What do you Know About our Company? Best Interview Answers 2022

– What do you Know About our Company –

How would you answer when ask this question? What do you Know About our Company Best Interview Answers: By asking this question, the interviewer would try to assess your enthusiasm, motivational spirit, and your interest in the job role? You don’t need to exaggerate or overdo the compliments. 

The best way to answer, “what do you know about our company?” is to name specific facts you found while researching the company that demonstrates you understand their business and got to know their organization before applying.

You can name the facts you discovered on the company website, social media channels, news articles, and more.

The interviewer wants to know if you have done your research about their company or can describe the company well as an informed outsider and can translate what you know about the company into expressing interest.

The question is a reverse sell. It may be the setup question for the interviewer selling you on the company, with the question acting as the baseline for what additional information they may need to tell you about.

It is usually a good indicator that the interviewer is interested in you if they go into “sell” mode.


What do you Know About our Company? Best Interview Answers.

Don’t exaggerate or overdo the compliments. Demonstrate that you have done enough research to know that you are truly interested in working for the organisation, but avoid like a stalker — e.g., don’t track down where people live or mention what cars they drive (even if you are a big fan of that location or car).

1. I know you’re one of the biggest providers of payroll software, and you were founded in 2012 when your CEO realised many small businesses spend far more than they should on payroll, which hurts their growth.

The story on your websites “about us” page was interesting. Also, it seems like there’s a big need for this product based on how quickly you’ve grown. I read you doubled in size last year, and you are on track to do it again this year.”

2. I know that your company is one of the largest investment banks in the US. Your headquarters are in Raleigh, NC, and you have 25,000 employees worldwide based on what I read on your website.

I’ve known about your company for a couple of years now because I’ve been working in this same industry. Your company is one of the names I think of in this industry. Therefore, I was excited to apply for this job when I saw it posted on your website.

3. Goldman Sachs is the leading investment bank and provides a wide variety of financial services to corporations, financial institutions, governments, and individuals.

Your Institutional Client Services group, where this position is based, works in equity, fixed income, currency, and commodity markets.

My experience in fixed income is well aligned with this role in your fixed-income group. Which is what generated my interest in speaking with your firm

4. This accounting firm was started in 1990 by Jane. Whatever, and Robert Example to provide auditing and corporate reporting services as well as Sarbanes-Oxley and other regulatory compliance and reporting.

Your firm now has over 300 employees as well as an excellent reputation.

I read a recent article about the results of your research into effectively reporting accurate data via a mobile app.

This research is very interesting to me because I know how important collecting and accurately reporting such data is to helping management be most effective.

5. Your company is the leading player in terms of market share and ROI in this market segment in Chicago. What is more, your numbers are getting only better each year.

You must be employing only professionals in your company. And that is also one of the reasons why you should have me onboard.

6. I have read a lot about your company. The open space offices, a lounge for the employees, and team-building activities you organise sound really interesting.

It seems like a great place to work and grow professionally. At least I would say that according to the information I have found about your company.

7. I really respect your company’s commitment to be constantly developing. Therefore, I think that growth and innovation are key in any industry but especially in technology, and this organisation is constantly pushing past the preconceived limitations.

In this past year alone you have taken quite a few risks as you are entering different markets, all of which have paid off. Also, as an engineer, I strive to approach problems in new and creative ways, which is why I think I would be an asset to this team.

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