JAMB CAPS 2021 Details About the Central Admission Processing System

JAMB CAPS 2021 Central Admission Processing System: This page will guide you on all the questions and every detailed information about JAMB CAPS 2021. Stay focus and continue reading through.


JAMB introduced a new admission method which began in the year 2017. The process is called Jamb Central Admission Processing System (CAPS).

It is through JAMB CAPS you can check and accept JAMB 2021 admission. Now, you may be wondering, how do I accept admission using JAMB CAPS? Your answer is right in this article.

CAPS is the Step-by-Step process-flow of the for the education and information of the general public and the stakeholders, particularly the Candidates.


  • Addresses Current Challenges
  • Delivers Benefits of Automation
  • Offers Significant Innovations

Current Challenges of CAPS

  • Undermines Autonomy of Institutions
  • Manual Process Prone to Errors
  • Laborious and Inefficient
  • Multiple Admissions for Candidates
  • Constrains Admissions Opportunities
  • Lack of Timely Information for Decision Making
  • Insufficiency of Easily Retrievable Data for Research & Planning

Advantages and Innovations of JAMB CAPS

  • Restores Autonomy of Institutions
  • Protects Academic Calendar
  • Refocuses JAMB’s founding Ideals as Clearing House
  • Expands Admission Opportunities for Candidates
  • Provides Credible and Easily Retrievable Data for Researching & Planning on Education Sector
  • Access to Data for Research Purposes ~ See Jamb Brochure
  • Enhances Inclusiveness, Equity, Transparency & Accountability in the Admission Process

More Benefits

  • Efficient Use of Time and Resources
  • Automation Minimises Human Errors
  • Eliminates Multiple Admissions
  • Significantly reduces Attrition Rate
  • Enforces Respect for Internal Rules & Discourages Arbitrariness
  • Provides for Instant Admission
  • Makes Candidates the Central Focus

Some Innovations to the Bargain

  • O/L Results Upload, Requirement for Admission Consideration
  • Interface with NECO & WAEC for automated Results Verification
  • Candidates’ Confirmation of Admission Offer
  • “Market Place” to Source Candidates
  • Automatic Enforcement of Admission Timelines.

JAMB Admission Process

Below are JAMB admission process for the past years…

  1. Policy Meeting
  2. User Profiles Creation on the System
  3. Admission Parameters Setting on the System
  4. Candidates Download by Institutions
  5. Internal Processing by Institutions / Including Post UTME Screening
  6. Upload of Post UTME Screening Results
  7. Further Processing by Institutions ~ jamb news 2020
  8. Systems Creating Suggested Admission List Based on the Institution’s Admission Criteria
  9. Admission Officer Preparing Proposed List for Head of Institution’s Review and Approval
  10. Institution Forwards Recommended List to JAMB Desk Officer
  11. Desk Officer Processes Recommended List and Generate List of Provisional Admissions
  12. JAMB Contacts Candidates to Accept or Decline Admission
  13. If Candidate Accepts, Admission is concluded for Candidate
  14. If Candidate Declines, s(he) is returned to Market Place for Possible Consideration by Other Institutions

Actors, Roles &  Responsibilities

  • JAMB Conducts UTME and Makes Results Available to Institutions
  • Institutions Set Admission Criteria on the System
  • Admission Officer Downloads Candidates, Coordinates Internal Admission Process and Uploads Aggregate Results
  • Head of Institution Approves and Forwards Recommended List to JAMB
  • JAMB Approves List of Provisional Admissions and Contacts Candidates
  • Candidate Accepts or Declines Admission

Challenges, Risks And Mitigants

1. Security

  • Secure Technology
  • Strong User Authentication
  • Confidential & Individual Log-in Profile
  • Comprehensive Audit Trail of ALL activities

2. Fit-for-Purpose

  • Inputs from & Collaboration with Stakeholders (Admission Officers, Desk Officers & IT CAPS Team)
  • Agile Development Approach
  • Dual Mode (2017 / 2018) Session

3. Knowledge / Capacity Gaps

  • Capacity Building
  • Comprehensive User Guide (Printed and Online)
  • Intuitive User Interface / Ease of Use
  • Parameters Setting to guide operations
  • Help Desk / Ticketing System for Support
  • Information & Awareness for ALL Stakeholders ~ Jamb 2019 Syllabus

4. Technology Challenge

  • Simple but yet Cost Effective & Secure Technology
  • Offline Processing Capability by Institutions
  • Ease of Installing Updates & Upgrades

Critical Success Factors

  • Ownership of The System by Stakeholders
  • Capacity Building in Institutions
  • Adherence to Admission Workflow Timelines
  • Sustainability (JAMB’s own Product)
  • Feedbacks and Continuous Improvement

Next Steps

  • Practical Training –  Jamb CBT Online Practice
  • System Settings: Carrying Capacity, Cut‐Off Marks, etc
  • Download of Candidates
  • Capacity Building in Institutions
  • Dual Processing
  • Feedbacks & Suggestions
  • Continuous Improvement

JAMB CAPS Market Place Operations

The Market Place feature in CAPS provides flexibility for the Institutions to source for candidates who may not have earlier chosen the institution for Admission consideration.

Institutions may specify various selection parameters such as UTME score, State/ Local Government, Gender, preferred programmes /course of the Candidates.

The List of Candidates so selected from the Market Place are then pushed to JAMB who then notify the Candidates of Market Place consideration by Institutions. Candidate may Accept / Reject Market Place consideration, subject to a maximum of three (3) Market Place considerations at a time.

The Candidates could also approach the Market Place to announce availability for Admission consid
eration from any institution or for any programme different from those earlier indicated during the UTME Registration, provided s/he has requisite O’ Level Results and wrote the required subject combination in the UTME.

Any agreement or understanding on Admission consideration between the Institution and candidate based on Market Place operations will have to be affected with a requirement for the Candidate to effect a Change of Institution on the JAMB Portal to be available for Download (Step 6 above) by the new Institution to follow the subsequent steps in the Admission Process.


The existing window for candidates to change Institution or Programme in addition to the Market Place is still available through the e-Facility. Institutions can download (Step 6 of the Admission Process) a list of additional candidates who have changed to the institutions since the last download Admissions of candidates can be processed instantly or in batches by Institutions.


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