It’s Better Late Than Never Quotes

Sometimes, being late is a good thing and it’s better than not showing up at all, it gives us a chance to see things from another perspective. Sometimes we need time to recognize what’s important in life and what can wait for tomorrow.

When it comes to business and life in general, there are many situations wherein you will feel that your time is limited and you cannot pull things forward. Well, never mind that feeling life is short and we should not mistake ourselves for being immortal. We only get one shot at this life, so make the most of it while you still can!

These it’s better late than never quotes here is a list of motivating quotes that can help you finish things sooner instead of procrastinating. Perhaps, those things will change your life forever but if you don’t try them, you will never know. These inspiring quotes will motivate you to do what you have to do even though it’s late.

There are plenty of things we could have done, and plenty of places we could have been. But since they were never done or seen, they are lost to us forever, but we can recover them if we do it now. It is always better than not doing it at all.

1. Work hard. Take risks. Do it all now; don’t wait for the perfect moment. It’s better late than never.

2. You can’t always plan things, but you can always plan for tomorrow. It’s better late than never.

3. It’s better late than never, but if you don’t do it now, then you won’t do it at all.

4. It’s better late than never, it will do you good to make up for a lost time.

5. Better late than never. An effort is what it takes to make a difference in someone else’s life.

6. There’s always time to do things, but there’s never any time to be late.

7. It’s better late than never. And it’s better late than sorry. So get out there and do something great!

8. It’s better late than never. Just do it now.

9. It’s better late than never. We can always learn from our mistakes and move forward.

10. Don’t wait until tomorrow to do what you can do today. Don’t wait for the perfect opportunity, act now and make the best of it. It’s better late than never.

11. It’s better late than never. It’s better to do things than not to do them.

12. Don’t wait for things to happen. It’s better to take action now than never.

13. The older you get, the more you realize that it’s better late than never.

14. It’s better late than not doing it. It’s better late than never.

15. It’s better late than never to get things done. So just do it!

16. It’s better late than never. It’s better to do something late in life than to not do anything at all.

17. It’s better late than never to make sure that you are doing everything that you can for yourself. Life is meant to be lived. Go out there, meet new people and make the most of it.

18. It’s never too late to start. Don’t let procrastination get the best of you. Apply now and get a head start on your new beginnings.

19. No matter how much time has passed, you have a chance to do it all over again. Don’t let today’s busy schedule keep you from doing something great.

20. It’s better late than never to fall in love with your imperfections.

21. Life is better late than never. Come on, you can make it happen!

22. It’s better late than never. You’re going to make it, just keep pushing it.

23. It’s better late than never to get started on the right path.

24. It’s better late than never to make your dreams come true. Start today and on the day of your big day, you’ll remember how you were able to achieve it thanks to Goodtimes.

25. There will never be a perfect time to start something. It’s better you start late than never try at all.

26. You’ve got to believe in yourself and not be afraid to take action. It’s better late than never.

27. Believe that every moment is a gift and it’s better late than never to start believing in it.

28. Life is full of things you don’t get to do. But if there is one thing that we can promise, it’s that when the right time presents itself, it will be better late than never.

29. Life is too short, so make the most of every moment. Life’s better late than never.

30. Sometimes, it’s better to take your time and make the right decision than to rush into it. It’s better late than never.

31. Being late doesn’t mean you’re a failure, it means you simply didn’t work hard enough to get it done in time. It’s better late than never.

32. It’s better late than never, but if you do it now, you’ll be able to enjoy the fruits of your effort much more than if you waited until tomorrow.

33. No matter how late, always make sure you do what matters. Never mind the time it takes, just do what is right.

34. It’s better late than never, but not too late. It’s better late than never, but not too late.

35. Don’t wait until tomorrow to do what you want, start today.

36. You don’t always have time to do what you have planned, but if you wait until it’s perfect, you’ll never try.

37. If you don’t do it now, you’ll never get a chance to do it. And if you wait until tomorrow, the day after tomorrow will have passed and then the day after that and the day after that.

38. Don’t wait until it’s too late — start today. Don’t be sorry later — right now it’s time to make something great happen!

39. Life is short. Do something great that makes a difference. The world is waiting for you!

40. Make the most of your time, and you’ll make the most of your life. Don’t wait to do something incredible—you’ll be missed if you do.

41. You never know what’s around the corner. It’s better late than never to take action and live your best life.

42. We are always late, we just make up for it by doing things at the last minute.

43. If you don’t do it, you’ll regret it. But if you do it, there will be no regrets.

44. You don’t have to have it all together to make your dreams come true. You just have to start somewhere.

45. If you wait until everything is just right, you’ll wait all your life.

46. Just because it’s late, doesn’t mean we have to delay.

47. When you try, the reward is always worth it. Don’t let your fears stand in the way of greatness.

48. Work on your goals and achievements when you have time, rather than when the pressure is highest.

49. You may not have time to get everything done in your lifetime, but you will regret not trying.

50. Sometimes it’s better late than never. Sometimes things can wait, and sometimes you have to learn from your mistakes, but not all mistakes are the same in their consequences.

51. Life is short, live it. Don’t wait for tomorrow. Start today.

52. I’m sorry that I’ve been so late with this, but it’s better late than never.

53. Whatever you put off until tomorrow will be there tomorrow, and then some. The only thing that ever changes is that we have to make it happen today. So get started!

54. Time is better spent doing something when you are young than doing nothing when you are old.

55. You know it’s too late to do something when you’ve waited so long that you forget what you were going to do in the first place.

56. If you don’t take the opportunity while it’s still there, you may not have another chance.

57. Sometimes you don’t have to rush, there is no time limit. As long as you take action and make a positive change, eventually, it will happen.

58. If you wait until the last minute, it’s too late. If you don’t start something now, it will never get done.

59. You only live once, but if you do something worthwhile in this life, you lived twice.

60. Life is short. You never know when your last day on earth will come around. It’s better late than never!

61. Time is the most valuable thing you have. Don’t wait another day to do something worth your time.

62. It’s better late than never. You can never do something today if you’re not willing to do it now.

63. If you’re waiting for tomorrow to do something that can be done today, you’ll never get it done.

64. If you ever want to reach your goals, you can’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

65. No time like the present. If you have something to do, commit yourself to it. There will never be a better time than now to get started.

66. Don’t let things get in the way of what’s important. Don’t be late to life.

67. It’s never too late to be who you want to be. Ignite the passion in your life, treat people with respect and kindness, and don’t take things for granted.

68. Working on something late in the night? Keep your New Year’s resolution. You’ll sleep better and feel a lot better tomorrow morning if you do it now rather than waiting another day!

69. You only live once, so you might as well do what makes you happiest. You’ll never get a second chance to make a first impression. So don’t miss your chance to be amazing—do it now!

70. Don’t wait to make the move you’ve been meaning to make.

71. Always do what you have to do. When you have to, do it now. Do not delay.

72. Don’t put off what you can do today because of what you don’t have, who you can’t see or the distance that lies between you and your goal.

73. Even the best things in life don’t come because you were supposed to do them, but because you went for it.

74. It’s never too late to do the right thing and make someone happy.

75. It’s better late than never, but it may not turn out as what you hoped for. Never mind if it’s late, just do it! It’s not that late.

76. It’s never too late to make a difference, to create something beautiful and meaningful.

77. Life is too short to wait for something. You can never know what might slip away if you wait.

It’s better to be late than never, but it’s always better to do something that makes you happy instead of just going with the flow. People will appreciate you for showing up, but they’ll remember you for being there early.

78. Work hard, be happy and you’ll never have to worry about being late. It’s better to be late than never.

79. It’s better to be 10 minutes late than to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

80. Don’t procrastinate. It’s better to be late than never.

81. It’s better to be late than never, but always plan ahead.

82. When it comes to building your business, it’s always better to be early than late. Just remember plan ahead.

83. With so much to see and do, let us help you plan your perfect schedule.

84. Never pass on a chance to throw a good party. The same applies to making your big move.

85. The older we get, the more we realize that it’s better to be late than never.

86. There’s nothing worse than getting to a destination and then finding out it’s closed, so doing something early rather than later can save you a headache.

87. Let’s face it: we all come to the realization that procrastination is worse than never starting at all.

88. Some people like to make a statement by arriving early. But most people prefer to be fashionably late.

89. Procrastination is a luxury only the rich can afford. You can’t afford not to do something today.

90. Procrastination is a luxury of the rich, and you can’t afford to be rich today. Better start working now.

91. You can’t afford to waste a single second make today the day you stop procrastinating and start being successful!

92. Procrastinate no more, today you have things to accomplish. Use this opportunity to apply the skills required to accomplish your tasks.

93. Now is your opportunity to do something different and something better.

94. Never think you cannot make progress, because you never know what future opportunities may lie ahead. The only way to know your life in the past is not to have done the things you wanted to do.

95. You don’t have to be perfect to be amazing. Just do the best you can every day, and with time things will get better.

96. It’s better to be late than never. If you’re not willing to put in the hard work, you’ll never achieve your goals. Time is a valuable thing—don’t waste it!

97. It’s better to be late than never. If you wait until everything is perfect, you’ll end up not beginning at all.

98. If you’re going to be late for an appointment, don’t wait until the last minute. Make sure it’s something that can be fixed or postponed. It’s better to be on time than early, but better to be on time than never.

99. While the clock is ticking and you’re rushing, it’s better to be late than never.

100. There’s never a good time to start something new. But nothing is ever perfect and you’ll have to deal with a lot of bumps along the way. Just remember, it’s better to be late than never!

There is no lateness in life and even age does not matter, it is only how you manage your time. I hope these It’s better late than never quotes were just what you wanted.

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