Tell Me About Yourself Sample Answers for Interview 2022 Update

– Tell Me About Yourself Sample Answers –

Job seekers always get nervous when asked to talk about themselves. The lack of ideas to answer such questions causes some of them to fail at interviews. Here are the best possible answers for the tell me about yourself interview questions.  

Tell me about yourself, is one common and confusing question that is asked during a job interview.

When hiring managers ask this question, they want candidates to share information about their aims and priorities. This will help them get a better idea of who a candidate is to teach students.

“Walk me through your resume,” is another example. Others are, “Tell me something about yourself that isn’t on your resume,” and “How would you describe yourself?” 

Table of Contents

Tell Me About Yourself, Why Employers Ask

“Tell me about yourself,” or questions like it, are typical at the beginning of interviews because they ease both you and the interviewer into the session.

It allows the interviewer to hear a brief version of your background. It also gives them insight into the experience and qualifications that are relevant to the position you applied for.

Employers know also that, despite being a common interview question, it still frightens or stumps candidates.

When you answer this question well, you set the tone for the interview as someone who is confident and focused on the job search requirements.

If you answer correctly, the interviewers will understand why you are the best candidate for this job in terms of both hard and soft talents.

It’s a significant chance to show off your ability to communicate clearly and successfully, connect with and respond to other people, and present yourself professionally.

You’ll hear these identical words a lot: “Tell me about yourself.” However, interviewers may have their own versions of the question that we ask the same questions, such as.

Please tell me a little more about yourself

I’ve got your resume in front of me, but tell me a bit more about yourself.

Please go over your resume with me.

I will be interested in learning more about your adventure.

 Tell Me About Yourself Sample Answers and Tips

Begin by outlining your current situation, emphasizing your current role and relevant responsibilities and accomplishments.

Start at the beginning and work your way through, hitting important milestones along the way.
Describe the previous experience and how it prepared you for the role, with a focus on the analysis of data collected.

Explain how your experience will help you succeed in the position. Also, mention how the role corresponds with your career ambitions by connecting your past, interests, and credentials back to the job.

How to Plan Your Interview Answers

Getting started on your response will be difficult even for standard interview questions.

Here are some things to ask yourself as you brainstorm ways to respond and structure your response to stay on track:

1. What Captivates Your Interest in This Position?

Consider why you’re interested in this position, how it fits into your bigger career ambitions, and why you believe it’s the ideal next step.

2. What Qualities do You Possess That Make You a Good Fit for This Position?

Consider what makes you unique as a candidate for this position. It might be your years of experience, or a highly sought-after specialization, training, or technical talent.

Examine the job description carefully and make a list of how you go above and beyond the minimum requirements.


3. What Attracted You to the Company or Industry in the First Place?

After researching the firm and the industry, you should have a greater understanding of the organization’s mission, goals, and industry trends.

Do these goals correspond to the ones you’ve established for yourself professionally? What about the company do you admire and respect?

What excites you about the industry’s future? As you construct your story, make connections between your professional ambitions, the company’s future vision that you believe are important.

4. Is There Anything About Your Background that Distinguishes You Above Other Candidates?

This is one of the most frequently asked interview questions. As a result, interviewers have heard this response many times.

Consider anything that will catch the interviewer’s interest.

When applying for a developer position, for example, mentioning something like “I’ve been developing computers since the age of eight” is likely to get an interviewer’s attention.

5. What Positive Qualities Do You Have That Will Help You Succeed in This Role?

First, have you been described as very organized by friends or coworkers, for example? Curious? Entrepreneurial? Generous?

Second, consider how you’ve always viewed yourself or how others have viewed you. Then consider current instances in your life when you showcased that trait.

Some Tell Me About Yourself Sample Answers

Never find it difficult to say a word when you are asked to talk about yourself in an interview. With the sample answers below, you now have something to build on.

1. Adjust Your Response to the Role and Company

“When an interviewer asks you to tell me about yourself, they really mean tell me about yourself as it relates to the job you’re seeking for and this organization.”

I believe they’re providing you a chance to explain why you have the qualifications concisely.

Take advantage of this chance! To do so, go over the job description, examine the firm, and figure out how to convey your experience.

Talk in a way that what you bring to the table aligns with the role and organization.

So, if you’re looking for a specific type of work, you might have a basic template that you use for every interview, but be sure to adjust it to meet the firm.

2. Maintain a Professional Attitude

Keeping in mind that this question has an unspoken addendum—”as it relates to this role and company”—it’s important to make your response professional.

While it may be customary in certain nations to provide personal information we do not recommend it in the United States.

Unless you know anything extremely particular about the organization that leads you to think differently, this isn’t the time to talk about your family and interests.

3. Inject Some Zeal Into Your Response

Maintaining a professional tone in your response shouldn’t prevent you from discussing why you’re passionate about your job or this firm, even if it goes into a little more personal ground.


4. Keep it Short and Sweet (and don’t recite your resume)

“Don’t waste this time repeating every detail of your professional life.” Most people respond as if they’re presenting a dissertation on their résumé, which will bore the interviewer.

For this or any other interview question, there is no scientifically proven acceptable duration.

Some trainers and recruiters would advise you to keep your speech to 30 seconds or fewer. While others will advise you to aim for a minute or two.

While you’re talking, make sure you’re also reading the room. If the other person appears bored or distracted, it’s probably time to end the conversation.

If they seem interested in one aspect of your response, it’s wise to expand on that subject further.

Remember, however, that you don’t have to tell your life story here. Consider it a bait that will stimulate the interviewer’s attention. Allow them to ask follow-up questions regarding whatever has caught their interest the most.

You’ll have to make sure you understand who you’re talking to before answering any interview question or having any conversation.

You will be asked to “tell me about yourself” at every level of the job interview process, but that doesn’t mean you have to provide the same answer each time.

If you’re dealing with a recruiter who isn’t familiar with the team’s relevant skills. You might keep your answer more general. Whereas, if you’re speaking with your prospective boss, you might go a little more technical.

If you’re talking to a C-level executive in the final round. It’s a good idea to mention why you’re interested in the company’s overall aim.

6. Maintain a Positive Attitude

Things become more comfortable as the interview progresses. Wait until you’re asked a specific question about why you’re looking for a new job or why you have a gap on your CV before responding.

And what about that piece of advice you’ve probably heard a million times about not criticizing your former employer? That is also true here.

Especially in this case. It’s a big turnoff if the first thing you tell an interviewer is how dreadful your boss is and how you’re trying to get away from their micromanaging clutches.

7. It’s All About the First Impression

They decide most hiring choices in the first minute, which includes your greeting, handshake, eye contact, and the first thing you say, which may be your answer to “tell me about yourself.”

Even if the powers that be aren’t making an irreversible decision right away, a first impression can affect the rest of the interview.

If you spend the rest of the time trying to make up for a poor first impression, you’re in a  worse situation than if you respond with a brief, confident, and relevant response straight away.

Be prepared for this question and show interviewers you are prepared. The self-assurance that comes over in this is a fantastic place to start.

Ways to Describe Yourself During an Interview

Sincerity and sounding natural go a long way toward showing what kind of candidate you are to your interviewer.

“How would you define yourself?” is a question that is asked in almost every interview. While this is something that should be expected and practiced.

Many job applicants ignore the significance of this question and cannot take the time to create the correct response.

When expressing ourselves, we should be honest and truthful in our responses, and even if some answers are provided below, always be sure to put them in your own words, since originality is important.

Here are some examples of how to define yourself for your next interview, especially if you’re applying for a sales or business development position:


1. Development and Growth

“I am someone who is constantly learning and improving, even when it is not a direct need of the job.” I’ve discovered that it’s often a combination of what you study and how it relates to work, both directly and indirectly.”

2. Focused on Achieving a Goal

“I am modest but hardworking, and I set firm goals for myself regularly.” Then, after I’ve identified the benchmarks, I take the steps necessary to meet those goals.”

3. Customer Focused

“I’m a consultative salesperson who is concerned about the needs of the customers.” I’m always asking questions to figure out ‘what’ the client really wants,’ and then I’m able to deliver on that.”

4. Source of Income

“I am confident in my ability to create, and while I prepare for the worst, I do everything I can to increase the chances of the best happening.”

5. Achieving Success

“I want to work for a successful firm with strong leadership and vision, as well as one that acknowledges and compensates outstanding employees.”

6. Self-Starter with a Positive Attitude

“I am an optimistic thinker who can complete challenging tasks.” I’m not the type of person who needs supervision. Instead, if I’m given a specific goal, I can work out the best solutions to handle the problem on my own.”

7. Pragmatic and Results-Oriented

“I have a strong desire to achieve results.” Rather than sweeping problems under the rug and hoping they go away, I am the type of person who confronts issues full-on.

While I am an optimist, I am also realistic about the existing situation and its level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction.”

8. Taking responsibility

“I take responsibility for my actions, and when things go wrong, I don’t point the finger at other forces; instead, I search for ways to better the next time.” Nothing is solved by pointing fingers.”

9. Determined

“I am someone who has an unshakable commitment to doing everything it takes to achieve the best long-term results, no matter how challenging it is.”

10. Leadership

“Rather of allowing a situation to dominate me, I am a person who can manage a situation.”

11. Self-Directed

“I am a person who is steadfast in my beliefs. I’m committed to do well in my job, have a brilliant career, and improve the competitiveness of the company where I work.”

12. A Standout Performer

“I want to be evaluated individually and rewarded for my efforts based on my ability to execute.”


More Tell Me About Yourself Sample Answers 

In this section, you will learn newer ways to answer tell me about yourself interview questions for professionals that want to further their careers.

1. Decide on The Best Place to Begin Your Story

When answering “tell me about yourself,” your goal is to summarize your professional history that highlights relevant experience.

Start from the beginning, like when you first started working in this field and work your way to the present. So the first thing you’ll need to pick is where you’ll start your story.

If you’re a recent graduate, begin by stating that you recently graduated and explain why you chose this professional route or subject of study.

For example, you could begin your response by saying:

“Two months ago, I received my bachelor’s degree in economics. I chose that topic of study because I’ve always been interested in finance and money, and several family members informed me it leads to a variety of professional opportunities.”

Or if you have 1 to 8 years of experience, begin with the day you graduated and guide them through your work history since then, you could say:

“I received my Industrial Engineering degree six years ago and went to work for a small design firm in Nevada right away.” Since that time, I’ve…”

2. Emphasize Noteworthy Accomplishments and Experiences

Explain major accomplishments, work you’ve done, skills you’ve learned, and key career moves you’ve made as you share your career experience.

Were you given a raise? That’s always a good indicator, and it’s worth noting.

Did you achieve something substantial for your previous workplace, such as fixing a major problem? That’s also something worth mentioning.

Have you learned new talents or conquered obstacles? Don’t be vague! Give specifics.

Random remarkable facts are insufficient. You should consider how this relates to the company you’re speaking with.

Before heading into an interview, you should always do some research on the company. Examine their job description to learn which abilities are most important to them.

What exactly does this job entail? Is there a lot of management? Talk about your leadership experiences (no matter how minor! ), how they went, and what you learned.

Is there a high level of technical skill required for the job? Discuss how you learned and progressed in that area at each stage of your career!

For “tell me about yourself,” you must “tailor” your response to their job description and needs. Try to focus on relevant experiences and qualifications for the position you’ve applied for.

3. Make Sure Your Response is Work-Related

Employers usually want to hear about you as a professional when they ask, “tell me about yourself,” in an interview. So, instead of sharing personal information, make your answer work-related and describe your career experience.

As the interview progresses, you can display more personality, but it’s unwise to provide too much personal information while answering the question, “tell me about yourself.”

It may cause your answer to become excessively long, or it may cause you to omit key professional information that the interviewer was seeking!

4. When Responding, be Brief

It’ll be tempting to provide a long-winded answer when they say “tell me about yourself.” It’s a really broad question.

And, while we’ve covered a lot before, there’s something more that’s just as vital. You must be succinct.

They’re paying great attention to your communication and ability to stay on course with your response.

The interviewer is looking for evidence that you can deliver your tale from beginning to conclusion without being diverted, distracted, or scattered.

Because it reveals how you’ll connect with them as an employee… when a problem arises, a disagreement arises, or you simply need to share your expertise or thoughts.

You’re shooting yourself in the foot if you take this answer longer than two minutes. In fact, a time of fewer than 90 seconds is excellent. Practice using a timer at home!

As a result, I recommend deciding on a beginning point based on your prior experience (Step 1)… Because if you have 25 years of experience and begin when you graduate from college, your response will be excessively long.

Special Tell Me About Yourself Sample Answers

Let’s look at some thorough answers to this interview question now that we’ve covered the important steps to answering “tell me about yourself.”

Example of an Experienced Candidate’s Response

“I graduated with a business degree in 2010, and a telecoms company where I interned offered me an account management position.

I enjoyed dealing with customers and managing and expanding my accounts, but the industry we were in was not one that I was really fond of.

After that, I stayed for an entire year and learned a lot about how to properly build and manage accounts, eventually rising to the top of my group before leaving.

I left after a year to pursue a very comparable role in a field that I’m much more interested in—healthcare. I’ve been with this company for two years in the healthcare business field, and I’m ready to push my career to the next level.

For experienced job seekers, the first example showed how to respond to “tell me about yourself” (at least a few years of experience).

Let’s look at an example for job seekers who are just starting out or who have no experience.

Example of an Inexperienced Candidate’s Response

“I received my Engineering degree two months ago. I chose that topic of study because math and physics have always fascinated me, and several family members advised me it leads to a variety of rewarding professional opportunities.

Speaking at a conference on energy-efficient window design, based on research I had done for one of my senior-level classes, was one of my major achievements throughout my academic career.

This led to an internship, which I just finished, and I’m now looking for a full-time job.”

 Tell Me About Yourself Sample Answers for You

At interview questions and answers, we present some fantastic fundamental ideas on how to handle this question. We take it a step further by giving you a variety of good sample interview answers to give at interviews.

1. Concentrate on the Interviewer’s Interests

I am passionate about acquiring new skills and have gained and completed some training courses. I’ve built a solid Skillset, including in-depth managerial abilities, and I’m excited to put them to use in a broader working environment”.

When answering the Tell me about yourself question, the first rule of thumb is to talk about what interests the interviewer. That includes concentrating on your experience and skills that will offer value to the job.

The importance of relevance in effectively addressing this interview question cannot be overstated. When preparing your response, think about the most critical job criteria. Keep it short and to the point.

2. Cite Some Examples of Your Achievements.

“I graduated from X College and have worked in sales for both XYZ Company and ABC Company for the past 6 years. At XYZ, I averaged X percent sales growth throughout the three years I was there.

I frequently met and exceeded hard sales targets while at ABC. My outstanding networking and relationship-building abilities have resulted in an X°/o increase in our consumer base.

I am very excited to take on the challenge of expanding your company’s territory.

Detailing your successes as evidence of your abilities when asked to “tell me about yourself”, will set you apart from the other applicants. The interviewer wants to hear a clear and short explanation of what you can achieve for the firm.

Providing evidence of your suitability for the work can immediately persuade the interviewer that you are a serious candidate for the position.

3. When You Don’t Have an Experience With The Job Opportunity

“My years in the hospitality industry have taught me a lot about interacting with clients, and I’ve developed strong customer service skills.”

My capacity to manage conflict and deal with problems has improved because of my problem-solving skills.

I am eager to put my enthusiasm for exceptional customer service to work for you in creating the finest possible experience for your retail clients,” says the candidate.

If you’re switching professions, your interview answer should emphasize the transferable abilities you can offer to the job.

Examine the position and determine which of your skills are applicable when asked “tell me about yourself”. Focus your response on the qualities that apply to the position.

4. Answers for Job Seekers at the Entry Level

“I’ve put in a lot of effort to become a well-versed marketer. I completed an internship in the marketing department at Barlow’s and have worked at XYZ Company during the holidays.

I intend to graduate from X with a GPA of X% and am ready to put what I’ve learned into practice meaningfully manner.”

When applying for an entry-level job, it’s critical to concentrate on your qualifications and work experience. What you aim to accomplish with your first employment should be included in your response.

Remember that you don’t have to go into great detail about your qualifications, college experience, or internships.

Interviewers will focus on the factors of your interview that they want to learn more about and will ask you questions to learn more.

Things You Should not Include in Tell Me About Yourself Sample Answers

With answering this question, hiring managers have compiled a list of the most typical blunders candidates make.

➛ In a long speech, recite what is on their resume.

 Discuss personal matters that are unrelated to the job opportunity.

➛ Use useless cliches like “I’m a people’s person” to define oneself.

Because of a lack of preparation, ramble on without focusing on the answer.

How do you respond to the question, “Why Should We Hire you?”

There is no single correct response to this complex question. However, there’s a formula for getting the right answer, just like tell me about yourself sample answers.

When an interviewer asks, “Why should I hire you?” they’re really asking, why are you the best candidate for this job? Employers want to know that you understand their needs and can meet them. ​

They have a feeling that you are qualified to handle the job. That is why you were invited for a face-to-face interview, they want to make sure you know what they do and that you fit in with their culture.

Here’s the thing: there are others who are just as qualified as you, if not more so. You must use your interview to persuade your employer that you are the best fit for the job.

If you are confused about tell me about yourself sample answers, then you should read and digest the tips below.

1. Demonstrate that you have the abilities and expertise to do the job well.

You never know what other applicants can bring to the table. But you know yourself: highlight your essential abilities and professional accomplishments that are critical to achieving exceptional results in the position you applied for.

2. Emphasize how you’ll fit in and contribute to the team.

Just like tell me about yourself sample answers, supply answers to the interviewer that you have the personal and professional qualities to be a valuable member of the team.

Departments and their workforce in larger companies vary substantially. Marketing professionals are not the same as IT experts. Describe how you will fit into the company’s culture and the department’s unique qualities to the interviewer.

3. Explain how hiring you will make their life easier and enable them to do more.

Determine what difficulties they’ve had in the past, what additional concerns or goals they’re facing today, and how your special abilities and experience may help.

Look into the company’s history and roadmap on its website and social media outlets. Look out for their media references and case studies on the internet.

Reread the job posting to which you applied. Use this information to help you come up with a response.

4. Demonstrate a passion for the tasks at hand, not simply expertise.

Your application shows that you’re willing to put in the effort. That they have invited you for an interview shows that they believe you’re capable.

Show them your passion besides your abilities and expertise to show that you will approach your responsibilities with a positive attitude.

But don’t go too far, a broad smile can never compensate for a lack of professional qualifications.

5. Always tell the truth.

Be truthful to yourself and your potential employer. If you lie, you won’t get very far. Recruiters frequently ask follow-up questions to ensure that what you’ve written on your resume is true.

Tell me about yourself interview question comes in many variations. It differs from interviewer to interviewer, below are other questions that are like tell me about yourself interview questions and sample answers.

1. Could you explain why your qualifications and experience make you a good fit for this position?

I can absolutely do so! Well, based on what I’ve seen of your company’s online roadmap plans. You require a project manager who can also handle other departmental responsibilities.

I couldn’t find a good way to put it on my CV, but during my internship at Highland tech, I spent a month on each of five different teams to have a better understanding of how the company works.

I’ve had supervisory experience and increased output by 32%, I’m well prepared to be the greatest project manager, while also understanding the roles of other departments.

This example response shows passion, quantitative accomplishments, corporate research, and foresight into the future.

2. Why are you the best candidate for this position?

When I read the job description, I noted you said that you were searching for someone with mid-to intermediate supervisory experience at your restaurant.

My resume has stated that I have five years of restaurant management experience, during which I boosted revenues by 47% while lowering costs.

However, my resume does not cover the different responsibilities in a restaurant with which I’ve been familiar.

I’ve learned every important aspect of running a busy restaurant from front-of-house jobs, where I started as a server, to back-of-house ones.

This experience, combined with my friendly attitude and strong work ethic, makes me a strong candidate for the job.

This example response shows the best candidacy, verifiable accomplishments, and super-importance.

3. What makes you the best candidate for this job?

Oh my goodness, where do I begin? I’ve always liked to travel and have been doing it since I was a child. Your airline would be my first option when I became an adult and began booking flights on my own.

Flying with Omega Airlines has always been a pleasure, I will be happy to be a part of the workforce.

I believe that my patience and multitasking abilities are unrivaled and that these qualities will make me the best flight attendant ever.

This example response shows enthusiasm, light flattery, interest in the company, and relevancy.

3. Could you kindly explain why you are the best candidate for this job?

This hiring process has been difficult, and I’m confident that the remaining prospects will give me a run for my money!

I am aware of your firm’s ambition to restructure its whole IT department.

My background and experience align with what you are looking for, as you can see from my resume and cover letter.

Would you like me to elaborate on what I was thinking?

This example response shows enthusiasm, company research, and open-ended response.

5. What qualifications do you have that make you a good fit for this position?

Although I am a recent university graduate, my coursework, major, and minor all align with the requirements of this position.

I have earned some relevant work experience during my former internship and through my voluntary work.

Finally, I’ve been crossing my fingers for this job in particular, because I couldn’t imagine working anywhere else!

Relevance, excitement, and flattery are all shown in this example.

6. Why should I hire you instead of someone else?

I’m a newcomer to this town, having moved from the city around four months ago. I’ve been coming to this store a lot, and I am impressed with the polite and helpful employees.

I am confident that if you gave me the chance, I would be an exceptional addition to your team. All of this, besides my relevant professional experience, is why you should hire me!

This example response shows flattery, excitement, and relevancy.

7. Why do you think you’d be a good fit for this job?

So, on my last interview, during the group session, I sat down with some of the crew, and we all got along smoothly.

They appear to be exactly my type of people: helpful, and knowledgeable, and I’d love to show that I will be a good fit for them.

Besides those qualities, I have several years of experience, as seen in my résumé and cover letter, I am proud of some of my accomplishments while there, including a 17 percent reduction in wait time.

I am confident that if you give me a chance, I will not disappoint you!

This sample response shows excitement, understanding of the company’s principles, and creativity.


1. How do I Respond When I am Asked to Talk About Myself?

Talk about your present role, the extent of it, and perhaps a significant recent achievement.

Tell the interviewer how you got there and/or any prior experience you have that applies to the job and company you’re looking for.

2. What Should I do at the End of My Self-introduction?

Keep your introduction short and sweet, and end it with a hint of what you want to happen next. You’d summarise what you’re going to talk about in a presentation.

Mention why you’re the greatest candidate for the position in an interview. They should include a call to action at the end of a self-introduction to a prospective client or colleague.

3. What Are Some Good Words to Use as an Introduction?

However, some words and phrases are also regarded as introductory on a sentence level. However, consider these examples: Therefore, Thereafter, Next, Finally, In conclusion, Ultimately, etc.

4. How do Present Yourself to Others Professionally?

Keep the following guidelines in mind to ensure that you constantly portray yourself professionally:
Make sure your appearance is in keeping with the company’s culture.

Make certain you’re well-groomed.

Accessorize tastefully.

Dress appropriately for the position you desire.

Monitor your workspace.

Behave professionally.

5. What is the Best Way to describe Myself?

“I am determined,” for example. I thrive on a challenge and establish objectives for myself regularly so that I have something to aim towards.

I’m not content with mediocrity, and I’m continuously looking for methods to improve and attain excellence. They promoted me three times in less than two years in my prior position.”

6. What are Some Examples of Effective Sentence Starters?

Some words are well-known for being excellent sentence beginnings. The following will be on the list: however, I would like to, first, in the meantime, therefore, later, while, I would like to in addition, furthermore.

In conclusion, interview sessions can be tense sometimes, if you are preparing for an interview and you don’t know what to say when asked to talk about yourself or other questions like that, this article will always come to your rescue.

If you find it helpful, please do well to share it with your friends, it will also help them a lot if they are preparing for an interview.

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