Concepts, Scope and Approaches in International Relations

International relations as a field of study and approaches are so wide. The complexity and scope of the field has created a problematic and an unacceptable definition, not only from the idealist but also from the realist. While some view it as relations between individuals across national boundaries, some see it as “relation between powerful groups” and contend that power is the main issue between states. To stem this raging controversy, the author proposes an operational definition that covers these varying but relevant views of the discipline.


 From the foregoing, international  relations  connotes the sum total of relations that take place among actors across national boundaries or the international system, in other words, it is the body of knowledge which we have form those relations at any particular point is not restricted to individual states;  for colonies, protectorates, liberation movements and inter- governmental organizations such as the UN,  OAU,  ECOWAS, E.E.C , the  Arab league, NATO, political parties, churches,  Ethnic unions etc  possess extra-ordinary status. 

 International Relations are not a single subject or discipline but a bundle of subjects viewed from a common angle. In other words, it is an inter-disciplinary field consisting political science, economics, history, sociology, anthropology psychology, culture and law.  These relations are carried out by what is called international Actors which include the political leaders of states, ambassadors, international institutions, trans-national corporations and other private individuals of international repute. Examples of such individuals are General Obasanjo, president  Goodluck Jonathan, Group  of eminent persons (GEP)  on South  Africa, chief MKO Abiola, chairman Group of  15  etc. sub-field in international  relations.

The complex nature of   international relations states that the field is not a one-way study and that there are many issues that should be fragmented for full observation, study and analysis. This is without prejudice to the fact that they inter-wove along the line. In other words, there are different areas of specialization not just for academics but also in government. Click on Related To Read about the Difference


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