Jack Keating Fund Scholarship 2022 Application Update

Jack Keating Fund Scholarship is now open for applications from suitably qualified students. It is a fully funded scholarship for all students sponsored by the University of Melbourne.

About the Scholarship

The University of Melbourne (informally Melbourne University) is an Australian public research university located in Melbourne, Victoria. Founded in 1853, it is Australia’s second oldest university and the oldest in Victoria.

The Melbourne Graduate School of Education and the Jack Keating Fund Scholarship Committee are delighted to offer financial assistance to enable the creation of a policy paper.

This paper would support policy research in Australia in the field of education where the research is likely to impact on greater equality of opportunity and educational outcomes and the advancement of social justice.

Benefits of Jack Keating Fund Scholarship

The recipient would receive up to $20,000 to create a 15-20 page policy paper (desktop research, no ethics required) over a six month period, with the possibility of a three-month extension if required.

70% paid to the recipient up front with the remainder paid at the completion of the paper.


Requirements for Jack Keating Fund Scholarship

Be a staff or student at the University of Melbourne, OR

Be a person or organisation external to the University.

Selection Process

The paper must be completed by 15 December 2022 at the latest.

The University reserves the right to review the paper prior to publication.

The University will house the published paper on the University website, but the recipient of the funding will retain intellectual property.

Award recipients are encouraged to publish the paper elsewhere but are expected to inform the University of such publications.

The recipient must clearly acknowledge that the paper has been funded by The Jack Keating Fund.

The University would have the right to withdraw association with the paper if required.


Application Deadline

October 31, 2022.

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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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