How to Know if You Failed a Phone Interview and 6 Signs it Went Well

– How to Know if You Failed a Phone Interview –

A phone interview is typically just the first stage of a hiring process. But, are you confused on how to know if you failed a phone interview? The phone call is rarely longer than 20 minutes. And you won’t typically face any behavioral or scenario-based questions.

However, what most people don’t know is that, on average, over 50% of all job applicants are screened out at this stage. This is because the chance to fail at this stage is quite high, to be honest.

About a Phone Interview

Employers often conduct this in the initial interview round of the .

Also, this type of interview allows an employer to screen candidates for the candidate’s experience, qualifications, and salary expectations pertaining to the position and the company.

Phone interviews save the employers’ time and eliminate candidates that are unlikely to meet the company’s expectations. Employers perform telephone interviews as .

A phone interview is no less exciting than a classic one when we see the interviewer’s face. We cannot guess how much we impressed or disappointed the person with whom we just spoke.

Advantages of a Phone Interview over a Personal Meeting Interview

A phone has its advantages over a personal meeting, both for the candidate and for the recruiter. This is because:

1. It is time-saving.

2. Also, it is a conversation to the point.

3. It is less stressful.

4. No need to get to the venue.

Also, a phone interview excludes subjectivity, because of appearance. But this does not negate the need to prepare for this event.

Good preparation includes written questions to a potential employer, as well as pre-prepared answers to a recruiter’s questions.

How to Know if You Failed a Phone Interview: Some Phone Interview Questions

Recruiters ask questions to get to know their job seeker better. Thus, they try to assess your skills, personal qualities, experience, and opportunities. Therefore, often any phone interview can include questions like:

1. Tell about yourself or describe yourself.

2. What are your salary expectations?

3. Why do you want this job?

4. What type of management style do you prefer?

5. Why are you looking for a job?

6. When can you start?


Also, a recruiter may ask you to tell them about your potential role in the company or some test or scenario question. Or there may be questions regarding the specifics of your job.

All you need in this case is to calmly and honestly answer questions.

However, if you feel awkward or have difficulty giving answers, ask for a minute to think. Also, prepare a quiet place for a phone conversation—a comfortable and prepared place immediately set you up for a business conversation.

There should be nothing that would distract you or interfere with your interview. Therefore, to create the best conditions for a phone interview, do:

1. Clean up the room where you are talking.

2. Also, ask your loved ones not to bother you at the time of the interview.

3. Turn off electronic devices that may distract, like TV, radio, other phones, etc.

4. Also, don’t let pets in the room during the interview.

How Not to Fail a Phone Interview

If you’ve made suitable conditions you can concentrate on the questions and answers. To the place of the interview, you need to get yourself ready.

In order to feel confident, you need to be self-disciplined. For this you need to:

1. Be vigorous and rested.

2. Write a list of answers to questions.

3. Compose your own questions for the company.

4. Check your phone battery.

5. Again, prepare a pen and notepad.


No Experience Entry-Level Job Interview Questions

Successful Interview Questions

Career Goals Interview 

Six Signs that a Phone Interview Went Well

1. The interview ended with the sign that you will speak to them again.

2. Also, the phone interview lasted a long time.

3. the interviewer seemed interested in you.

4. You asked good questions when given the chance.

5. Also, you connected with the interviewer.

6. The interviewer tried to appeal to you with the perks and benefits of working for them

How to Know if You Failed a Phone Interview

Below are ways to know if you failed a phone interview:

1. They ended a call without telling you what’s next

A phone interview is a test of your motivation, goals, and communication skills. Interviewers do not try to arrive to any sophisticated conclusions in the phone interview.

All they want to know is how well you can communicate and listen in particular.

Also, they want to know how motivated you really are to get the job. Something can easily consider directly on the call. They do not need any extra time to decide.

Thus, for this reason, they will typically tell you what’s next at the end of the phone interview.

However, in most cases, they will schedule your face-to-face interview while still having you on the line.

But, if they just hung up, and perhaps just politely told you they’d be in touch (not saying when), it is not a good sign, and it may show that you failed your phone interview.

2. You remained silent when they asked you their questions

Silence is the master, and perhaps also the language of God. But it won’t do you much good in a phone interview, or in any other meeting with the employer.

One short period of silence can be tolerated, especially if they asked you some tricky questions.

However, if you remained silent when they inquired why you left your last job, or what you are looking for in a new position, or what motivates you the most at work, it is likely a showstopper in this interview.

If it happened to you, try to make the best out of the situation. Write the questions you failed to answer and think about them for a moment.

Questions in phone interviews often repeat. Thus, you’ll get the same question again. Also, get ready for it. And improve your chances of succeeding.

3. The mood/vibe of the call deteriorated over time

Not every recruiter is an enthusiastic person. Also, not all interview applicants have a smile on their faces. Some hiring manager plays poker faces, in all instances. It may be their policy, or they simply hate their job.

Though you cannot see it, you can definitely tell whether the person on the other end of the line is smiling or not, and what the general mood is. Most times, they will start on a high note.

You can almost feel the excitement in the air. Maybe they have a really high expectation of this interview because they like your resume.

Or they simply did not receive many (or any) other job applications, and hope for the best with you.

4. They said they would call you back but didn’t call

If they do not arrange a schedule for your face-to-face interview directly on the call, they will typically say that they will call you back. And they may really mean it when they are ending the call with you.

But you likely aren’t the last person they are interviewing on the phone. It can easily happen that the next person they talk to meets all their expectations.

And they get extremely excited about the proposition of interviewing them face to face and getting them to the company.

The above are some hints to know that you have failed a phone interview. Thus, learn from this article and get prepared appropriately. However, share this information with your family and friends to avoid countless mistakes.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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