so enamored with us?

354. What has been the biggest disappointment in your life?

355. If you were stranded on a desolate island, what would you bring with you?

356. How would you describe your  relationship with God?

357. How would you react if your significant other was hit on?

358. What do you think about open relationships?

359. Have you ever been envious of someone?

360. How do you envision yourself in 2050?

361. Do you feel that everyone we meet has a lesson for us to learn about ourselves?

362. Have you ever left someone you still cared about?

363. When you’re having a rough day, where do you go?

364. Do you know how to prepare pancakes?


Deep Questions to Ask a Guy

365. Would you make a girl you like breakfast in bed?

366. What do your peers think of you?

367. Who are your favorite musicians, and why?

368. What should I do if I wish to spend a day in this city as a tourist?

369. Do you think it’s a big deal if someone texts you twice?

370. What’s the most humiliating thing you’ve ever done to attract the attention of a crush?

371. When was the first time you kissed?

372. Do you have any faith in astrology? Is your zodiac sign a good match for you?

373. Can you tell me about the most impulsive act you’ve ever done?

374. Is it ever acceptable not to tip if you experience bad service at a restaurant?

375. Have you ever betrayed your partner?

376. Have you ever been duped by someone?

377. What is your greatest remorse?

378. Can you tell me about your ideal dating night?

379. What is your preferred method of communication with love?

380. What would the title of your life be if it were a film?

381. When was the last time you went to a concert?

382. What do you wish you had a natural talent for?

383. What kind of dog would you be if you were a dog?

384. Do you believe in extraterrestrials?

385. Do you shower in the morning or at night?

386. What is the most embarrassing attire you’ve ever donned?

387. What animal would you be if you could be any animal?

388. Would you want to leave your hometown and never return, or stay in your hometown and never be able to leave?

389. What is your preferred method of communication with love?

390. What would the title of your life be if it were a film?

392. When was the last time you went to a concert?

393. What do you wish you had a natural talent for?

394. What kind of dog would you be if you were a dog?

395. Do you believe in extraterrestrials?

396. Do you shower in the morning or at night?

397. What is the most embarrassing attire you’ve ever donned?

398. What animal would you be if you could be any animal?

399. Would you want to leave your hometown and never return, or stay in your hometown and never be able to leave?

400. What was the last show you binge-watched?

Now you don’t have an excuse for having a boring conversation with your crush. Utilize these questions to ask a guy and share them with friends. Best Regards!

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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