It’s Not the Days That Count but the Moments Quotes

Life is just a series of moments that counts up as days. Our lives are made up of moments and if you want to achieve the most from your journey on this earth then it’s the moments that count!

Do you think it’s the days of your life that count, or the moments? Well, every life is made up of moments, some you cherish and others you cast off. But the truth is life is composed of these moments; each moment is a choice for greater things.

Besides, whether you meditate or not, everyone needs a reminder to be mindful of the present moment. The reward is improved happiness and quality of life. There’s certainly momentum behind mindfulness practices today.

So here are some beautiful it’s not the days that count but the moments quotes below that can inspire you to make every moment of your life rich and learn to move on from the not so memorable ones.

The fact is that every day takes you one step closer to the end of the road. However, make sure you can say, “I lived life fully and to the fullest,” just by making every moment of each day count.

1. Think your days are important? Think again. It’s not the days of our lives that count, but the moments.

2. It’s the moments that count most, not the days. Start spending time in nature and with people you love.

3. Life is not counted by the amount of breath we take but by the moments that take our breath away, so it’s not the days that count, it’s the moments.

4. Days go by, but moments stick to you like a magnet. So, it’s not about the days, it’s about the moments.

5. Life is made up of moments, and we all live within them every day. We absorb them and we savour every last one of them.

6. Life is just a series of moments when you make bad decisions and a few good ones. So, it can’t be the days that count, it’s the moments spent with family, friends, and loved ones.

7. The best times in life aren’t measured in days or hours but in moments.

8. It’s not the details but the experiences that you’ll remember.

9. What you do in each moment is what matters. Don’t let the days pass without doing something that means a lot to you.

10. The moments in life that matter most are the special ones we share with loved ones.

11. It’s not the days that count; it’s the moment spent thinking of you and with you.

12. Don’t count the days. Make the days count. It is not about how long we live; it is about how much we are willing to accomplish in a particular moment.

13. Enjoy the little things. It’s the moments that count. Each moment is a choice for greater things.

14. Time spent with those you love is worth its weight in gold. It’s not the days that count; it’s the moment.

15. Make your moments unforgettable. Life is full of ups and downs. The days may be long, but the years pass quickly. You only get one life to live — make it a good one.

16. Create lasting memories by making moments count. Lives are made up of moments and if you want to achieve the most from your journey on this earth then it’s the moments that count!

17. Life is filled with moments. It’s up to you to make them count.

18. It’s the little things that matter. It’s time to take control and make the most of life.

19. It’s much easier to enjoy life when you’re with the people who matter most. It’s not the days that count; it’s the moment.

20. Let’s make it a great year. It’s not the days that count; it’s the moment.

21. What are you waiting for? Take your bike and spend a day somewhere with your friends! It’s not the day that counts, but it’s the moments that count.

22. At the end of the day, it’s not the days that matter but the moments.

23. Life is a collection of choices, some meagre and some profound, but all choices. Live your moments, breathe them in and embrace those special nightcaps. Live the everyday.

24. While you can’t stop the clock from ticking, don’t waste the moments. Make them count and fill your day with life.

25. At the end of the day, it’s not what you do with your life that matters. It’s how you spend your moments.

26. Make every moment count by doing the things you love to do the most. The day is still all yours, but the moments are what count.

27. Life is not counted by the amount of breath we take but by the moments that take our breath away.

28. Quality beats quantity. You don’t just need time on this planet; you need to make the most of it.

29. Life is about doing what we love with the ones that we love. It’s about creating memories that will last a lifetime.

30. Live for the moments where you feel invincible, and surround yourself with people who do the same.

31. Make your life about amazing experiences and the people who love you. Focus on what matters.

32. Making moments count is as simple as being there when it counts.

33. Whether it’s a simple hug, a glimpse of a smile, or even just a quiet moment together, make the moments count.

34. When you’re there when it counts, you know that every moment matters, and you’ll do whatever it takes to make moments count.

35. It’s all about being there to support our loved ones. Make the moments count by doing so.

36. Moments count. The more you get up, get out and give, the more you’ll bond with your family and find real meaning in life.

37. If you want to keep the people who matter close, make sure you’re there for all of life’s moments, big and small. After all, it’s not the days that count but the moments.

38. Find a way to be present in every moment, whether it’s just hearing the room or experiencing the time you have. You’ll find that you have a love for the good times and life itself.

39. Excitement is everywhere. Take the time to appreciate it, and it’ll come back to you ten-fold.

40. Start living the life you’ve always wanted. The world is waiting for you. Make an impact today and become a more powerful, passionate, and purposeful human being. It’s not the days that count but the moments.

41. Life’s too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. It’s not the days that count but the moments.

42. Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away. It’s not the days that count.

43. If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.

44. It’s the moments that count, not the number of days.

45. Throughout life, you will go through difficult times. The key is to remember that it’s the moments that count, not the days.

46. We believe in the potential of moments to make an impact. Don’t waste a second.

47. Don’t spend your best times wishing you had more. Immerse yourself in the present, and make the most of every second.

48. The clock is ticking; we’re running out of time. Let’s make the most of every moment. It’s not the days that count but the moment.

49. Moments are like shooting stars; they’re rare, precious, and can spark enormous change. Don’t rush life; it only takes one moment to change everything.

50. What matters most is living the life you’ve always dreamed of. It’s not about getting by or going through the motions of mundane existence; it’s about making every moment count.

51. Don’t wait for your big moments. Make every moment of your life a big one.

52. You only get one life. Master your life’s passions, cherish unforgettable moments and live your own original story.

53. Your future is unknown, but one certain thing is that it will be filled with special memories if you make each moment count.

54. You aren’t living until you wake up every morning excited to live. Every day has the potential to be extraordinary if you make the moments count.

55. It’s not the days that count. It’s not the hours. It’s not the minutes. It’s not even the seconds. It is only the moments that count.

56. It’s not what we have in our life, but who we have in our life that makes each moment counts.

57. Every moment is a fresh beginning. Make it count. Life is not about quantity; it’s about quality. It’s not about how long you live but how well.

58. Don’t count the days. Make each moment of the day count.

59. You only live once, but if you make every moment count, once is enough.

60. When it comes to making the most of life, each moment is precious. Make them count, because your future self with thank you.

61. The moments shape us. They make us who we are. We want you to take control of the moments you have and make them count.

62. Life is short. Make sure you’re living every second as it matters.

63. You only get one chance to live each moment. Make every second count.

64. Life is about the little things, so make each moment count.

65. The smallest of things can make a difference. Every moment counts. Make the right choices, take that leap of faith, and turn your dreams into reality.

66. A moment can change your life, so be present and make the most of every opportunity that comes your way. Don’t waste a second!

67. If you want to lead an amazing life, you need to do amazing things. Make each moment count for something incredible.

68. Make the most of now and take advantage of every opportunity to create your special moments. It’s not the days that count but the moments.

69. It’s those little moments that make life worth living.

70. Happiness is a state of mind. Enjoy the little things – they’ll make each moment count.

71. Think about all that you’ve already achieved. You’ve gotten this far, and no one can take that away from you. Just remember, it’s not the days that count, but the moments.

72. A single day is made up of several moments. It’s easy to count the days, but it’s important to focus on the moments that make up your life.

73. Most people look to find meaning in their lives. It’s why they go on a big trip or decide to pursue a passion. It’s simple. We just look for something that makes each moment count.

74. Think about the things that truly bring you joy. These are the things that make every moment matter.

75. You won’t remember the days, but you will remember the moments. Choose your moments carefully.

76. Don’t measure your life by the number of seconds that tick by each day. Rather, measure it by the number of moments that take your breath away.

77. Enjoy every day. You have so much potential! Keep going! Remember to have fun along the way and enjoy the moments as they happen. Remember, it’s not the days that count but the moments.

78. When you believe in your talent and push yourself to achieve your dreams, every moment will become a moment that counts.

79. It’s important to remember that every second you spend doing what you love will make your life happy and rich. It’s not the days that count but the moment.

80. Don’t start your day by thinking of the things you didn’t get done yesterday. Remember, it’s not the days that count; it’s the moments. Have a great day!

81. It’s not the days that count; it’s the moments. Live in these moments because they are the only thing you have.

82. Today is your day. It’s not the days that count; it’s the moments. Set your intentions, go after them, and create something awesome.

83. Try to make the most of each day. You can’t live an extraordinary life if you’re unwilling to risk it all and go after your dreams. It’s the moments that count.

84. You have one life. The time to follow your dreams is now. Do it for you. Do it for your friends and family. What are you waiting for? Get out there and make every moment count.

85. Each day is a step closer to your dreams. Take the world head-on, and make it yours. This is your life – so make every moment count.

86. It’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. Make every moment count.

87. When you look back at the end of your life, you’ll realize that it’s not the number of days but the moments you experience that make your life worthwhile.

88. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been living. What matters is what you’re doing now. Your past does not define you. Your present does. So get up and make every moment count.

89. Find your inspiration. Ignite your passion. Unleash your potential and make every moment count.

90. The smartest way to know you’re there when it counts is to make moments count.

91. It starts with a hug and ends with making moments count. A simple gesture means a lot in today’s fast-paced world.

92. Be There – It’s those spontaneous moments that make you feel truly alive. Live life to the fullest and make every moment count.

93. You have a choice. Live your life to the fullest and make every moment count. Cause it’s not the days that count but the moments.

94. Time together doesn’t just make life better for those you love; it makes the moment count for you.

95. Don’t waste time worrying about the future. Live in the now because it’s not the days that count but the moments.

96. Every day has a few hours, every hour has a few minutes, and every minute has a few seconds. It’s those seconds that do the counting! Make them count by embracing the moment at hand and doing whatever you can to fulfil your dreams of happiness.

97. Life is full of great moments. Resilience helps you see them. So it’s not the days that count but the moments.

98. Every moment is an opportunity to make your dreams come true. Even on the most difficult days, you can find the strength to conquer any challenge.

99. I think the best way to have a great day is to start with a smile, focus on the good things in our lives, and know that when things aren’t right, you can still succeed by turning everything around. It’s not the days that count but the moments.

100. You don’t know how many days you have left. But you can make every moment count.

I hope you loved these it’s not the days that count but the moments quotes. Now, you can tell me how many of these quotes inspired you to be mindful of your time in the comment section below. Share them with friends and family, and pass them on to your favourite social media network. Thank you.

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