Respiratory Therapy Interview Questions 2022 and Sample Answers

– Respiratory Therapy Interview Questions –

Do you have a certification as a respiratory therapist? Here are some Respiratory Therapy Interview Questions. Or are you set to complete your studies in the field? If you answered yes, then pay attention. You see something positive in an otherwise dismal trend.

Your profession is on the rise. The demand for Respiratory Therapists is growing. And so are the average salaries for medical professionals. However, to get the job, you must prepare well for the interview.

What is an Interview?

An interview is essentially a structured  where one participant asks , and the other provides answers. 

However, in common parlance, the word “interview” refers to a one-on-one conversation between an interviewer and an interviewee.

Also, an interview may also transfer “information” or answers in both directions. Additionally, interviews usually take place face-to-face and in person.

In some, they separate geographically the parties, connecting by methods such as o.

Also, interviews almost always involve spoken conversation between two or more parties. Sometimes, a “conversation” can happen between two people who type their questions and answers.

Who is a Respiratory Therapist?

A respiratory therapist is a specialised  trained in critical care and cardio-pulmonary medicine in order to work therapeutically with people suffering from acute critical conditions, cardiac and pulmonary disease.

Also, respiratory therapists graduate from a college or university with a degree in respiratory therapy and have passed a national board certifying examination.

They are specialists and educators in many areas, including , , and sleep therapy.

Also, respiratory therapists are clinicians trained in advanced ; establishing and maintaining the airway during the management of trauma and intensive care.

Also, respiratory therapists start and manage  for people in intensive care units.

Additionally, they provide intensive care in emergency departments, stabilising, treating, and managing pre-hospital and hospital-to-hospital patient transport by air or ground ambulance.

Respiratory Therapy Interview Questions 2022 and Sample Answers

Below are some top respiratory therapy interview questions 2022 and sample answers:

1. Explain what is the role of respiratory care?


During an emergency, a respiratory therapist provides help and help to people who cannot breathe because of injury or illness. 

Also, the role of the respiratory therapist is to assume primary responsibility for all respiratory care.

Additionally, it includes oxygen therapy, breathing treatments, humidity aerosol therapy, mechanical ventilation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and a pulmonary drainage system.

2. Explain what is aerosol?


I knew a suspension of solid or liquid particles in gas as an aerosol. Example of aerosol includes dust particles, air pollutant, pollens, etc.

3. Explain why aerosol therapy is given?


They gave aerosol therapy to treat upper airway oedema, overcome heat and humidity deficit in patients with tracheal airways, and help to get sputum specimens

4. What are important parts of the upper airway of the human respiratory system?


Principal components of the upper airway of the human respiratory system are:



Also, Oropharynx


Additionally, Larynx

5. Explain what is Anticholinergic?


An anticholinergic agent is a chemical substance that blocks the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the peripheral and the central nervous system.

6. List out the consequences of inadequate humidification?


Inadequate humidification causes:

Inspissation of mucus

Also, Mucosa Inflammation

Bacterial infiltration, pneumonia, and atelectasis

Furthermore, Inspissation of mucus

7. Mention what are five mechanisms for adding humidity to a gas artificially?


To add water vapour to gas, these are the methods used:



Also, Wick

Membrane humidifier

Additionally, Heat and moisture exchanger

8. Explain why humidity therapy is necessary when supplemental oxygen is given to the patient?


Alone, supplemental oxygen can cause drying of the airways and reduce the cilia mobility, so in order to avoid this humidity, therapy is given.

9. Explain what is Bronchospasm?


We refer to the immediate contraction of the muscles in the walls of the bronchioles as bronchospasm.

Also, it is activated when there is a release of substances from mast cells or basophils. It causes problems in breathing, which can range from severe to mild. A classic example of bronchospasm is Asthma.

10. Explain Is The Role Of Respiratory Care?


During an emergency, a respiratory therapist provides help and help to people who cannot breathe because of injury or illness.

Also, the role of the respiratory therapist is to assume primary responsibility for all respiratory care.

Additionally, it includes oxygen therapy, breathing treatments, humidity aerosol therapy, mechanical ventilation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and a pulmonary drainage system.

However, note thatfor a Respiratory Therapist job belong to interviews with average difficulty. Thus, you won’t compete with many people for the job. And the hiring managers won’t typically ask you questions.

In most cases, you will get just a few (3-10) personal and behavioural questions. Prepare for them, make a good impression, and land the job.

Also, share this information with your family and friends. We wish you good luck!

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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